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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

When Jesus Sends You Out on a Limb

Scripture – Luke 9:14-15 (NRSV)

For there were about five thousand men. And he said to his disciples, “Make them sit down in groups of about fifty each.” They did so and made them all sit down.

Sometimes Jesus asks us to do things that are risky, things that won’t be accomplished apart from supernatural help. In such times we might hold back, not wanting to look foolish. Or we can go out on a limb, stepping out in bold faith. Is Jesus asking you to do something today that requires his help? If so, are you willing to do it?

Jesus had been teaching a large crowd of several thousand people. When evening came, the disciples urged Jesus to send them away so they could get dinner. Jesus responded by telling the disciples to feed them. But they told Jesus they didn’t have nearly enough food. In fact, they had just about exactly two “take out” dinners (or “to go,” “take away,” or “carry out,” depending on where you live).

What did Jesus do with this information? Well, for one thing, he did not explain to his disciples what he was planning. Rather, he told them to get the people to sit down in groups of fifty as if they were about to be fed.

Now, if you’re familiar with this story and how it ends you might miss the tension of this scene. Put yourselves into the story for a moment. You’re a disciple of Jesus. You’re also a sensible person and you know that you can’t serve thousands with two fish and five loaves of bread. Yet Jesus seems to believe there will be plenty of food. Moreover, he wants you to act as if this is true. He wants you to go out on a limb by acting as if food is coming. He expects you to put your reputation on the line.

One thing you know for sure. This is going to turn out badly unless Jesus does something amazing. There is no other happy ending to this story. You have seen Jesus do miracles before. Yet it’s one thing to have seen them in the past and still another thing to trust him for the next one, a big one at that. So you have a choice. You can be safe and pass on the “seating people for dinner” activity. Or you can go out on that limb, trusting Jesus for a miracle.

What would you do?

I’ll be honest with you. I’m not sure what I would do. I would surely be of two minds at the moment. Part of me would be thinking, “Hey, no way! I don’t want to look foolish.” And another part of me would think, “Well, Jesus has done amazing things in the past. He’s getting ready to do it again.” As I reflect on my past relationship with Jesus, I can remember times when I took the safe path. And I can think of times when I sensed Jesus calling me to something risky and, trusting him, I stepped out in faith and did what I believed he wanted me to do.

In the story in Luke 9, things turn out marvelously. Jesus produces a prodigious feast from a couple of box lunches. The disciples not only get to serve as hosts but also they are first-hand witnesses to an extraordinary miracle. All good!

But, in my experience, sometimes things don’t turn out as we would hope, even when we attempt to go out on a limb for Jesus. For now, however, I’d like you to consider whether Jesus is calling you to something the requires risk-taking faith. It may be in your work or your personal life, in your family, neighborhood, or church. Perhaps you already know exactly what this is. Perhaps you need to wait upon the Lord for additional guidance. Or perhaps, at this moment, you are doing everything you need to be doing in obedience to the Lord.

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