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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

Updated: Feb 3, 2024

Want some advice, don't argue with the Lord, you will lose.

 Not all calling upon our lives is glorious. I don't think Daniel in the lion's den or Shadrach; Meshach; and Abed-Nego, In the fiery furnace was either. How about the blind man who was blind from birth and healed by Jesus so that the glory of God would be fulfilled?

We so easily become preoccupied with our abilities. "Will I be able to please and serve God?" "Will I be able to be an effective witness?" The focus of the word of God is on His ability, not ours.

According to an analysis of the National Survey of Families and Households, 86 percent of unhappily married people who stick it out find that, five years later, their marriages are happier. In fact, nearly 60 percent of those who rated their marriage as unhappy in the late 1980's, and who stayed married, rated their same marriage "very happy" or "quite happy" when re-interviewed five years later.

There's a little old Christian lady living next door to an atheist. Every morning the lady comes out onto her front porch and shouts "Praise the Lord!" The atheist yells back, "There is no God.” She does this every morning with the same result. As time goes on the lady runs into financial difficulties and has trouble buying food. She goes out onto the porch and asks God for help with groceries, then says "Praise the Lord." The next morning she goes out onto the porch and there's the groceries she's asked for, of course she says "Praise the Lord.” The atheist jumps out from behind a bush and says, "Ha, I bought those groceries - there is no God!” The lady looks at him and smiles, she shouts "Praise the Lord --- not only did You provide for me Lord, You made Satan pay for the groceries!"

Jesus left the 99 sheep for the 1. We often think because we can not see progress there is none but that is not always the case. We ask our partners to be coach-able and show up. Jesus ask the same thing of His disciples but they all where not top earners right away. One denied Him and another became a snitch for 15 pieces of silver, then went out and hung himself. But this one thing always gets me, Our Lord loved them all unto death and he lives in us. When we fall, he is there. When we need He is there. He is always there. And He lives in me so who am I to ever not say I got you, I am here for you.

Maybe you find yourself bound by something today. You feel you can’t get free. But when you come to know the truth—Jesus Christ—then the truth will make you free. Chuck Smith

We have seen that abundant grace is available from the Lord, not only for justification, but also for sanctification. Yet, how does a person access the sanctifying grace of God? How does one actually live day by day by grace? Soon, we will consider the two relational realities that God wants to develop in our lives so we might live daily by His grace. First, let's reflect upon where that grace is found and the ability upon which it all depends.

Reverent fear of God is the key to faithfulness in any situation.

~Alan Redpath~

If something is going on in your life, confess it and get it out in the open. The more you try to hide those sins, the more you'll start lying and fabricating stories to cover them up even more. Don't let your heart become hard.

When you start walking and living in His light, then those painful things that you've been holding on to will disappear and you can start living a life that shines for the Lord

When we get off course it is because we have let sin take hold in our lives. How does it happen? For the Christian, it is typically when we have allowed our relationship with Jesus to wither and grow stale. When we have permitted other interests or priorities to interfere.

Initiative activates opportunities.

George Bernard Shaw wrote, “The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find them, make them.” Mediocre leaders wait for opportunities to land in their laps. Successful leaders hunt them down, courageously making sacrifices to find them.

Opportunity without commitment will be lost.

“while the immature mind hops from one thing to another, the mature mind seeks to follow through.” ~Harry A. Overstreet ~

Dreaming and scheming cost nothing, but you must pay the price of commitment to deliver results. Dedication allows us to take hold of opportunities before they slip through our fingers.

What society puts out, God puts in. What the world writes off, God picks up.

Why did He pick you? He wanted to. After all, you are his, and he made you. No matter how long you’ve waited or how much time you’ve wasted, you are his and he has a place for you.

