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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

When you hang out with the wrong people at the wrong place at the wrong time, then it is only a matter of time until you do the wrong thing.

The revealed will of God is either manifested to us

in His Word or in His works.

~John Flavel~

“The first thing you must do to establish God’s perfect will in your life is to know God intimately, through His Word and through prayer.” If you do not know Him, how can He give you guidance and assistance? How can you really know what God has called you to be, if you do not know Him?

An acorn needs nutrients and time to grow into a tall, sturdy oak tree. Likewise, men and women of conviction develop gradually through committed Bible study and prayer. Ready to get planted firmly in biblical truth?

Dr. Charles Stanley

In our culture of over-achievers, we tend to focus on going farther…on going the second mile. And Jesus clearly said we are to be willing to do that. But to begin the second mile, we must complete the first. We must be ordinary before we can hope to be excellent.

Tell me where you lost the company of Christ, and I will tell you the most likely place to find Him.

In our meditations upon law and grace, we have also been considering (though not yet mentioning) the principal characteristics of the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. When the Lord wrote the message of His law upon stone tablets for Moses, He was prescribing the terms of the Old Covenant. "The LORD gave me the two tablets of stone, the tablets of the covenant." When Jesus came into the world to die on the cross, the Lord was establishing the New Covenant. "This cup is the new covenant in My blood."

Manna and Jesus = God's grace through food you did not work for and God's grace you don't have to die for...

If you are not willing to move on you have not learned truth*

When God becomes Jesus and Lord it is then you have a personal relationship.

Zig Ziglar

 Never quit, if you stumble, get back up. What happened yesterday no longer matters. You have the whole world in front of you. You have a purpose and you have a difference to make.... Get going.

It's a blessing to have hope and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and to see it in others. My brothers wife went home to be with the Lord about a year ago and in church last night he shared how thankful he was for the grace and love of God. He knew where his wife was and was so thankful God made a way.

 Happy day when mortality shall be swallowed up of life, and the Eternal Sabbath shall begin! but first you have to know the Lord...

With most problems in this world, things must move beyond

"someone must do something" to "I must do something." That's

how it was with the problem of bringing man back to right

relationship with God. In many ways humanity complained about

the problem for centuries, until the Son of God came saying,

"Behold, I have come-- In the volume of the book it is written of Me

- To do Your will, O God." (Hebrews 10:7).

Truth should be seen, Truth should be sensed, and Truth should be herd. Above all we need to be a people of truth.

Truth will set you free!

You are made right with God through the finished work of God!

God does not care what you sound like, all that matters is that you praise him,

In song

in prayer

and in reading His word!

Often things are more clearly seen through the lens of brokenness.

We can be calm in the calamity because Jesus overcame it!

The Lord chooses character over comfort!

Our faith is not dying because of the trial but because of our perception of the trial.

Will you allow God's Word to minister to your needs today? It's free of charge and of much greater value than the latest and greatest self-help seminar.

A lot of kids grow up going to church and hearing God's truths, but they don't always internalize those truths and make them their own. So when they reach the point of leaving home, they also leave the church, because they had never really thought through why they should believe what they'd been taught.

I look at other people's kids and and think they are perfect. I guess that is why I like working with children and youth. I love seeing them grow in the Lord. That is what it is all about, Not knowledge but growth In Christ.

Would you like some peace? Then quit giving your neighbor such a hassle. Want to enjoy God’s generosity? Then let others enjoy yours. Would you like assurance that God forgives you? I think you know what you need to do.

“Fear not that your life shall come to an end, but rather that it shall never have a beginning.” —John Henry Newman

A devoted community is built on a devoted God.

The best way to grow up is to grow together.

Community: Learning together. Do you have people that can speak into your life? The sins that are most likely to destroy you, are the sins you are less likely to see.

Community/ “I have come to know a God who has a soft spot for rebels, who recruits people like the adulterer David, the whiner Jeremiah, the traitor Peter, and the human-rights abuser Saul of Tarsus. I have come to know a God whose Son made prodigals the heroes of his stories and the trophies of his ministry.”

― Philip Yancey

“Life can only be understood backward; it must be lived forward.” —Soren Kierkegaard

Conversion involves a personal revolution. Why? Because the things we previously considered gains are now losses, and what we once thought were losses now add to our gains. When we truly place our faith in Jesus, it always turns our world upside down. It gives us a completely different perspective on everything from education and marriage, to friendships and money – with a special emphasis on the things we now hold as most valuable.

Anger presents many physical dangers to the body. Research shows it can lead to heart disease, damage to the liver and kidneys, as well as cause depression. The World Health Organization reported over half a million murders are committed each year worldwide. Between 3 and 10 million children witness some form of domestic violence yearly – all results of anger.

There is nothing more awful than conscious humility; it is the most satanic type of pride.

