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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

When God's Face Shines

Restore us, O God; let your face shine.

Psalm 80:3

Have you ever been involved in a restoration project? If you were, you know that you have to make a big mess first, before things start to look better. When you come to the Lord, He begins His restoration project. He may have to tear apart a few things, expose what’s hidden and replace what is old and broken. And ever after, restoration in various aspects of your life takes place.

As God’s people yield their lives to Him, He restores what has been lost or broken. He renews and makes things right. He is a skilled Restorer. He works in you daily if you ask Him to. The second part of today’s verse asks God to let His face shine. If you ever had a project that took a long time and you finally complete it, you know all the parts are new and working. It looks fabulous with its new paint and shiny working parts and your smile. Imagine God working in you and, when He performs His purpose in you, He smiles. God is satisfied when He does a good work in you. “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

Come to the Lord today and yield to Him all those areas in your life that need work. Allow His power to move in and through you.

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