“Attitude is greatly shaped by influence and association.” Jim Rohn


“Don't spend most of your time on the voices that don't count. Tune out the shallow voices so that you will have more time to tune in the valuable ones.” Jim Rohn


“Don't join an easy crowd; you won't grow. Go where the expectations and the demands to perform are high.” Jim Rohn


“You must constantly ask yourself these questions: Who am I around? What are they doing to me? What have they got me reading? What have they got me saying? Where do they have me going? What do they have me thinking? And most important, what do they have me becoming? Then ask yourself the big question: Is that okay?” Jim Rohn

“Be like a sponge when it comes to each new experience. If you want to be able to express it well, you must first be able to absorb it well.” – Jim Jim Rohn

“Be a student, not a follower. Don’t just go do what someone says. Take interest in what someone says, then debate it, ponder it and consider it from all angles.” – Jim Rohn

Hypocrisy turns people against God, so he has a no-tolerance policy. Let’s take hypocrisy as seriously as God does. For starters, expect no credit for good deeds. None! If no one notices, you aren’t disappointed. If someone does, you give the credit to God. If no one knew of the good you do, would you still do it? If not, you’re doing it to be seen by people.

Accommodation leads to accommodation—which leads to accommodation. Gradual Compromise.

~Francis Schaeffer~

Christ Himself living in us and giving us His love and power. It's the only way we can put the needs of another person above our own, love people whom we really don't like all that much, or effectively die for others. It seems impossible. But this is what God has called us to.

Living every day with Jesus is such a blessing. And knowing that when we die we will be with Him, face-to-face, for eternity is even better! So until we are with Him for eternity, we keep serving Him.

Jesus fulfilled everything in the law and everything in the prophets. And Jesus can surely fulfill everything in your life when you surrender it to Him.

Leader: Give your people the power, permission, and invitation to be brave by affirming them in their work. As a leader, you are in the business of making people confident. Confidence is a necessary ingredient for courage. Words can either be life-giving or soul-shattering. Choose the former. Give courage; don't steal it.- Brad Lomenick

In this world, people will sometimes see your mistakes as a reason to laugh at you. Some people might call you names. Others might decide not to be your friend because of where you live or the way you look. Don’t listen to them. Keep moving forward.

A daily portion is really all we need. We do not need tomorrow’s supply, for that day has not yet dawned, and its needs are still unborn.

~C.H. Spurgeon~

“True contentment is a real, even active, virtue—not only affirmative but creative…It is the power of getting out of any situation all there is in it.”

G.K. Chesterton

“True contentment is a real, even active, virtue—not only affirmative but creative…It is the power of getting out of any situation all there is in it.”

G.K. Chesterton

“Nobody who gets enough food and clothing in a world where most are hungry and cold has any business to talk about ‘misery.’”

C.S. Lewis

Only in believing God is our Father, Christ is our Savior, Scripture is our authority, and heaven is our home does everything else make sense.

Dustin Benge

Have you been away from the family of God? Have you felt the cost of absence in your own life? The Lord is waiting. He will never force Himself upon anyone. He loves you. But know this His Spirit will not always strive with you.

Our God does not waste words. He does not speak vainly. Nor does He stand on human formalities. These repetitious conclusions signify an emphasis from the heart of God. When the Scriptures conclude any subject to any people, the ongoing need will ever be that they learn to live by the grace that is found in Jesus Christ.

We have seen that abundant grace is available from the Lord, not only for justification, but also for sanctification. Yet, how does a person access the sanctifying grace of God? How does one actually live day by day by grace? Soon, we will consider the two relational realities that God wants to develop in our lives so we might live daily by His grace. First, let's reflect upon where that grace is found and the ability upon which it all depends.

Part of our calling as believers in Christ is passing on to others the biblical truths that God has taught us. "And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also" (2 Timothy 2:2). Discipling others in God's truth can be demanding and discouraging. Strength is needed. "Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus."

When the subject of spiritual strength is raised, our thinking often turns in one of two directions. Either we consider how we can muster up our own strength, or we dwell on our own weakness, doubting that adequate strength can ever be found. Well, it is clear from the Scriptures that God does not expect mere human strength to be sufficient for our spiritual callings. "Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall." Natural strength is never more evident than in youth. Yet, even that supply is not what people need for spiritual endurance.

My worth is found in the loving gifts God offers in the “right now”.

For some of us, it might take more than a quiet nudge to get us to put down our tech. It might take a spiritual crowbar! But, what might we gain? Give it a try.


I have no right to say I believe in God unless I order my life as under His all–seeing Eye.


“I have chosen you” (John 15:16). Keep that note of greatness in your creed. It is not that you have got God, but that He has got you.


