God fulfilled so many promises when Jesus came as a baby in Bethlehem.
Don’t mistake God’s love and patience with people for the false belief that He accepts and tolerates their sin.
As followers of Jesus Christ, we are to conduct ourselves and behave ourselves as citizens of heaven in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Don't walk like the people of this world who are on the broad path to destruction. Don't walk like the people filled with smut and filth. As Christians, you and I are to walk as though we are walking on the streets of gold in that city whose builder and maker is God.
Walk worthy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and be a light in your home, in your school, or in your job. If you are not a citizen of heaven, then why not accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Let Him cleanse you from your sins, and stamp your passport as a citizen of heaven.
Depression is an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual disorder. Something is out of balance. We have buried some pain instead of confronting it or have misplaced our trust and sought help from impotent sources. In order to deal with depression, we must first come to a place of total and complete surrender to God and His plan of healing - even if we cannot see or do not understand that plan. The bottom line of God's heart toward His children is always restoration and healing.
God is not the great ‘I WAS’; He is the great ‘I AM.’
~Eric Alexander~
The magi also knew about the joy of giving. While they gave gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the Christ child, they also gave another gift…a long walk. We don’t know how far the magi traveled, but we do know that it was a distance that took months, perhaps years. Their long walk was part of the gift.
I wonder how far we are willing to go to worship Jesus…
Among those who believe all roads lead to Heaven are Mr. Relativist, Mr. Pluralist and Mr. Universalist. The relativist says there is no absolute truth, the pluralist argues that all truths are equally absolute and the universalist thinks it doesn’t matter because it’s all going to work out. Jesus says there’s only way to the Father—through Him. Jesus declares He is the incarnation of absolute truth.
We have allowed the culture to overrule God’s natural order. I have seen so much rebellion in Christian marriages today, because people want to be independent instead of submitting. When we step outside of God’s order and God’s authority, there is a lack of respect. Without God’s authority, our lives are thrown into chaos. There is no order without the lordship of Jesus Christ.
If you do not surrender to Christ you surrender to chaos.
~E. Stanley Jones~
You have no idea how much God wants to accomplish through you. Just let Him use you. Just trust Him!
“People are being deluded. They feel that living the Christian life is like following the instruction for putting together a toy … a little mixture of psychology, a smattering of common sense, a dash of salesmanship and a few verses of the Bible as a sugarcoating, makes a successful formula for Christian living … My friend, I say to you, what we need is a relationship with Jesus Christ. We need a hot passion for Him.”
Dr. J. Vernon McGee
Jesus always appealed to the outcast, to the common, to the ordinary. And that should give hope to ordinary people like us.
The strongest men are willing to get in their knees and cry out to God!
The concept of “blind faith” is a recent invention, found nowhere in Scripture.
"Once in our world, a stable had something in it that was bigger than our whole world."
~C.S. Lewis~
“Each day we are becoming a creature of splendid glory or one of unthinkable horror.” - C.S. Lewis
"Live near to God, and so all things will appear to you little in comparison with eternal realities." —Robert Murray McCheyne
Don’t mistake God’s love and patience with people for the false belief that He accepts and tolerates their sin.
Often, terms like Progressive Christianity and New Evangelicalism is just code language for compromising on old sin.
Compromising your Biblical convictions, to make you more relevant, actually makes you irrelevant.
"Your sin is a condemned thing. It may kick and struggle, but it is doomed to die." — Charles Spurgeon
"If the chosen should will not come to the Lord full-handed, it shall come empty." — Charles Spurgeon
"Since our good works did not win God's affection, bad works cannot sever that affection." — Charles Spurgeon
"God is the same, whatever is removed. Everything may change; but God does not." — Charles Spurgeon
"The old man is not sent to the hospital to be healed, but to the cross to be crucified." — Charles
"Blessed are the waves that wash the mariner upon the rock of salvation." — Charles Spurgeon
"It is not needful that I should be rich, but it is imperative upon me to be pure." — Charles Spurgeon
"Communion with Jesus is a richer gem than ever glittered in an imperial crown." — Charles Spurgeon
"A Christian can no more live without prayer than I can live without breathing." — Charles Spurgeon
"The gospel is all about Christ from beginning to end." – Charles Spurgeon
"I could no more think of a changing God than I could of a round square." — Charles Spurgeon
I lay it down as a simple matter of fact, that no one who is careless about such things (private prayer, bible reading, the Lord's Day ) must ever expect to make much progress in sanctification. Let men call this legal doctrine if they please... —JC Ryle, Holiness, 54-55
"The law may speak by way of direction to believers, but cannot speak to them by way of actual condemnation, because Christ hath removed the curse." - Samuel Rutherford. The Trial and Triumph of Faith, Sermon 13.
