Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness. –
Psalm 29:2
Have you ever done something good and worthwhile and the credit was given to someone else? And, worse, that person did not correct the attribution but accepted the compliments? That is a terrible feeling. Nobody to experience this, not even the Lord. God is love and desires to show love and receive love. Acknowledging who He is and the great things He has done is a loving thing to do. Praising and worshipping Him is the right thing to do.
In the words of Billy Graham, “Worship in the truest sense takes place only when our full attention is on God—on His glory, power, majesty, love, and compassion.” What an awesome opportunity and privilege Christians have to come before God, boldly, and worship the Father in the splendor of His holiness, as it says in today’s verse. Believers can do that by God’s grace through faith in Christ. He has given very great and precious promises through Christ the Lord that is received by faith and prayer. God gives so much and it is important to give back to Him praise and thanksgiving.
Worshiping God also has benefits for the worshiper. By worshipping God, you reaffirm your faith and encourage others to believe as you verbally acknowledge God’s holy, powerful, and eternal characteristics. It deepens your relationship with Him and with other Christ-followers.
Worshiping God is what you are created to do and it is fulfilling in itself. In your prayers today, take time to acknowledge who He is and worship Him.