~Oswald Chambers~

Is God in very deed your God? For if He be, He will rule your soul; He will dominate your whole spirit, and sway His scepter over your whole heart.

~C.H. Surgeon~

There are so many lessons to learn from the Bible. It is important to learn the lessons God is trying to teach you.

Reading the Bible is a journey that allows you to hear from the Lord.

“We can do little things for God: I turn the cake that is frying on the pan, for love of Him; and that done, if there is nothing else to call me, I prostrate myself in worship before Him who has given me grace to work; afterward I rise happier than a king.” —Brother Lawrence

I had a debate recently with a Christian brother about what comes first the pace or the purpose. He (like many of you) felt the purpose needed to come first otherwise someone might get started in the wrong direction, make a mess of things, and waste a lot of time, resources and energy trying to find the right purpose. While I agree with that to a certain degree, I also know it is much easier to change direction when moving -- most of the challenge in anything is just to begin (whether that's a diet, exercise program, search for a new job, or a missionary expedition).

The most difficult step in any call to action is the first one -- that is where all the doubts, insecurity, questions of ability and adequate resources are expressed. Once moving those issues might still be there but they are a lot less important because the most important decision has been made -- to get started. After you're moving is when the Lord might choose to alter your intended target, much as He did with Paul and his missionary team.

“There is, therefore, something in humility which, strangely enough, exalts the heart.”—St. Augustine

“Resisting the devil” does not mean “rebuking” him by shouting at him. It refers to a godly lifestyle of submission to God, a break with the friendship of the world and a spirit of personal humility.

~Frank Retief~

The first work of the Spirit is to make a man look upon sin as an enemy and to deal with sin as an enemy, to hate it as an enemy, to loathe it as an enemy and to arm against it as an enemy.

~Thomas Brooks~

The work of Christ in redemption will achieve ultimately the expulsion of sin, the only divisive agent in the universe.

~A.W. Tozer~

The saints of God are sealed inwardly with faith,

but outwardly with good works.

~John Boys~

As a Christian, you have to ask yourself, “Do I have spiritual fruit in my life? Do people see the fruit of love? Am I a real child of the light?” If you have both true faith and true works––working together in your life––that is awesome.

The U.S. presidential inauguration takes place tomorrow, meaning that there will be someone new leading the country. While he, along with the members of Congress and the Supreme Court, will have a great deal of power, ultimately, it is still God who will be ruling over the United States.

King Jehoshaphat understood this concept well. He was one of the kings of Judah during the Old Testament. Like many kings in the Old Testament, he had his triumphs and struggles when it came to his dependence on God. In 2 Chronicles 19, the king had just returned from a battle that he was warned not to enter into. After escaping with his life, Jehoshaphat was quick to turn himself and the nation of Judah back toward God. This was a wise choice, as there was a huge army that gathered to attack Judah in 2 Chronicles 20. This time, Jehoshaphat turned his eyes toward God and sought His help. In the end, God led the nation into battle and delivered the enemy into Judah’s hands. King Jehoshaphat’s prayer still rings true today – God rules over all the kingdoms of the nations. His power and might are greater than any president, vice president, or other U.S. leader. Pray for the country.

Who more innocent than Christ? And who more persecuted? The world is the world still.

~John Flavel~

The devil’s lies are convincing—he speaks them through so many cool people, so many popular slogans, so many trendy causes. His lies are hypnotically credible because they soak into us, and we fail to counter them with heavy doses of truth from God’s Word.

Randy Alcorn

Scripture says we will sin and that we shouldn’t deny but should confess our sin. It also says the Bible is given to us not to make us sinless yet but to help us sinless, to be sanctified now, anticipating the day we will be glorified and forever sinless.

Randy Alcorn

True revival has always begun with and resulted in separation.

~Vernon Patterson~

The law of God is the "what"; the grace of God is the "how". The law of God reveals sin; the grace of God forgives sin. The law of God indicates man's problem; the grace of God provides God's remedy. The law of God demands performance by man; the grace of God offers provision from God. The law of God is the standard; the grace of God is the means. The law of God is the spiritual measuring rod that evaluates lives; the grace of God is the nurturing resource that produces spiritual life. The law of God tells us of the character of God; the grace of God reproduces that character in us. The law of God is the effect God wants to see; the grace of God is the cause that brings forth that effect.

Often, when sleep eludes us, it’s because we are holding on to the cares of this life. We struggle to let go of them because we struggle to trust God. We forget that God is sovereign over us, and He has given us sleep as a gift.

The only way the kingdom of God is going to be manifest in this world before Christ comes is if we manifest it by the way we live as citizens of heaven and subjects of the King.

~R.C. Sproul~

Life is better when we admit what we don’t know, realize our own moral status before God, and give up our made-up Right to Be Offended.

