Never Stop Praying Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.—
God's blessings are not based on who we are or what we deserve. I am so glad! God's blessings are unmerited gifts that are backed by the honor of His name. God loves you and wants to bless your life. Just ask.
We are not responsible for conversion,
but we are responsible for contact.
~A. T. Pierson~
Many people want a Savior that forgives their sin, but not a Lord that dictates their life.
A worship leader is a doorman in the master's house. He is not there to entertain the guests with himself, but to take them to the master!
Never look down on anybody unless you're helping them up.
In an effort to be "nice," many Christians today have stopped trying to persuade others to follow Christ. We don't want to offend people or appear strange. So we do nothing.
Luis Palau
“Faith and doubt are by no means mutually exclusive; doubt is rather the shadow which everywhere follows faith and trust.” —Wolfhart Pannenberg
Evangelism is not a program or the application of a method; it is a lifestyle. Some are naturally gifted at sharing their faith and others are not, but every Christian is called to testify to the good news that Jesus Christ came to seek and to save the lost.
He is Jesus, the only begotten Son born of the Father who died for you and me, sits at His dads right hand to come to our defense and has given us the Holy Spirit to lead guide and teach us His moral will and to persevere in Faith. That is the Great I AM!
Some people want to trust God for everything, but never take any action themselves. Even if someone gives you food, you still have to take action to place the food in your mouth, chew it, and swallow it. It won't just magically happen by itself.
The worst distance between two people is misunderstanding.
As believers, the devil has no control over you but he seems to cause little distractions that drive you buggy (yes, pun intended!). So remember that our God is much bigger and more powerful than this little lord of the flies!
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do
that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
~Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.~
Long ago, God promised a new covenant of grace for His people Israel. "I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel." Some day, the Israelites will turn to Messiah as a group and enter into this promised covenant of grace. "And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: 'The Deliverer will come out of Zion, and He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob; For this is My covenant with them, when I take away their sins'" (Romans 11:26-27). This will take place when the Lord Jesus returns to this earth. "And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they have pierced; they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn" (Zechariah 12:10).
Don't fall into the trap of worshiping a god of your own creation.
Nothing is more important than letting the Bible tell us who God is,
instead of mentally shaping our own god. Instead, we can do the
opposite of Aaron and lead people to the true God - the God of the
Bible - instead of the god of human creation.
“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” Jim Rohn
“Discipline has within it the potential for creating future miracles.” Jim Rohn
“You don't have to change that much for it to make a great deal of difference. A few simple disciplines can have a major impact on how your life works out in the next 90 days, let alone in the next 12 months or the next three years.” Jim Rohn
“The best time to set up a new discipline is when the idea is strong.” Jim Rohn
“Only human beings can reorder their lives any day they choose by refining their philosophy.” – Jim Rohn
“Give whatever you are doing and whoever you are with the gift of attention.” – Jim Rohn
We usually get what we hunger and thirst for. The problem is, the treasures of earth don’t satisfy. The promise is, the treasures of heaven do.
“I don't know the whys of God. I am not God. I can't tell you why God allows certain things.” ~ Chuck Smith
“So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself – nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. ” – Franklin D. Roosevelt
"A president's hardest task is not to do what is right, but to know what is right. – Lyndon Johnson"
If you need grace and mercy from the King of kings you only need to repent and ask. Grace is omnipotence acting redemptively.
~Geoff Thomas~
A lot of people are putting their faith in the new president but I repeat Pastor Greg's words. " When you put your faith in Jesus Christ, not only will you have a life that is worth living, not only will you find the meaning of life, but you also will have the hope of life beyond the grave".
As the gospel transforms your marriage it will transform the hearts of your children. How you love, serve, and reconcile to each other is a glimpse -- a foreshadowing -- of how Jesus loves them.
Your actions and visible heart change speaks a thousand times louder than any sermon they will ever hear or understand. And by God's grace, they will respond by placing their trust in Christ.
Our Lord is incredible always...
I was having an overwhelming morning full of frustration but I stopped took some time to breathe and prayed...
When you fight alone, you stand alone. When you let Jesus fight your battles, you have the host of God’s angel army behind you.
~Billy Graham~
Every president beginning with George Washington has prayed, invoked prayer, or asked God for His continued blessing on the United States during their Inaugural Address. On April 30, 1789, Washington said, “No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the Invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than those of the United States.”
Abraham Lincoln in his second inaugural address said, “With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”
In his 1949 inaugural address, Harry Truman said, “We believe that all men are created equal because they are created in the image of God.”
John F. Kennedy remarked in his 1961 inaugural, “The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.”
