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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

Updated: Feb 2, 2024

Time and again, we have considered the connection between grace and justification. "Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus…In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace" (Romans 3:24 and Ephesians 1:7). Now, we have an opportunity to ponder once more the relationship between grace and sanctification. "For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men." It is God's grace that brings salvation to mankind. For nearly 2,000 years, that saving grace of the Lord has been offered to humanity through the preaching of the gospel. This particular verse now adds another function to the work of grace. "For the grace of God [is] teaching us."


We are not fundamentally free; external circumstances are not in our hands, they are in God’s hands, the one thing in which we are free is in our personal relationship to God. We are not responsible for the circumstances we are in, but we are responsible for the way we allow those circumstances to affect us; we can either allow them to get on top of us, or we can allow them to transform us into what God wants us to be.

The art of listening is an essential skill for every Christian.

“The self-sufficient do not pray, the self-satisfied will not pray, the self-righteous cannot pray. No man is greater than his prayer life.” —Leonard Ravenhill

Maybe as you look at your spiritual life today, you realize that you’re not doing well. You realize that you’re easing up and slowing down. Or maybe you’ve even walked off the track, so to speak.

Now is the time to get back into the race and give it your all so that one day, you won’t wake up and realize that you’ve wasted the resources and potential God has given you.

The Bible is an honest book. It gives us its heroes, warts and all. It tells us the truth so that we can find hope and comfort from people just like us.

If the Gospel sounds like a P.S. at the end of your sermon, you're doing it wrong.

" [We] need confessions that seek to present in concise form the salient points of the whole counsel of God." –– Carl Trueman



T. S. Sinclair




“Conquer the fear of death and you will conquer the fear of the plague.” –– Gisbertus Voetius’ (1589–1676)

“There is no University for a Christian like that of sorrow and trial.” — Charles Haddon Spurgeon

“God, who foresaw your tribulation, has specially armed you to go through it, not without pain but without stain.” - C.S. Lewis

“The terrible thing, the almost impossible thing, is to hand over your whole self — all your wishes and precautions — to Christ.” - C.S. Lewis

God doesn’t want us to just become better versions of ourselves. He wants us to impact our culture.

"We cannot too often turn our thoughts heavenward, for this one of the great cures for worldliness." — Charles Spurgeon

"Some Christians are very curious, but not obedient." — Charles Spurgeon

"Neither nineteen centuries, nor nineteen thousand centuries, can make the slightest difference in the truth of the gospel." — Charles Spurgeon

"You may think you can live very well without Christ, but you cannot afford to die without him." — Charles Spurgeon

"To rejoice in sin is fatal, but to rejoice in God is heavenly." — Charles Spurgeon

"No man who merely skims the book of God can profit from it. We must dig and mine until we obtain hidden treasure." — Charles Spurgeon

"A little sin, like a little pebble in the shoe, will make a traveler to heaven walk very wearily." — Charles Spurgeon

"There are no pure hearts on earth unless the Lord made them so." — Charles Spurgeon

"Prayer is the breath, the comfort, and the strength of a Christian." — Charles Spurgeon

"If grace itself fails to save a man, nothing else can be done for him." — Charles Spurgeon

"Nothing here below can fill an immortal soul." — Charles Spurgeon

"Followers of Jesus must be men of mercy; for they have found mercy, and mercy has found them." — Charles Spurgeon

"When a man admires himself, he never adores God." — Charles Spurgeon

"Our business is not to think of our own idea of what God should be, but to find out what God really is." — Charles Spurgeon

"Christ has lighted us that we may enlighten the world." — Charles Spurgeon

"My wife has been God’s best earthly gift to me." — Charles Spurgeon

"The gospel is all about Christ from beginning to end." – Charles Spurgeon

"If our faith is to grow, we must maintain constant communication with God." — Charles Spurgeon

Skip Heitzig

We all want to be apart of something bigger than ourselves. We desire to fit in somewhere, to contribute to something. Be apart of the church.

