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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

THE 144.000 JEWS


During the tribulation, there will be 144,000 Jews who are sealed. They will have special protection from God. Their mission will be to evangelize and proclaim the gospel during the most shocking period on earth, millions will come to Christ because of them! If you are in the Tribulation pay special attention to them. Hear them out! Believe what they are saying because they are appointed for this time - to save you! This is not the time to be undecided! You have seen enough - you have experienced millions of people disappearing in the rapture. It's only gonna get worse. This is the time to give your life to Jesus, literally. The 144,000 are the first fruits of Israel. 12,000 of each tribe. They are described as male Jews that haven't been defiled by women (virgins), they were redeemed as first fruits, and they have no deceit or fault before the throne of God. This is a very special group of people selected by God for this time. Millions will come by them preaching the gospel. You will see it!

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