In 1981, Ronald Regan stated in his inaugural address, “With God’s help, we can and will resolve the problems which now confront us. And after all, why shouldn’t we believe that? We are Americans.”
Despite what happens on Capitol Hill, Jesus is Lord over all lords and the King over all kings. He will demonstrate His reign over all His enemies. To celebrate His promised victory over sin and everything contrary to His will.
Every revival begins when people begin to open, read, and study their Bibles. Too often our minds are made up or closed to certain subjects because of church doctrine. I think it is the responsibility of every Christian to listen to God speaking to us individually through His Word. Remember, Christianity is not a religion of rules -- rather it is a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Our Lord Jesus Christ called himself the Truth, not the Custom.
“You don’t have to be great to start, but you do need to start to be great.” —
Zig Ziglar
“The fastest way to do big things is to consistently do the small, right things.”
—Craig Groeschel
“If you want to change what you do, change what you see.” —
Craig Groeschel
“Making your desired actions obvious will be the difference between good intentions and great results.”
—Craig Groeschel
Examples can be either negative (what not to do), or positive (what to do). In this same way, watching and learning from the Jews throughout the Old Testament has taught us the consequences of a lack of faith, as well as the gigantic blessings of a return to faith.
The astounding three-fold provisions this new covenant offers by faith to all believers today.
First, there is the forgiveness of sins.
Second, there is the opportunity to have an intimate relationship with God.
Third, there is the internal working of the Lord God Almighty enabling and changing people's lives from the inner core of their being.
Soft days for evangelical Christians are passed, and only a strong view of Scripture is sufficient.
Francis Schaeffer
I can preach gospel doctrine with a proud heart. (I often have.) But nurturing gospel culture demands a humble heart.
Ray Ortlund
Gospel culture is just as serious and substantive as gospel doctrine. But there is this difference:
Nurturing gospel culture is more demanding personally.
Distraction robs us of the ability to both live in the moment and discern what lasts.
Bob Goff
There are no crown-wearers in Heaven who were not cross-bearers here below.
~C. H. Spurgeon~
The Word of God means nothing if we don't put it into practice. He told us it would be this way, we need to live by faith.
To have the presence of God with me is the greatest comfort in the world.
Condemnation — the preferred commodity of Satan. He will repeat the adulterous woman scenario as often as you permit him to do so, marching you through the city streets and dragging your name through the mud. He pushes you into the center of the crowd and megaphones your sin: This person was caught in the act of immorality... stupidity... dishonesty... irresponsibility.
But he will not have the last word. Jesus has acted on your behalf.
CS Lewis
No matter what your story of failure is, Jesus’ payment on the Cross covers it. No matter how many times you’ve embarrassed yourself by sinning outrageously, Jesus looks at you with compassion. He stoops for you.
“Leadership in the kingdom of God is from the bottom up, not a grasping, controlling, or lording it over others. It is leading out of failure and pain, questions, and struggles—a serving that let's go,” writes Peter Scazzero.
The worst sort of clever men is those who know better than the Bible.
"Ten minutes' praying is better than a year's murmuring."
— Charles Spurgeon
"God’s Word does not merely impart information; it actually creates life. It’s not only descriptive; it’s effective too, God speaking is God acting."
-Michael Horton
The gospel is good news about what has been done to save you, not what you have to do to save yourself.
John Owen: “There is no inconsistency between spiritual joy in Christ and godly sorrow for sin.”
Nothing will happen if you don’t work for it to happen. Many of us ask God to do some things for us, yet we don’t want to work our faith. Get up and start moving towards what you want. You can’t get a job if you don’t apply.
God doesn’t make mistakes.. so if He’s showing you it, you better believe it. The more you ignore the signs, the worse things are going to get. The more you ignore, the more you hurt yourself. If you see it, Believe it!
Too many people want a God that loves and accepts them but doesn’t command and change them. He doesn’t work like that.
Man fell occasioned by a tree.
Man's redemption was occasioned by the hanging on a tree.
If you could lose your salvation, you would.
—John MacArthur
No one has been a Christian their whole life. Every one was born a sinner in need of a Savior.
Christianity is not something you’re born into, it’s something you have to be Saved by Jesus into.
When teaching the Bible to teens and young adults... don't dumb it down, disciple them up!
By FEEDING FELLOW PRISONERS IN A JAIL, God prepared Joseph to FEED THE NATIONS FROM A PALACE. NEVER Despise Your SMALL Beginnings or Current Circumstances, God Still Has Something BIG In Store for You Too!
Christians can take comfort in God's sovereignty and His ultimate victory, but their involvement is necessary in the here and now.