Where the fear of God rules in the heart, it will preserve it from the snare which the inordinate fear of man brings. Matthew Henry

The self-sufficient do not pray, the self-satisfied will not pray, the self-righteous cannot pray. No man is greater than his prayer life. Leonard Ravenhill

Scandal is far more dangerous than persecution. There are many that have been gained by the patience, courage, and constancy of the martyrs, but never any were gained by the scandalous falls of professors. —Thomas Manton, Works 6:318

What is the cause of all God's purposes towards us? Himself. There is no other cause. Thomas Goodwin

"When I enter the pulpit with the Bible in my hands and in my heart my blood begins to flow and my eyes to sparkle for the sheer glory of having God's word to expound." -John Stott

He that is not faithful in a little will not be faithful in much, as he that giveth entertainment to a small temptation will also to a greater, if put upon it. —Puritan Thomas Manton, Works 6:309

“I believe in homiletics. But not much. A thousand sorrows teaches a man to preach.” - John Piper

What people need to-day to satisfy their deep hunger and to give them a permanent and Divine experience is to know, not sanctification as a state, but Christ as a living Person, who is waiting to enter the heart that is willing to receive Him. AB Simpson

“Be anxious for nothing.” What an amazing feat that would be! “Nothing!” We’re not even given room to be anxious about a few small things. NOTHING is worth robbing us of our peace. Ray Bentley

If you're saved by Jesus, take comfort knowing that no matter how bad this world gets… it's as close to Hell as you'll ever be, because Heaven is your home.

A Christian should neither be humbled to the degree of dejection, nor confident [in himself] to the degree of security; and therefore, he is to have a double eye, upon God and upon himself, upon his own necessities and upon God’s all-sufficiency. —Puritan Thomas Manton, 6:265

A Christian should neither be humbled to the degree of dejection, nor confident [in himself] to the degree of security; and therefore, he is to have a double eye, upon God and upon himself, upon his own necessities and upon God’s all-sufficiency. —Puritan Thomas Manton, 6:265

To be under the dominion of sin is the greatest slavery, and to be under the dominion of grace is the greatest liberty. —Thomas Manton, Works 6:326

"We need to ponder carefully the qualities of the worker whom God blesses and the character of the work which He prospers." -John Stott.

In Christ are treasures that will require digging to the end of the world. Thomas Goodwin

We have become a soft generation who lack a spiritual backbone. — Steve Lawson

The regenerate man is a holy man. He endeavors to live according to God's will, to do the things that please God. -J.C. Ryle -

To own God as our God is to give Him the throne of our hearts. -A.W. Pink -

"Every week I preach justification by faith to my people, because every week they forget it." -Martin Luther

The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church. Tertullian

"Today you will be with me in paradise" is the whisper of Christ to every dying saint. Charles Spurgeon

A man knows no more in religion than he loves and embraceth with the affections of his soul. Richard Sibbes

If you want to know what God has to say to you, see what Christ was and is. - Charles Spurgeon

Sometimes, God says YES. Sometimes, God says NO. Sometimes, God says WAIT. But, God is… ALWAYS in control. ALWAYS faithful. ALWAYS on time.

If you feel quite weak and ordinary – if you feel like a mess but have the Spirit – you have the right credentials. You are one of the ordinary people God uses to help others." - Ed Welch

Grace and glory differ very little...1 is the seed the other...the flower-grace is glory militant-glory is grace triumphant -Thomas Brooks -

My grand point in preaching is to break the hard heart, and to heal the broken one -John Newton -

"When a curious inquisitor asked Austin what God did before He created the world, Austin told him He was making hell for such busy questionists, for such curious inquirers into God's secrets." -Thomas Brooks.

