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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

The Three Angels

Three angels will appear in heaven during the tribulation. One will proclaim the everlasting gospel. Another will proclaim the fall of Babylon. The last one will warn against taking the mark of the beast. Whoever takes it will be tormented with fire and brimstones (Hell). If you are in the tribulation, I hope you have experienced enough of it, have turned to Christ, and are willing to die for Him - or endure somehow until the end. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST!!!

If you do, you will become unredeemable and the blood of Jesus won't be able to save you - you will go to hell!! At this midpoint, God is about to destroy Babylon - His ultimate enemy and persecutor of His people -with the seven bowls. These are the most severe judgments the world has ever seen. The plagues on the earth up to this mid-point, have been unspeakably horrific, but you haven't seen anything yet, the last days will be ferocious as the earth prepares for the Second coming of Jesus Christ. Festering sores will break out on the people who had taken the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. The waters of the sea and rivers will turn into blood. The heat of the sun will be so intense that will scorch people with fire. Demonic spirits will roam the earth, and you will experience the most severe earthquake in history, so strong that will reshape the earth. The pain and suffering will be indescribable. I'm not telling you these terrible things to scare you or to cause you to despair, but to awaken you to the reality you now face, and to cause you to stop placing your hope and trust in this world!! Let go of your life and trust in God!! You've seen enough! Believe that Jesus went to the cross to save you! He died, was buried, and resurrected just like the Bible tells us. Jesus is your only hope at this point!!

Accept HIM!!!

Ask Him to help you, to give you strength for what's coming. Stand strong if you are required to give your life for the sake of Christ. Remember that the moment you close your eyes on this life you will open them again in the presence of Jesus Himself!!

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