Sneak peek of the Tribulation! Antichrist, war (Russia and China?), famine, economic collapse, death of 1/2 of the world's population, earth-reshaping earthquake, burnt vegetation, undrinkable water, demonic plagues, sun & moon darkness! Come to Jesus NOW -
He's coming for His Church!
If God saved Noah and Lot from destruction - men who were declared righteous back "then".
How much more would He save His Church?
"NOW" - since we have been made righteous and are justified by His Son's own BLOOD - He's saving us from the worst time the world has ever seen!
What groom will allow his bride to be "tested" and "purified" in such a horrific way?
There is no such thing!! We've been purified ONLY by HIS blood! No work will purify you!! NONE!
The wrath of God is coming to this earth for those who are making war against Him.
STOP resisting Him!!
He loves you!
If you accept that Jesus died for your sins, was buried, and rose again, just like the scriptures say, you will be made new -- don't try to understand it theologically, come as a child -- the Holy Spirit will HELP you.