Let weak Christians know that a spark from heaven, though kindled under green wood that sobs and smokes, yet it will consume all at last. Richard Sibbes

When the exercise of faith is marred by the prevalence of sin, when their known sense and feeling of out-breakings, either make a man stand a-back from Christ, or run away, by secret discouragement or secret despair: this is evidence of much legality. —Ralph Erskine, Works 2:337

If it does not line up with that, no amount of smoothness and flattery makes it true. - Ryan Fullerton

"A powerful message in the hands of a humble messenger among the people is how God normally works. Brothers, we should smell like sheep." - Thabiti Anywabile

Some one has said that the devil can wall us in, but he cannot roof us over. We can always get out at the top. Our difficulties are but God’s challenges, and He makes them so hard, often, that we must go under or get above them. AB Simpson

Grace alters the spiritual taste. Richard Sibbes

Earl Comfort on 7 essential qualities of pulpit proclamation: Preaching must be biblical. Preaching must be understandable. Preaching must be warm. Preaching must be positive. Preaching must be practical. Preaching must be exemplary. Preaching must be exciting.

Help me to honour thee by believing before I feel, for great is the sin if I make feeling a cause of faith. —Valley of Vision, Pg. 14

"It is best not to dispute, when there is no probability of convincing." -George Whitefield.

God's truth always agrees with itself. Richard Sibbes

Now these men (hypocritical preachers) do good to many by preaching what they themselves do not perform; but they would do good to very many more if they lived as they preached. —Augustine, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 2:596

Are you convinced of [your] sin? Well, then you have the 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 need to come to Christ, and believe in him, and the 𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 need to stay away from him. —Ralph Erskine, Works, 2:337

We disguise the majesty of God by our unbelieving thoughts; we come to him as to a bear and lion that is ready to tear us in pieces, and then we cannot have that cheerfulness and delight in his service. —Puritan Thomas Manton, Works 6:331

Are you convinced of [your] sin? Well, then you have the 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 need to come to Christ, and believe in him, and the 𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 need to stay away from him. —Ralph Erskine, Works, 2:337

God the Spirit must bless the Word to you - otherwise conscience, reason, powerful appeals or persuasion cannot awaken you. -C.H. Spurgeon -

When we allow God to be exalted in our difficulties we are in the perfect place to smell the fragrance of His Presence. -A.W. Tozer -

What unthankfulness is it to forget our consolations, and to look upon matters of grievance. To think so much upon two or three crosses as to forget an hundred blessing. Richard Sibbes

Let us not be afraid to know something even of the love that is unrequited and is thrown away on the unworthy. That is the love of Christ, and God has for such love a rich recompense. AB Simpson

The theology preached from the pulpit must be the same theology applied in the counseling room.





“GOD'S DECISION about you will always be GREATER than THEIR DISCUSSIONS about you!”




"The Law condemns, and cannot justify, a sinner; the Gospel justifies and cannot condemn, the sinner that believes in Jesus." - Charles Bridges. The Christian Ministry, 230.

"God has abundantly discovered to us, in His Word, that His method in bringing men from sin to holiness of life, is, first to make them know that He loves them, and that their sins are blotted out." - Walter Marshall. The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification, 19.

Above all, let us be much alone with Jesus. Charles Spurgeon

“Thus, the pastor who thinks he is being biblical by declaring he has no creed but the Bible may actually, upon reflection, find that his position is more shaped by the modern world than he at first realized.” Carl Trueman

“While the law is ‘our schoolmaster’… to teach us our absolute need of [Christ]…the gospel presents Christ as ‘the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth’ (Rom. 10:4).” — Joel Beeke and Paul Smalley

“All His attributes are His essence.” — George Swinnock

"The whole substance of the New Testament is Jesus crucified." — Charles Spurgeon

“There would be no sense in saying you trusted Jesus if you would not take his advice.” - C.S. Lewis

“Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither.” - C.S. Lewis

"The Scriptures have a constant tendency to display Christ." — Charles Spurgeon

"It is vain to look for deliverance anywhere else; but with God, I shall find it." — Charles Spurgeon

"Why do I not call on God? Why do I worry and invent plans?" — Charles Spurgeon

"Poverty is hard, but those who trust in the Lord are made rich by faith." — Charles Spurgeon

"Let my name perish, but let Christ’s name last forever!" — Charles Spurgeon

Hearing the Word lifts us up towards heaven." — Charles Spurgeon

"We have to live and die, and we must have the gospel." — Charles Spurgeon

"You have a living Christ, and in him you have all things." — Charles Spurgeon

"If I go upon the Lord’s errand, it is certain that he will be with me." — Charles Spurgeon

