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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


How good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity. – Psalm 133:1

There are approximately 700,000 total knee replacements in the U.S. each year and roughly 400,000 total hip replacements per year. Medical advancements over time have been remarkable, and today there are total joint replacements being performed on an outpatient basis, so patients return home on the same day of the surgery.

In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul speaks of believers being members of one body, where some are hands, others are feet. Each part of the body is just as important as another, and the weaker ones are often supported by those which are stronger. Yet all are useful. How is it then, that many who claim to follow Christ are at odds with others who love the Lord but are of different political or social persuasion? Are they seen as “joints” that should be replaced? God wants no division in the body of Christ, but that all should care for one another. That is why the psalmist could say in today’s verse that it is “good and pleasant” when unity is practiced.

Be an effective “joint” in Christ’s body today. Stay “lubricated” in God’s love, in reading His Word, and in your prayer life. As you see other parts of the body suffer, comfort and encourage them; and when other members are honored, rejoice with them.

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