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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


Nehemiah had a great interest in the lives of other people; he really made such a difference. As the walls of Jerusalem were being rebuilt so were the people’s lives being rebuilt. Compassion for other people is the key to ministry. He was also a leader of great humility and kindness, which is a notable benefit to a godly leader. He also cared about each individual family. Those who joined in the work were not only the fathers, but their sons and daughters, families worked side by side to accomplish the work of the Lord.

The ministry is about taking care of people––it is serving the people, and taking an interest in their lives, this was exactly what Nehemiah did. The people of God have to be taken care of spiritually, that is the key. If you do not have an interest in people, then in all honesty, you are not going to do well in ministry.

I want to remind people interested in ministry that it has to be a call of God––it is not a job. If you do not have a call from God, you become like so many students who attended college, take their general classes, and majored in a subject but still remain undecided about what they want to do––they wander from one subject to another and never become effective.

Those students who give themselves fully to a subject, and stayed focused, later become a professional. They succeed in their endeavors.

In ministry, you have to know that you are called and you need to be sure of what God has called you to do. As you rise up to do the work of God, stay focused. As you minister to God’s people you will make a difference––big time.

Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call

and election sure…

~2 Peter 1:10~

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