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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

Simple Prayer Is Like An Oxygen Mask

The Spirit helps us in our weaknesses. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us. – Romans 8:26

“Just Breathe,” why do people say that little phrase to each other? Even in the most anxious moments, when life seems out of control, somehow slowing down and breathing in-and-out for a minute will help. Prayer is like that kind of breath in the life of a Christ-follower.

As your body exhales, toxic and unuseful chemicals are removed, making room for what is life-giving and necessary. Likewise, in exhaling a prayer, sins are confessed, and God is invited into your circumstances. When you inhale, taking in oxygen, your blood enriches, fueling organs to sustain life. Inhaling in prayer, the Holy Spirit rushes in to reveal God’s love and moving you forward in His will.

Unfortunately, sometimes it is hard to take a good deep breath, like when someone has a chest cold or bronchitis. At times in your faith journey, the cares of this world may cause “congestion” in your mind and you may stop praying. When your body is ill, you trust a good physician. If you are having trouble praying, you need to trust the Holy Spirit. In both cases, the important part is to show up and put yourself in the hands of the Healer.

Today’s complicated world makes it hard to know specifically what to pray, but a simple prayer is like an oxygen mask, it will preserve life, even if it appears uninflated. Ask God to bless the United States with spiritual health and national healing. Trust that He knows specifically what that entails. And remember for your own spiritual health, just breathe a prayer.

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