Aren't you tired of holding onto anger, evaluating other people, holding grudges, and being offended? We’re not built to carry those heavy burdens. We’re supposed to walk in peace and be free! It's time to let it go!

Freedom of expression doesn’t give you freedom from the consequences of your words or actions.

There are common questions Christians should ask that may indicate a spiritual problem in their lives: “Can you be a Christian and still . . . ?” (Fill in the blank.) In other words, “Can I get away with this and still technically be saved?”

Does it build me up spiritually? Does this thing that you want to do promote growth in your Christian character? Some things in life can tear you down because they tear you away from the people of God or dull your hunger for the Word of God.

Does it bring me under its power? Some Christians say they have the freedom to do a certain thing because they can handle it. They can control it. But does it bring them under its power? Can they go through a day without it? If not, then it isn’t freedom.

Do I have an uneasy conscience about it? There might be something that you feel uneasy about doing. It just doesn’t feel right. Romans 14:23 says, “For whatever is not from faith is sin” (NKJV). We’re all different. One believer may do a certain thing, but that very thing could harm you spiritually.

Could it cause someone to stumble? You may have the liberty to do something, such as go to this movie or watch that TV show. But if it bothers another believer, be sensitive to that. As Christians, we don’t live unto ourselves. We have an effect on others.

All too often people who are interested in following Jesus don’t want to let go of things that will slow them down. We need to count the cost.

Greg Laurie

the principal characteristics of the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. When the Lord wrote the message of His law upon stone tablets for Moses, He was prescribing the terms of the Old Covenant. "The LORD gave me the two tablets of stone, the tablets of the covenant."

True revival versus emotionalism: - Revival is more than a feeling. It is an awakening. - Revival is more than a feeling. It is worshiping God above all. - Revival is more than a feeling. It is walking in repentance. - Revival is more than a feeling. It is living in obedience. - Revival is more than a feeling. It is desiring holiness.

Too many people want a God that loves and accepts them, but doesn't command and change them. He doesn't work like that.

If your church seems loud, because it's full of young people. Then, be sure to praise the Lord for that! Because, a quiet church with no young people in it is deafening.

“Each day we are becoming a creature of splendid glory or one of unthinkable horror.” - C.S. Lewis

We’re not doubting that God will do the best for us; we’re wondering how painful the best will turn out to be.” - C.S. Lewis

“Do not doubt His grace because of your tribulation, but believe that He loves you as much in seasons of trouble as in times of happiness.” — Charles Spurgeon

“Oh, let us have a sight of the blood of Jesus, too, and rest because Thou hast for ever put away our sin, because we believe in Jesus. Thus, Lord, help us to stand before Thee, entering into Thy rest as we enter into Thy presence.” — Charles Spurgeon

“Jesus is to believers the one pearl of great price, for whom we are willing to part with all that we have. He has so completely won our heart that it beats alone for Him; to His glory we would live, and in defense of His Gospel we would die.” — Charles Spurgeon

“If God cares for you, why do you need to care too? Can you trust Him for your soul and not for your body? He has never refused to bear your burdens; He has never fainted under their weight…leave all your concerns in the hand of a gracious God.” — Charles Spurgeon

Doing the work of God is dangerous but not doing the work of God is more dangerous. -Sabina Wurmbrand

The first reason we don’t speak the truth in love is fear of man. We’re afraid of losing friendships or straining relationships. Unfortunately, this just compounds our own sin. In Gal 1:10, Paul warns us that if we are man-pleasers, we are not servants of Christ.  Susan J. Heck

All other topics in Holy Scripture are important, and none of them are to be cast into the shade. But the death of the Son of God is the central sun of all these minor luminaries. It is the great Alpha and Omega. It is not only eminent, it is preeminent with us. C.H Spurgeon

A church that’s deeply aware of it's misery & nakedness before a holy God will cling tenaciously to an all sufficient Savior, while one that’s self-confident & relatively unaware of its inherent sinfulness will reach for religion & morality whenever it seems convenient M. Horton

"If God so loved you, ought you love those who treat you badly?" — Charles Spurgeon

"For the present blessedness and for the eternal happiness of man, let God's Kingdom come." — Charles Spurgeon

"Temporary Christians are not really Christians." — Charles Spurgeon

"Consider Jesus, often think of him, try to copy him." — Charles Spurgeon

"Tell your suffering into the ears of God. As sure as the Bible is true, he will not leave you." — Charles Spurgeon

"What is the whole earth, after all, compared with the greatness of God?" — Charles Spurgeon

"If your religion is a dead and formal thing, then you will soon depart." — Charles Spurgeon

"If you are not very prayerful, you are much to be pitied." — Charles Spurgeon

"Books about the Bible are read, I fear, more than the Book itself." — Charles Spurgeon

"One of my happiest thoughts is that, when I die, I shall enter into rest with Christ." — Charles Spurgeon

