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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

World View vs. God's View

Oh, grant us help against the foe, for vain is the salvation of man!

Psalm 108:12

Have you ever found yourself in the proverbial “hot seat?” Peppered with questions about your faith, searching for solid answers, maybe even sweating it a bit because you cannot fully explain every aspect of God and His plan for the salvation of humankind? If you have, you are not alone. But don’t confuse having a basis for your faith with having to have all the answers! The secular world is concerned with being able to scientifically prove a point, and there is nothing wrong with good research! But the world’s wisdom does not bring spiritual understanding.

Human knowledge points to the achievements of humanity. Those demanding to understand God completely before they will believe are usually insisting God be made into their own image rather than the other way around.

God’s Word reveals His character and humanity’s need for a Savior. The fact that you cannot completely explain God only speaks to His place of awe and wonder, deserving of your worship! Twisting your faith into mere human knowledge removes the most beautiful aspect of your relationship with God: your faith!

Jesus Christ was graciously presented on Earth as a living picture of God. Anyone willing to gaze upon that portrait will know enough about God’s love to believe in His mercy. But His enemies do not want anyone to know Him, so they distract with tricky questions instead. You can be confident today through faith in God and the knowledge of His presence in your life. Humbly point to Christ and His work in your life as your reason to believe God is good. Pray that many in America will trust God’s love by getting to know His Son, Jesus Christ.

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