Beware of pronouncing any verdict on the life of faith if you are not living it.

Your fast is an active practice of trusting and experiencing God, as you experience His faithfulness to fulfill you.

Are you planning to fast something during Lent? Maybe social media, or chocolate, or TV? Turning our hearts away from something in order to focus more attention on Jesus will awaken your heart.

“I believe the single most significant decision I can make on a day-to-day basis is my choice of attitude.” —Charles Swindoll

“The storm was raging. The sea was beating against the rocks in huge, dashing waves. The lightening flashed, the thunder roared, the wind blew; but the little bird was sound asleep in the crevice of the rock, its head tucked serenely under its wing. That is peace: to be able to sleep in the storm! In Christ we are relaxed and at peace in the midst of confusions, bewilderments, and perplexities of this life. The storm rages, but our hearts are at rest. We have found peace—at last!” —Billy Graham

God will be with us, no matter what we face in life. That is a great assurance. That is where we find our contentment.

If we keep our eyes on Jesus, we will make it. So run the race for Him. This is where we started, and this is where we must end.

May we all finish well. May we not be casualties in the spiritual race.

To fully follow the Lord means that you will not compromise. You will stand your ground, wanting the approval of God more than the approval of others. It also means that you will take God at His word and stand on it. And you’ll desire fellowship and communion with God, which will give you the strength to carry on.

Finish well. We don’t know how much time we have left—both as His church on this earth and as individuals before the Lord. God is able to complete whatever we have committed to Him. 

When you are in love with Jesus Christ, you will see Him for who He is. And as a result, you will see this world for what it is. It’s like the hymn that says, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.”

The key to wholeheartedly following the Lord is maintaining a love relationship with Jesus Christ. When you do, this world will lose its appeal. Caleb was looking forward. He wanted fellowship, intimacy, and closeness with God. And that sustained him through the most difficult times.

There is a major problem if you value the advice of a Christian podcast host more than your pastor’s advice.

Does your spouse have the password to your email and social media accounts? If not, what are you trying to hide?

“The love of God by definition is the loving God himself.” - Wilhelmus à Brakel

“My soul has learned yet more fully than ever, this day, that there is no satisfaction to be found in earthly things—God alone can give rest to my spirit.” — Charles Spurgeon

If our theology does not quicken the conscience and soften the heart, it actually hardens both. If it does not encourage the commitment of faith, it reinforces the detachment of unbelief. If it fails to promote humility, it inevitably feeds pride. — J.I. Packer

“Troubled consciences cannot ordinarily be quieted except the doctrine of the gospel is rightly distinguished from that of the law.” — John Colquhoun

“The whole counsel of God concerning all things necessary for His own glory, man's salvation, faith and life, is either expressly set down or necessarily contained in the Holy Scripture.” — Baptist Confession of Faith 1.6.

The life-breath of Christianity, of healthy churches, is not our talent, or even our hard work. It is prayer: active dependence upon God.” – Michael Reeves, "Authentic Ministry: Serving from the Heart"

“God could not be God if He were not most wise, most holy, most just, and so on. God's attributes make up one pure essence which is made manifest to us in many ways.” — George Swinnock

"Christ died for the sins of Christians, too." - Rod Rosenbladt

"The Gospel cannot be preached and heard enough, for it cannot be grasped well enough." - Martin Luther

J.C. Ryle

4 Thoughts on Reading the Bible by

1) Read the Bible with an earnest desire to understand it. 2) Read the Scriptures with a simple, childlike faith and humility. 3) Read the Word with a spirit of obedience and self-application. 4) Read the Holy Scriptures everyday.

There’s a difference between going to church “for the worship” and going “to worship the Lord.” The distinction may seem minor, but it could imply the difference between worshiping music and worshiping God. — Sinclair Ferguson

“Since man is the creature of God and since, in his creation, he was made in the image of God, he owes all possible subjection and obedience to God, considered as his benign Creator.” — John Colquhoun, The Law and the Gospel, 13.

"If you're going to be a true Christian, it'll be a lonely life." -Leonard Ravenhill.

"Baptism was appointed to be the inaugurating rite, by which those who embraced Christ confessed Him." -Matthew Henry.

