Why are we to submit ourselves to the government? Paul explains: Because God has established all authority that exists. It's all part of His divine design. Even our evil and corrupt government? The Bible answers: Absolutely. Think for a moment who sat on the throne of Rome in Paul's day. It was Caesar Nero.
Through church history, we learn that Nero, after putting both Peter and Paul to death around 64 or 65 A.D., went on a murderous rampage. He persecuted Christians -- he used them as human candles in his garden and fed them to lions in the Coliseum for all of Rome to watch. He was brutal and evil. Yet Paul tells believers we are to be subject to those in power because there is no person in a position of authority that God hasn't placed there. We may not respect the person, people, or political party in control at the time, but we must realize that whoever it is has been given authority by God.
Why then is the modern church so concerned with activism -- trying to straighten out our country's laws and politics?
If we search Scripture and study the life of Jesus, we find a completely different picture and purpose.
At a time when the government was morally corrupt, what was Jesus doing? When leadership was evil and murderous, what did Paul encourage us to do? What was the early church's example?
It was the goal of Jesus, Paul, and the early church to change the world eternally, not temporarily.
To usher in the Kingdom of God to offer God's plan of salvation, not a political revolution.
As Christians, what is our role in society?
Is it to protest?
To carry signs and placards?
To barricade brothels and abortion clinics?
To get out the vote?
To condemn homosexual marriages?
God knows exactly where we are on His calendar. He's in control of events to fulfill His prophecies.
We may not like what's happening around us, but God's in control -- and every power and authority has been ordained by Him. Everything is part of His plan.
So what are we to do?
The Bible tells us we are to witness Jesus Christ. To lead an unsaved world to healing. To introduce God's plan for eternal peace which is a personal and saving relationship with His Son, our Lord and Savior. We're to be ministers of reconciliation, not confrontation.
Rom 13:1
Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and God appoints the authorities that exist.