"It does not trouble us if anyone rejects us for imitating God." — Charles Spurgeon

"It is far from fashionable to follow the Lord fully." — Charles Spurgeon

"You need a Savior strong and mighty, risen from the dead." — Charles Spurgeon

"If you study the life of Christ, and yet you only admire him as an example, you do not know him yet." — Charles Spurgeon

"True faith has many sides to it. It is not true faith at all if it is not full of love." — Charles Spurgeon

"A pastor with a great flock is not without his hourly anxieties; but what are those to the cares of the Chief Shepherd?" — Charles Spurgeon

"To glorify God and to enjoy him forever is the only worthy end of mortal man." — Charles Spurgeon

"Self-righteousness is the very height of rebellion against God." — Charles Spurgeon

"Trust in Christ at all times and however deep your poverty, you shall have a superabundant supply." — Charles Spurgeon

"The gospel is all about Christ from beginning to end." – Charles Spurgeon

"Teach the Word to your children so that they may teach it to their children." — Charles Spurgeon

Your sixteen-year-old does not need a Smart Phone.



Nouthetic Counselor



Jan 31

There are over 600,000 embryos that are frozen in the USA. Snowflake Adoption saves them from being destroyed (killed), experimented on, or left indefinitely frozen.

So many of our problems are due to listening to ourselves instead of the Word of God.

As sinful commissions will stab the soul; so sinful omissions will starve the soul. – Thomas Brooks

"Heaven must be in you before you can be in heaven." -George Swinnock.

"Overvalue not the manner of your own worship, and overvilify not other men's of a different mode." -Richard Baxter.

"Disappointments are neither more nor less than providential intimations of the will of God." -John Newton.

"Holiness is nothing else than conformity to the law of God." -James W. Alexander.

"Recreation must be moderate and sparing, even as the use of meat and drink and rest." -William Perkins.

Knowing the Word of God: What do you do when you hear a message, get prophesied over or receive a word of knowledge. The bible says in the last days the very elect will be deceived. The only way to be able to discern if truth is really truth is to know the truth.And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." We are commanded to study to show our self's approved, to rightly divide the word of truth.

awareness of our weakness need never lead to despair over finding strength. Actually, the opposite is true. When we realize our drastic insufficiency, that is God's reminder to seek His supply of strength. "He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength." Those who admit that they are weak are the very ones to whom God offers His strength.

Many that seek mercy to deliver them from the guilt of sin, do not desire grace to deliver them from the power of it. —Thomas Manton, Works 8:382

Thy way, not mine, O Lord, however dark it be; lead me by thine own hand; choose out the path for me. -Horatius Bonar -

Pride is that...creature within us, of such ravenous and indiscriminate gluttony, that the more it devours the more it craves -J.C. Philpot -

O happy they that have so learned the gospel-catechism, from their experience, as to be able to answer to that question, What is God? and to say, “God is love!”. —Ralph Erskine, Works 2:1

Only a sight of his glory, and nothing else, will truly satisfy God’s people. John Owen

Be a person of Character and if the Lord be in me He is going to come out.

Don't get caught up in politics, the ones who do are not making money. The one who wins separates themselves from politics and work.

Jacob schemes but God redeems. Abner Chou

The god of this world is riches, pleasure and pride. Martin Luther

Not everyone who dies “goes to a better place”. Only those who have been saved by Jesus do.

Many things in this world are not right, not just, and certainly not lovely. But even in a fallen world, there is beauty and goodness; there are right and even lovely things. The Lord wants us to remember the beauty. Ray Bentley

There was never yet an effectual course taken for the mortifying of sin, but by the gospel, and the grace of Christ, which yet some ignorantly think leads to licentiousness. —Ralph Erskine (1685-1752), Works 2:264

You can do more than pray after you have prayed, but you cannot do more than pray until you have prayed. Pray often, for prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God, and a scourge to Satan. John Bunyan

s I n “I” is always at the center of sin. That means we are not the solution for sin. That’s why self-help doesn’t solve spiritual problems. If we are the problem, we cannot be the solution. We need Someone bigger than “self”. His name is Jesus.

