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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

Saturday Was Silent

Saturday was silent, but the job on the cross was perfectly finished! He descended into "the lower regions of the earth" - but the impossible was in the making. Friday's sorrow and disappointment were about to turn into joy and triumph! NOTHING WILL STOP HIM!!

We serve a God of miracles!!

• God's creation of the world and everything in it.

• God parting the Red Sea.

• God's wonders before Pharaoh.

• God parting the crossing of the Jordan.

• Healing of the sick.

• Provision of food: manna, water into wine, multiplication of bread and fish.

• Control over nature: wind and seas, fire and water.

• Freeing people from demonic control. The most outstanding ones!

• God's Son took on human flesh.

• Jesus walking out of His tomb!!

• And... YOUR SALVATION!! It's time to believe in a miracle for your soul! Time to believe that Jesus is the Son of God who came to die on the cross for your sins. He was buried and rose again to give you a new life so you could walk out of your tomb and walk into a new life with Him, into His Kingdom!!

Come to Jesus, TODAY!!

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