"You must never be satisfied merely with Scripture. You must get to the Christ of Scripture." — Charles Spurgeon

"The love of God, the grace of God, the mercy of God remain just the same as ever they were." — Charles Spurgeon

"He who lives only to make money is a worshiper of the golden calf." — Charles Spurgeon

"Are your friends so far away that you cannot reach them? Your prayers can reach them." — Charles Spurgeon

"My work is to preach Christ crucified, which gives men salvation." — Charles Spurgeon

"We pray with boldness, but the boldness which springs from grace, not pride." — Charles Spurgeon

"All other strength is weakness, for power belongs to God." — Charles Spurgeon

"The gospel is all about Christ from beginning to end." – Charles Spurgeon

"Death is terrible for doubters; for while they know the grave, they do not know the life beyond it." — Charles Spurgeon

"No power can imprison the redeemed of the Lord." — Charles Spurgeon

There is Christianity which offends nobody, and requires no sacrifice-which costs nothing, and is worth nothing. -J.C. Ryle -

Truth may be crushed down, but it cannot be crushed out. -C.H. Spurgeon

“The most important thing in life is to know God.” — D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

The difference between true and false repentance lies in this: the man who truly repents cries out against his heart; but the other, as Eve, against the serpent, or something else. John Bunyan

The moral obligation of the law still lieth on God’s servants, that are taken into the covenant of grace. We are not redeemed from the service of the law by Christ, but the curse of the law. —Thomas Manton, Works 8:284

Modern scientists have lost God amidst the wonders of His world, modern christians have lost Him amidst the wonders of His Word -A.W.Tozer -

The great secret of a holy and a happy life is contained in a small compass: walking humbly with God -Octavius Winslow -

“Let no man say he is pardoned, who is not made holy!” — Thomas Watson

When I was in my mid-20's, a very wise and experienced pastor told me: "You focus on the depth and integrity of your ministry, and let the Lord determine the width and platform of it." I wrote that advice in my Bible, and have never forgotten it.

What God says is best, is best, though all the men in the world are against it. John Bunyan




Historical Christian Quotes




In times of affliction we commonly meet with the sweetest experiences of the love of God. John Bunyan




Biblical and Reformed




Indeed, the dirty secret of Christian apologetics is this: there is no human argument that is guaranteed to overcome unbelief. John M. Frame



Biblical and Reformed




One of the greatest blessings that can occur to us is to be made to think little of ourselves. Charles Spurgeon

There are many ways that lead to hell, but one way to heaven. —Puritan Thomas Manton, Works 6:345

Being a pastor means you're a truth teller. That means you're truth teller when it comes to the Bible. That means you protect your people from deception that comes from the world. That's part of being a shepherd. John MacArthur

Prayer will make a man cease from sin, or sin will entice a man to cease from prayer. John Bunyan

Affirming and celebrating what the Bible calls sinful and destructive is one of the most unloving things we can do for someone.

The greatest suffering is to be chosen before the least sin. —Thomas Manton, Works 6:350

The atonement should not be represented as the moving cause of the love of God, for it was 𝘢𝘭𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘺 an expression of His love. —Louis Berkhof, Systematic Theology, Pg. 401

“God allows us to experience the low points of life in order to teach us lessons that we could learn in no other way.” - C.S. Lewis

No man, without trials and temptations, can attain a true understanding of the Holy Scriptures. John Bunyan

Satan can set the soul on fire with agony, doubt, fear, and terror. Then the Spirit comes in tender love and reveals Christ the Gentle One. He sets up the Savior’s cross and speaks peace, pardon, and salvation. Spurgeon

Up early with a lot on your mind? Cast it on the Lord. Pray. Lay back down. Rest. You can trust Him.

When someone richly endowed with goods wraps himself in pleasure, abandons heart and soul to momentarily delights, and still looks for more, he strays very far from the holy and proper use of God‘s gifts. John Calvin

He who runs from God in the morning will scarcely find Him the rest of the day. John Bunyan

Pray and read, read and pray; for a little from God is better than a great deal from men. John Bunyan

Above all, let us live in Christ to God and all will be well. - William Wilberforce


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