Jack Hibbs
“Part of church membership is submitting to the leadership of the local church. You don't have to agree with everything the leadership believes, but it would be wrong to actively undermine a core practice of the church.” — Michael Foster
Leaders strong in talent but weak in prayer nurture their people in the lie that style matters more than spiritual substance. - Michael Reeves
Believing is the consequence of the new birth. John Bunyan
“Our plight as sinners can be traced ultimately back to Adam. Our only hope as sinners lies in the second Adam, Jesus Christ.” — Guy Prentiss Waters
No doctrine is more excellent, or necessary to be preached and studied, than Jesus Christ, and him crucified. - John Flavel
Unless we follow Christ and make our God the great object of life, we only differ in appearance from the most frivolous. — Charles Spurgeon
If the doctrine of justification is lost, the whole of Christian doctrine is lost. Martin Luther, (Lectures on Galatians, LW 26:9)
None of [sola scriptura] means we're obliged to discard the wisdom of godly men from ages past and require each man to try to discern truth from scratch by reading nothing but Scripture by himself. — Phil Johnson
Eighty and six years have I served Christ, nor has He ever done me any harm. How, then, could I blaspheme my King who saved me? Polycarp
"No sooner do we transgress than God is ready to forgive." - Charles Spurgeon
The church is stamped with an impression that says, “Property of Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords.” The church belongs to Him. —John Tweeddale
"[…]the Lord God so effectually and wholly forgets transgression that he presses the offender to his heart, adopts him into his family, and lifts him up to dwell for ever with him above." - Charles Spurgeon
He who thinks he lives without sin puts aside not sin, but pardon. Augustine
"Man’s forgiveness is never so full as God’s, for the Lord forgives and harbours no resentment, he preserves no recollection of our transgressions: he casts them into the depths of the sea, and remembers them no more." - Charles Spurgeon
No one is strong in his own strength, but he is safe by the grace and mercy of God. Cyprian
“First, God hates sin (Ps. 5:4; Prov. 6:16-19; Hab. 1: 13). It grieves Him (Eph. 4:30). He is so infinitely perfect that no sin can hurt Him, but He is so infinitely pure that all sin is offensive to Him.” — George Swinnock
Happy the soul that has been awed by a view of God's majesty. -A.W. Pink -
See in the meantime that your faith brings forth obedience, and God in due time will cause it to bring forth peace. -John Owen -
The most likely man to go to hell is the man who has nothing to do on earth. Idle people tempt the devil to tempt them. -C.H. Spurgeon -
Show me the condition of your Bible and I will accurately gauge the condition of your soul -A.W. Tozer -
The present time in which we live is termed by Scripture, ‘the last hour’, ‘the last days’, ‘these last times’ so that no one should err in vainly expecting some new teaching or revelation. John Calvin
Nothing more hinders a soul from coming to Christ, than a vain love of the world... -John Bunyan -
Almost every natural man that hears of hell, flatters himself that he shall escape it; -Jonathan Edwards -
There is not one blade of grass, there is no color in this world that is not intended to make us rejoice -John Calvin -
Ignorance of Scripture is the root of every error in religion, and the source of every heresy -J.C. Ryle -
Subject to none, influenced by none, absolutely independent: God does as He pleases, None can thwart Him, none can hinder Him. -A.W. Pink -
The Word is a glass to show us our spots, and Christ's blood is a fountain to wash them away. -Thomas Watson -
"To let children take their own way, is the sure method of increasing their self-will sevenfold." -John Wesley.
"You cannot in wrestling take better hold of God than by the skirt of a promise." -William Bridge.
"When I followed my lusts, a dark cloud came between me and the clear skies of truth." -Augustine.
