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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

The Lord Takes Pleasure in Those Who Fear Him

But the Lord takes pleasure in those who fear him in those who hope in his steadfast love. – Psalm 147:11

Do you ever feel wistful as you read about how Daniel found favor with God or how Mary was chosen above all women to bear Jesus? Someone once wrote about a mother having passed away and she left a note to each of her children. At the end of each letter, she wrote the words, “You are my favorite.” Followers of Christ are His favored ones. Some scholars use favor and grace interchangeably.

How comforting it is to know that the Lord takes pleasure in you! Receiving Christ shows that you fear or reverence Him, as it says in today’s verse, and that you hope in His steadfast love. Jesus is your hope and He is the reason the Father takes pleasure in you. But not only that, He knows all about you, your quirks, your personality, your gifts, your weaknesses. He values you as a person. The good news of the gospel is that He so loves the world and He so loves the individuals of the world. God is a personal God. He wants you to spend time in your prayer closet to worship Him, fellowship with Him, and express your requests to Him. He already knows them, but He desires communion with you.

Today as you come to Him in prayer, worship Him and thank Him for His favor and grace. Thank Him for His love, acceptance, and forgiveness. Intercede for your family, your friends, your church, and your nation. Be assured that He knows you intimately. He loves you, hears you, and answers your prayers. He favors you. He takes pleasure in you.

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