Have you ever been accused of being a narrow-minded Christian? Those who level such accusations against us certainly mean it as an insult. According to Jesus, however, that’s the only way to walk if we want to experience abundant life now and eternal life with Him in heaven.

 Let life situation change, betrayal enter and possessions be taken, and happiness is yanked. But God’s joy is an eternal state of being. His joy can never be stolen.

He Himself made Himself the servant of all, and he who would come nearest to Him and stand closest to Him at last, must likewise learn the spirit of the ministry that has utterly renounced selfish rights and claims forever. AB Simpson

Which path are you traveling? You can’t have one foot on each, because they’re going in opposite directions.

“If we deny election, we must, partly at least, glory in ourselves.” | George Whitefield

God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing. —C.S. Lewis

On all vital matters of doctrine we are to be as uncompromising as Paul was with Peter. – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

There is infinitely more power lodged in the nature of God than is expressed in all His works. -A.W. Pink -

The more we enjoy God, the more we are ravished with delight. -Thomas Watson -

In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart. John Bunyan

If my life is fruitless, it doesn't matter who praises me, and if my life is fruitful, it doesn't matter who criticizes me. John Bunyan

When God will have any great matters done, he sets his people's hearts to work at prayer by a kind of gracious instinct. He stirs them up and moves their hearts by the influence of his Holy Spirit. Thomas Goodwin

The most thankful person is the most fully human. Thomas Goodwin

“Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” were ideals of America’s founders. “Happiness,” for them, was not wild living, nor endless acquisition, but a content, disciplined, ordered life.

Nothing but Jesus can satisfy the soul. - George Whitefield

He walks foolishly that, to please a few weak, dying men, displeaseth the jealous and almighty God; he walks wisely who will be sure, whoever be offended, to please him upon whose favour his life and all his comforts depend. —Puritan George Swinnock, Works 2.281

Were it not for Christ's place, and business, and heart in heaven, 𝘯𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘯 on earth could have boldness at the throne of grace. —Puritan Robert Traill, Works, 1:112

Living for Jesus is a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute experience. It is yielding your life to Him and walking in fellowship with Him. It is falling in love with Him to the point where he becomes the very center and focus of your life. Chuck Smith

Only a false version of Christianity, teaches that as long as you believe in God, you can live however you want to.

"In prayer, we stand before the throne of the Infinite." — Charles Spurgeon

"It’s now our turn to be faithful to point the next generation to Jesus, so they will rise and point the generation after them to Jesus." - Shane Pruitt

Other physicians can only cure them that are sick, but Christ cures them that are dead. -Thomas Brooks -

God always gives more, never less, than we ask -Octavius Winslow -

Christ's riches are unsearchable Thomas Goodwin

"If I could do one thing to improve the effectiveness of pastoral preaching and pastoral care in the church, it would be to call all pastors to understand the doctrine of the Law and the Gospel in Scripture."

Being in Christ, and united to Him, is the fundamental constitution of a Christian. Thomas Goodwin

If we would go back to our reformers, we would see a gospel-spirit among them; but now the gospel-scheme is come under reproach, as if it were a new scheme; and some preach against it, write against it, reason against it as if it were Antinomianism. —Ralph Erskine, Works 2:334

When the subject of spiritual strength is raised, our thinking often turns in one of two directions. Either we consider how we can muster up our own strength, or we dwell on our own weakness, doubting that adequate strength can ever be found. Well, it is clear from the Scriptures that God does not expect mere human strength to be sufficient for our spiritual callings. "Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall." Natural strength is never more evident than in youth. Yet, even that supply is not what people need for spiritual endurance.

