When a man’s ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies be at peace with him. – Proverbs 16:7
As famine settled in the land of Canaan, Isaac moved to the northern part of the Negeb. There God blessed him, even as he lived among the Philistines.
As Isaac’s flocks grew, King Abimelech asked him to relocate due to jealousy among his people. Moving into the Valley of Gerar, Isaac reopened the wells dug by his father Abraham, but herdsmen in the area claimed the water to be theirs.
Instead of quarreling, Isaac moved on to the next well, finally getting to one where there was no conflict.
Instead of fighting, Isaac kept going quietly through the evil and good reports, committing all to God for his well-being. His enemies may not have liked him, but they were at peace with him.
So it was when Esau made peace with Jacob, or David’s enemies courted his favor.
“When a man’s ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies be at peace with him” (Proverbs 16:7).
Pleasing the Lord will bring peace to your soul. The book of Proverbs was written to provide wisdom for God’s people. Founded in the fear of the Lord, this wisdom gives practical details in living your daily life and pleasing Him.
In today’s world, the believer may be hated and reviled, but God is the Judge and the Vindicator. He will guide you as you live life according to the directions in His Word.
Be disciplined in your study of Scripture and your pursuit of godliness as you seek His will.
Then pray for those who have yet to know the joy of a life lived in Christ.