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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

The Righteous Branch

Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch. – Jeremiah 23:5

An amazing truth about Jesus is that He is all man and all God. God the Father is speaking about a righteous branch coming from David’s lineage. This was written about 600 years before Christ was born. To God, a thousand years is as a day (2 Peter 3:8). He foretold, with great anticipation, the birth of His Son. When Jeremiah spoke of a branch, he was speaking of Jesus as a man from the lineage of David.

Each of the four gospels has a different slant to provide the complete picture of who Jesus is. Matthew addressed a primarily Jewish audience and presented Christ as the promised King and Messiah. Mark wrote for a Gentile audience and emphasized Christ as a suffering servant. Luke also wrote with a Gentile audience in mind, presenting Christ as a real person in history, with verifiable facts. John showed Christ as God, though human.

When Christ spoke of Himself as the Vine and his followers the branches, He was speaking as God. He said His people are to look at themselves as branches, unable to do anything of value apart from His life within them. Another analogy for the Christian life in modern times is that of plugging into an electrical socket. Not being plugged into Jesus results in powerlessness.

Coming to God in prayer through Christ connects you to His power.

As you pray today for citizens of the United States, pray that eyes will be opened and hearts will be drawn to the life-giving power of Christ.

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