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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


Churches are full of Peters and Judases, basically hearing the same messages, experiencing the same worship, seeing the same power on display in people’s lives, serving; but they’re going to end up in two extremely different destinations. Isn’t this the way Jesus ends the Sermon on the Mount? “Many will say, ‘Lord, Lord.’” And He will say, “I never knew you.” And it all comes back to one’s attitude toward Jesus Christ.

Through the years, occasionally people have asked me, “Why are you so stuck on preaching Christ?” Well, because I know that what saves people from hell is their attitude toward Jesus Christ. I can’t preach enough of Jesus Christ. I think that’s the point of all Scripture, to point to Him. I make no apology to follow my mentor Paul who said, “We preach Christ. We preach Christ.”

Determine to know nothing among you except Christ.

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