In regard of God, patience is a submission to His sovereignty. To humbly submit because it is the will of God to inflict the trial, to be silent because the sovereignty of God orders it - is true godly patience. Stephen Charnock
If we would revive our spiritual life we are to abide more at the Well-Head of life [Jesus Christ]. —Puritan John Owen, Works 9:369
The true reason why the power of godliness is fallen to so low an ebb is because the Sabbath is no more strictly and conscientiously observed. —Thomas Brooks
Christ’s death is the destruction of our enemies, the spring of our happiness, and the eternal testimony of divine love. Stephen Charnock
Let us look upon a crucified Christ, the remedy of all our miseries. His cross has procured a crown, his passion has expiated our transgression. His death has disarmed the law, his blood has washed a believer's soul. Stephen Charnock
Whatever a man prefers to God, that he makes a god to himself. Cyprian
We have the same same reason to continue [in our Christian walk] that we had to begin at first. There is the same loveliness in God’s ways: Christ is as sweet as ever; heaven is as good as ever. —Thomas Manton, Works 6:315
"The love of Jesus is the source of salvation. He loves, he looks, he touches us, we live." — Charles Spurgeon
“When Christ died, he died for you individually just as much as if you had been the only person in the world.” - C.S. Lewis
"Every promise of God's Word belongs to all those who have the faith to grasp it." — Charles Spurgeon
"To believe and love the Trinity is to possess the key of theology." — Charles Spurgeon
Be constantly committed to prayer or to reading [Scripture]; by praying, you speak to God, in reading, God speaks to you. Cyprian
God’s tender love for His servants makes Him concerned about our inner feelings. Some think it a small matter for believers to be troubled with doubts and fears. God does not, and He wants us free from cares and doubts. Spurgeon
Superficial religion will always be fashionable because it does not require self-denial. Charles Spurgeon
If a ministry is man-praising and man-honouring, it is not of God. Charles Spurgeon
"Christ's eyes never slumber, his hands never rest, and his shoulders are never weary of carrying his people's burdens." — Charles Spurgeon
"Because God is the living God, he can hear. Because he is a loving God, he will hear." — Charles Spurgeon
It is well or ill with us according as we are under God’s smiles or frowns. —Matthew Henry
God has deserved our love; how has he loved us! - Thomas Watson
"You consider sin a mere trifle, scarcely worth thinking about; but God regards it as an evil and an accursed thing." — Charles Spurgeon
"Hold everything earthly with a loose hand; but grasp eternal things with a deathlike grip." — Charles Spurgeon
The church is stamped with an impression that says, “Property of Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords.” The church belongs to Him. John Tweeddale
Do not say, ‘I am not prepared for coming to Christ’; for I know of no preparation a sinner can make for Christ, but that of seeing himself lost and undone without Him. —Ebenezer Erskine (1680-1754), The Beauties of Ebenezer Erskine, Pg. 115
"We must have the Word of the Lord. With this Word alone we can withstand the devil." — Charles Spurgeon
May the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the eternal high priest himself, the Son of God Jesus Christ, build you up in faith and truth and in all gentleness and in all freedom from anger and forbearance and steadfastness and patient endurance and purity. Polycarp
Let us, therefore, foresake the vanity of the crowd and their false teachings, and turn back to the word delivered to us from the beginning. Polycarp
"May the Lord cause his Word to prove its power in us by its making us fruitful unto every good work to do his will." — Charles Spurgeon
"No man who merely skims the book of God can profit from it. We must dig and mine until we obtain hidden treasure." — Charles Spurgeon
"When a man admires himself, he never adores God." — Charles Spurgeon
It is the aim of the scripture to represent God [as] merciful. It is true, God is infinitely just, as well as infinitely merciful; but he delighteth in gracious discoveries of himself to the creature; he counteth it his glory. —Puritan Thomas Manton, Works 5:57
“I have learned now that while those who speak about one’s miseries usually hurt, those who keep silence hurt more.” - C.S. Lewis
"Our best performances are so stained with sin that it is hard to know whether they are good works or bad works." — Charles Spurgeon
"Leaders must be people who are themselves submitted to that powerful Word, whose lives are being shaped by its teaching, and whose ministry is enlivened & empowered by its dynamic effects." -Jonathan Lamb
"Death comes to the ungodly man as a penal infliction, but to the righteous as a summons to his Father's palace." — Charles Spurgeon
Jesus Christ will not tone down the truth of Scripture to suit your carnal taste. Charles Spurgeon
We were ensnared by the wisdom of the serpent; we are set free by the foolishness of God. Augustine
"I am quite certain that, if God had not chosen me, I should never have chosen him." — Charles Spurgeon
“To glorify God and to enjoy Him forever” is the only worthy end of mortal man! Charles Spurgeon
"A Christian can no more live without prayer than I can live without breathing." — Charles Spurgeon
Spiritually —and emotionally—healthy people are humble because they allow themselves to be real, broken, vulnerable, and to let go, because Jesus did. Ray Bentley
O let me commit myself to him who has ever poured forth on me his mercies with so lavish a hand - William Wilberforce
"Our power is given from day to day by him in whose hand our breath is." — Charles Spurgeon
The detestable use of end notes in a theology book instead of foot notes is not a secondary issue.
Scripture is comprehensively sufficient to do ministry with people experiencing profound difficulties in their lives. - Heath Lambert
"If the chosen should will not come to the Lord full-handed, it shall come empty." — Charles Spurgeon
"There is no point upon which men make greater mistakes than upon the relation which exists between the law & the gospel" (Charles Spurgeon).