"The worst sort of clever men are those who know better than the Bible." — Charles Spurgeon

"If you belong to Christ, be holy." — Charles Spurgeon

"When lives are lost in Christ’s honor, there is no waste. This is what life is made for." — Charles Spurgeon

"Even before creation, God sat as a king on his throne, forever to be worshiped." — Charles Spurgeon

"Since the world was created, man has imitated Satan." — Charles Spurgeon

"God teaches his people every day through sickness." — Charles Spurgeon

"Trust Christ without a single doubt, for he never failed anyone." — Charles Spurgeon

"I would sooner be holy than happy." — Charles Spurgeon

"All delight in God dies out where sin reigns." — Charles Spurgeon

"The gospel is all about Christ from beginning to end." – Charles Spurgeon

"We can never be happy, restful, or spiritually healthy until we become holy." — Charles Spurgeon

You wish to be great, begin from the least. Augustine

Nothing, therefore, happens unless the Omnipotent wills it to happen. He either permits it to happen, or He brings it about Himself. Augustine

Since God is the highest good, he would not allow any evil to exist in his works unless his omnipotence and goodness were such as to bring good even out of evil. Augustine

We speak, but it is God who teaches. Augustine

He who falls, falls by his own will, and he who stands, stands by God's will. Augustine

If we are perplexed by an apparent contradiction in Scripture, it is not allowable to say, 'The author of this book is mistaken'; but either the manuscript is faulty, or the translation is wrong, or you have not understood. Augustine

Better that I find you, God, and leave the questions unanswered, than to find the answers without finding you. Augustine

In failing to confess, Lord, I would only hide You from myself, not myself from You. Augustine

The law detects, grace alone conquers sin. Augustine

Grace alone brings about every good work in us. Augustine

People travel to marvel at the mountains, seas, rivers and stars and they pass right by themselves without astonishment. Augustine

It Takes Faith to See Your Victory Before You Even Fight Your Battle!



The Closer We Are to the SHEPHERD, the Safer We Are From the WOLVES...


“You cannot taste the sweetness of any doctrine till you have remembered Christ’s connection with it.” -C.H. Spurgeon

Tony Evans

God may lead you one way in a situation and a totally different way in another very similar situation. Stay close to Him in prayer.

"Meditation keeps out Satan." -Philip Henry.

To make intercession for men is the most powerful and practical way in which we can express our love for them. -John Calvin -

Praying and sinning will never live together in the same heart. Prayer will consume sin, or sin will choke prayer. -J.C. Ryle -

Could I stand upon England’s tallest mountain and speak with the loudest noise of thunder, and articulate my mind to every ear, I would say that the abuse of [God’s] grace is England’s sin. —Nicolas Claget (1610-1663), The Abuse of God’s Grace, xii

"The whole end and object of theology is to know God! A Person! Not a collection of abstract truths, nor a number of philosophical propositions, but God!" -Martyn Lloyd-Jones.

For as a man drinks good doctrine into his soul, so he fears God. -John Bunyan -

While God wants to reach the heart with truth, he does not bypass the mind. -Jonathan Edwards

Tony Evans

Today we have plenty of religious men, we just don't have many kingdom-covenanted men.

Jesus, God’s most beloved, knew about glory and power, and love. He also knew great sorrow. And He didn’t run from it, gloss over it, or pretend that sadness and distress weren’t present in His life. Ray Bentley

Tony Evans

Position, power and possessions don’t last. What lasts is what is done in obedience to the King of kings and the ruler over all.

Every believer must ask this question: What has God called me to do that is bigger than me? Then, pursue your calling in faith.Tony Evans

God’s ways are not our ways. Yet within the constancy of their change remains one element that never changes and that is that God is looking for people of faith.Tony Evans

"Indifferentism about doctrine makes no heroes of the faith." -J. Gresham Machen

“There is no way of deliverance from the guilt and power of sin but by the death and blood of Christ.” John Owen

If I am in Christ, it is because God took me out of the world and gave me to Christ. R.C. Sproul

There is no place for pride in the Christian life. – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Grace does not choose a man and leave him as he is. -C.H. Spurgeon -

Let a man set his heart only on doing the will of God and he is instantly free. -A.W. Tozer -

Having Jesus, I find in him I possess all things. - George Whitefield

"It is our duty to raise our voice in protest against all that is contrary to Scripture in our church. We have to speak up!" -Klaas Runia.

I do not understand how a man can be a true believer, in whom sin is not the greatest burden, sorrow and trouble -John Owen -

Every fresh act of sin lessens fear and remorse, hardens our hearts, blunts the edge of our conscience, and increases our evil. -J.C. Ryle -

Progressive Christianity is often code language for compromising on old sin.

Skip Heitzig

Faith rarely grows in isolation. The Christian life is to be lived in public. There is no such thing as secret discipleship.


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