We are encouraged to adopt ideas about life because two or more agree but God calls you out to understand the truth. It alone sets men free. It is not relative

Believing on the Lord Jesus for salvation is more pleasing to God than all obedience to His Law. —Puritan Robert Traill, See Works 1:244-6

If we depend upon human powers for the preservation of our church and state; or depend upon human policy, for the reformation of religion, we will find ourselves sadly disappointed. —Ralph Erskine, Works 2:196

Oh despise not election! Therein lies all your hope, that there is a remnant who shall infallibly be saved. Thomas Goodwin

That a God upon a throne should be an infant in a cradle; the thundering Creator be a weeping babe and a suffering man, are such expressions of mighty power, as well as condescending love, that they astonish men upon Earth, and angels in Heaven. Thomas Goodwin

The Gospel is not only about changing where you will live for eternity, it's also about changing how you will live today.

Be of good courage. Strengthen your heart and wait on the Lord until He comes. May His blessing be with you forever! Spurgeon

“The goal of preaching is discovery, not creation.” -Adam Bailie

I never would have been able to comfort anguished seekers if I myself had not been kept waiting for mercy. I have always felt grateful for distress because of the results afterward. Spurgeon

This is the true secret of power for service, the heart filled and satisfied with Jesus, and so baptized with the Holy Ghost that it is impelled by the fulness of its joy and love to impart to others what it has so abundantly received. AB Simpson

Feelings + Emotions do not equal Discernment

Faith provides meaning to life!

The Bible wasn't written for "other people" -- such as people who already seem "religious" or are knowledgable of theological matters or appear successful and godly. No, it was written for suburban soccer moms, metro males and Manhattanites, illiterate tribal folks, lifers in prison, patients on life support -- everyone, including you.

The peace of God is a miracle. There are moments when we experience God’s peace when it’s not logical, rational, or even emotionally plausible. But it happens. And it is beyond understanding. Ray Bentley

Glory in nothing, but only in this, that you are in Christ. For God chose you in him; the being you had was in him before the world was. Thomas Goodwin

Jonathan Edwards

What reason have we to bless God that we are not in hell but in a world where we have opportunity of obtaining the pardon of our sins and so escaping that place of torment and obtain heaven

God works with power, and can make the unwilling willing; if He undertakes the conversion of a soul, it will be converted. All the pious workings of our heart towards God are the fruit and consequence of the powerful working of His grace in us. Thomas Goodwin

Believe in prayer and you will pray believingly. -C.H. Spurgeon -

The essence of idolatry is the entertainment of thoughts about God that are unworthy of Him. -A.W. Tozer -

Judas heard all Christ's sermons. Thomas Goodwin

If you drink of the water from the wells of life, you will thirst again. Chuck Smith

"The Holy Spirit is acknowledged as the one who spoke ‘through David’in the writing of Psalm 95.The Spirit continues to speak to subsequent generations of Christians through this scripture,warning them to make each day a fresh‘Today’in which to hear His voice & live" -D Peterson

Christians do not have to live; they have only to be faithful to Jesus Christ, not only until death but unto death is necessary.

~Vance Havner~

God changes things, not prayer. Prayer works not merely because of the words we say, or the promises we claim, or the faith we express. Prayer works because God hears and answers prayer. H.B. Charles Jr.

Often people try to fight with another person's armor. They see God

do something wonderful through someone else and they try to copy

it without really making it their own. God's work is never most

effectively done in this way. Be your self no matter who you sit under as a pastor. Peter, James, and John all sat under Jesus but all where different in there way they taught.

We might think of humility as a form of weakness, but it is actually the very opposite. Humility is connected to meekness. Jesus said, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." What is meekness? A literal definition of the word is power under constraint.

It strikes me that conflict is the principal feature of the Christian life this side of heaven.

~C. H. Spurgeon~

Don't follow your heart, it is wicked. Follow Jesus, He is wise.

Let my candle go out, if the Sun of Righteousness may but shine. -Thomas Watson -

Concerning our Lord Jesus Christ, we must also be aware that he is our Advocate, and that without Him we cannot approach God. -John Calvin -

Fans of Jesus sooner or later find themselves exhausted. Fans grow tired of trying to maintain an outer appearance that doesn’t match an inner passion.

Your wedding day doesn't mark the end of your pursuit of each other. Rather, it's just the beginning. Pursuing your spouse means you realize that you can always love him/her more.

