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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

The Narrow Gate

  • Enter by the narrow gate. – Matthew 7:13

Jesus was known for His challenging messages to the people. Some would describe Him as a “straight shooter,” or someone who would not avoid telling the truth, even if it did not line up with what society deemed “acceptable.”

One instance of this can be found in the sermon Jesus delivered at the Temple Mount, in Matthew chapter 7. He invited anyone interested in following Him to “enter by the narrow gate” (Matthew 7:13). He was describing one of two paths the people could choose. The first, though broad and seemingly easier, leads to destruction, while the second is narrow and more difficult, yet ultimately leads to life. Jesus encouraged His followers to choose the harder path, as it was (and still is) the path that leads to life in Him.

This can be a difficult message for Christians to accept. After all, it goes against basic human nature to willingly choose the more difficult option. Nevertheless, this is the cost of following Christ. Praise God that the reward at the end of this path is greater than anything this world could ever offer!

Where are you on your path with God? Have you been tempted toward the easier path, or are you facing a difficult spot on the narrow road? Wherever you may be, God is there with you, ready to show you the next step. Thank the Lord for the strength He offers you as you walk the narrow path to follow Him. Ask Him to give the governing officials of this nation the courage to choose the narrow path of following God, that their lives and their work would forever be changed by Him. Recommended for further reading: Psalm 16

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