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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

Sealed Until the Appointed Time

God sealed the book of Daniel until the appointed time until the things that were foretold were about to come to pass. Today God is showing us and revealing more knowledge because we're so close to the end. Read prophecy, receive revelation -the revelation is - JESUS!

We're living in an amazing time! God told Daniel after He wrote the book of prophecy to put "the words" in a safe and secure place until "the time of the end", where the fulfillment makes the meaning of the prophecy clear and obvious - we are living in that appointed time! The meaning of Daniels' prophecy will only become clearer and clearer by the day! We are the generation that will see that revelation come to pass!

Many shall run to and fro — This is the time to get into prophecy, and diligently search for it in order to arrive at the true knowledge of God. Read your Bible, and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you! This is an amazing opportunity to get clarification on ALL issues you have about doctrine, and eschatology (end times). Are you pre-trib, mid-trib, or post-trib - You don't know what you are. It's time to know and to get the answer to all the questions, and doubts you have. Don't depend on others, your Pastor, your friends, or your family! Find out the truth for yourself!! God is ready to reveal it to you!

God is opening our understanding because we are **in** that appointed time!!! The Time of the end!! Don't miss it!! The revelation is here! The revelation is Jesus! He's coming! Be ready!

If you are not saved - or you're not sure! Ask God to reveal Jesus to you! Believe He died for your sins, was buried, and rose again -- not only that! He's coming back for His Church, to take us to heaven, and to save us from what's coming up! The tribulation! This is the appointed time!!


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