The current age that we're living in — the Church age of grace is about to end. This age has lasted for 2,000 years because God is patient, not wanting anyone to perish but to come to Jesus for repentance and salvation - but it must come to an end! Come to Jesus NOW!
We're at a MAJOR point in history! You probably haven't realized it yet - but if you look closely at our past 10 years, you can definitely see the world shifting rapidly going in a direction that you never thought was even possible! Just look at the past 3 years!! Things are changing! God's prophetic clock is about to announce four major events.
1. Rapture of the Church.
2. Seven-Year Tribulation
3. The Second coming of Jesus.
4. The Judgment of Nations.
The end of the age will be a horrific event for those who persist in rejecting Jesus. Judgment will fall quickly and they will perish — BUT for the children of God alive during that time, it will be a time of salvation and fulfilled hope - ending with the rapture!
The time to come to believe wholeheartedly in Jesus and His perfect work on the cross is NOW!!!