Spurgeon was a master illustrator. You can use this illustration in your preaching to describe the process of sanctification.
You know how an artist can if he likes, dash off a picture. There! A little red, and a little blue, and so on, and it is done. And away it goes! Yes, but when he wants to paint something that will be observed and admired, then he takes more pains. See how he works at every part of it; note what care and what trouble he takes with it. It is the same with the lapidary or the sculptor when he has a choice of work in hand.
You are, I hope, the kind of material that will pay for cutting and carving, and the Lord is using his chisel upon you more than he does upon most folk. He wants to make you just like his dear Son, so now he is chipping out a thorn crown and you must wear it around your head. He is fashioning the image of his Son out of the block of your renewed nature, and you must patiently bear the blows from his hammer and chisel until that work is done.