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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. Galatians 6:7

It is getting close to that time of the year when farmers and gardeners plant seeds with anticipation. These planters expect a good harvest in a few months, be it corn, watermelon, or flowers. Who plants anything not expecting a return? And who plants corn and expects beans?

Yet, humans, at times, plant to the flesh and expect God’s blessings in return. Paul says in today’s verse God is not mocked, you will reap what you sow.

In the following verse, he advises sowing to the Spirit. The apostle mentions sharing good things with your spiritual teachers (v 6). He also encourages good deeds, especially to your brothers and sisters in Christ. Good deeds mentioned in the Bible often include giving to the poor, visiting those in jail, helping orphans and widows, and offering encouragement to those who are discouraged. Paul said whenever you have the opportunity, do good (v 10. Opportunities abound, from the food pantry down the street to recent earthquake victims.

While you will reap blessings as you sow in ways that are pleasing to God, planters realize that hard work, storms, and weeds are part of the process. So persevere to see the harvest. Galatians 6:9 says, “not grow weary of doing good.“ Today, follow the leading of the Spirit and reach out and do someone good. It may be as simple as encouraging someone or giving a donation to a nonprofit organization.

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