Your perspective on what makes a good marriage (in general) will impact your real-life marriage in profound ways.

If you believe you can "find" the ideal marriage, you will grow hopeless if/when you realize that yours isn't perfect. Instead of looking for ways forward, you'll look for ways out.

No words written on paper will ever sustain you like the promises of God.

The Lord desires a close and intimate relationship. And He knows the anxieties and struggles we encounter will cause us to seek Him continually in prayer -- which is infinitely more important than finding a solution to whatever problem we were initially praying about. So even though our concerns for family and friends might interrupt our sleep and plague our thoughts, we must keep casting our concerns upon Him because we know how deeply He cares for us. What are you concerned about? Prayer is the answer. nbox me with your request that the prayer team may pray for you

As God’s story becomes our story, his power becomes our power.

Max Lucado

One valuable result of gaining wisdom is not what it gives, but what it receives. William Arnot says in Studies in Proverbs that “receptiveness is a characteristic of the new heart…as the thirsty ground drinks in the rain, so the wise in heart long for and live upon God’s Word.”

The Lord is gracious and if we surrender to HIM and truly examine the up and downs of whatever is going on in our lives we can see His work..

Through illness, we see we need to stop take note that HE is needing our attention and we must walk with HIM..

The Word is our guide...

We may be off Guard but as we put on The Armor of GOD we will prevail.. Eph 6:13-17 Pick up your bibles and read it.. Surrender to HIS plans and His Will...

Staying Faithful... I see the Lord working and He is getting all the glory for prayers being answered...

How wonderful that God did not limit His grace to justification. We need it just as much for sanctification. We need His grace to strengthen us for the diverse spiritual roles that God has for us as disciples, soldiers, athletes, and farmers. For all of this, the only sufficient resource is to "be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus."

A forgiven sinner should love to forgive.

Dustin Benge

The only reason God seems distant in your life is that you’re keeping Him at a distance. ~

We tend to be most vulnerable to temptation when we’re tired, lonely, discouraged, depressed, angry, or struggling in a relationship, especially with our mates. Don’t think for a moment demons don’t know this or will hesitate to pounce in those very times.

When the subject of spiritual strength is raised, our thinking often turns in one of two directions. Either we consider how we can muster up our own strength, or we dwell on our own weakness, doubting that adequate strength can ever be found. Well, it is clear from the Scriptures that God does not expect mere human strength to be sufficient for our spiritual callings. "Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall."

Atonement means the making of reparation for sin. It represents the reconciliation between God and man brought about by the death of Jesus Christ. As Christians, we know we can never do enough good to offset our sinfulness. That's why we need a Savior. However, we also need to turn from old sins and return to God.

 Real freedom is finding the right restrictions, the ones you were designed for.

Timothy Keller

Half the battle is knowing your enemy.

Unless we feel it is an honor and a joy to give, God does not accept the offering.

~Charles Hodge~

Too often we find our worth in what people think about us and in how we line up with others, and we spend a lot of time and energy wondering how we can better ourselves enough for people to like us. We think that if we just do this or look like that, all our problems will be solved. But thinking this way moves us away from experiencing love. Why?

Because we’re moving away from who we truly are. It’s like we have to be known to be loved.

“Spiritual strongholds begin with a thought. One thought becomes a consideration. A consideration develops into an attitude, which leads them to action. An action repeated becomes a habit, and a habit establishes a ‘power base for the enemy,’ that is a stronghold. —Elisabeth Elliot

It's what you sow that multiplies, not what you keep in the barn.

~Adrian Rodgers~

“The self-sufficient do not pray, the self-satisfied will not pray, the self-righteous cannot pray. No man is greater than his prayer life.” —Leonard Ravenhill

Nothing is so strong as true gentleness. Nothing is so gentle as true strength. ~

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Our murmuring is the devil's music." -

Thomas Watson.

"A sinner can no more repent & believe without the Holy Spirit's aid than he can create a world." -

Charles Spurgeon

Never be afraid or intimidated to say, “the Bible says…”

Scripture is our final authority.


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