"It is a great display of arrogance to isolate ourselves from two thousand years of church history and interpret the Bible in a personal vacuum." –– Paul Washer
Use thy duties, as Noah’s dove did her wings, to carry thee to the ark of the Lord Jesus Christ, where only there is rest. -Isaac Ambrose, Puritan Golden Treasury, 182
Long ago I ceased to count heads. Truth is usually in the minority in this evil world. Charles Spurgeon
"The preacher who exhibits energy in and out of the pulpit but does not provide a godly example is as beneficial to the church as a dull razor to a man’s beard. In time, the preacher’s character will be widely known and impact his work for the Lord accordingly." - Hernando Motta
No man ever comes into a realization of the best things of God, who does not, upon the Godward side of his life, learn to walk alone with God. Streams in Desert Devo
Oh! When a man goes every morning to God, and desires the direction of His Spirit, and professeth to God in the poverty of his own spirit that he knows not how to guide his way for the day, then God shall teach him the way shall walk. —Thomas Manton, Works 6:234
"All the sins of all believers, however great and many they be, without the least exception, are fully remitted... it is as if they had no sin but had kept the law perfectly, for He who has made satisfaction is the true and eternal God." - Wilhelmus a Brakel. TCRS, 1:512.
When the time comes for you to die, you need not be afraid, because death cannot separate you from God's love. Charles Spurgeon
All that I have done and am doing in my life is for the purpose of one day hearing those words, “Well done.” That is the motivation behind all I do. It is what I am looking toward and working for. Chuck Smith
God is the master and controller of everything, from the beginning, and in accordance with his wisdom, He determined what He should do and that now by his power He gives effect to whatever He has decided. John Calvin
A Good Shepherd is not known by how gently he pets the sheep. A Good Shepherd is known by how well he protects them and feeds them. —John MacArthur
"If you are an unbeliever when you die, Christ did not die for you." -Ambrose.
“What is the best safeguard against false doctrine? The Bible regularly read, regularly prayed over, regularly studied. We must go back to the old prescription of our Master: ‘Search the Scriptures.’ (John 5:39).” - J.C. Ryle
Woe to those who oppose #revival. How foolish are those who stand on the sidelines. -Jonathan Edwards -
Without #worship, we go about miserable. -A.W. Tozer -
Salvation is the work of God. It is He alone who quickens the soul "dead in trespasses and sins," and it is He also who maintains the soul in its spiritual life. He is both "Alpha and Omega." "Salvation is of the Lord." Charles Spurgeon
Emptiness is written upon everything till the heart comes to its Saviour and Lord. Charles Spurgeon
Q 42. Since Christ has died for us, why do we still have to die? A. Our death is not a payment for our sins, but only a dying to sins and an entering into eternal life. — Heidelberg Catechism
How it calls forth the devotional feelings in the morning when the mind is vacant from worldly business, to see all nature pour forth, as it were, its song of praise to the Great Creator and Preserver of all things. - William Wilberforce
Obedience is the essential trait of discipleship. Larry Osborne
“Where God pardons, He purifies. Whoever God forgives, He transforms.” — Thomas Watson
Why then should you be afraid, dejected, or depressed? Pluck up your courage! An hour with God will make up for it all; one glimpse of Him and your trials will seem nothing. Spurgeon
They that are not holy in a time of peace will not be holy and constant in a time of trouble. —Thomas Manton, Works 6:220
If there were infinite worlds made of creatures loving, they would not have so much love in them as was in the heart of that man Christ Jesus. —Puritan Thomas Goodwin, Works 2:162
Cling to that cross which took your sin away, serve Him who served you. Charles Spurgeon
"Nothing takes off more from the authority of ministers, and the efficacy of their message, than a custom of vain and frivolous conversation." -Robert Leighton.
Living in freedom is simpler than people think. Pastor Eric Souza
O Lord, let not your law be a cursing to our consciences, but rather… [let us] be fully persuaded, that you by your death have taken away all our sins, and fulfilled the law for us, and by this means have delivered us from the curse of the law and paid our ransom. — Henry Smith
#Sin is three-dimensional and has consequences in three directions: toward #God, toward self and toward society. -A.W. Tozer -
#God is glorified not only by His glory being seen, but by its being rejoiced in. -Jonathan Edwards
-"Stiff-kneed preachers often have stiff-necked people." - E. Hundrall
“A church that is fed only on principles and commands will languish from malnutrition. Its heart will wither, its hope will fade, and its vitality will be drained. But a church fed on Christ and His gospel will go from strength to strength and from glory to glory.” — Paul Washer
Q: 41. Why was he "buried"? A. His burial testifies that he really died. — Heidelberg Catechism
Depend upon it, however, let men rebel against this truth as they will, that God has determined the end from the beginning. He has left no screw loose in the machine, He has left nothing to chance or accident. Charles Spurgeon
"Let us with all our weakness, and infirmity, and imperfection, yet bless and praise God, who made us what we are by his grace[...]" - Charles Spurgeon
The first advent: “She gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger” (Luke 2:7). The second advent: “He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God” (Rev 19:13). The baby is King!
Jesus was the perfect Lamb of God—without fault or blemish—the only acceptable sacrifice for your sins and mine.
Holiness begins in our minds and works out to our actions. This being true, what we allow to enter our minds is critically important.
"Don’t forget your Father the Gardener knows a whole lot better than we know what will bring forth the best Christian fruit in each one of us." ~ Elisabeth Elliot
"Union to Jesus is, methinks, the sweetest doctrine in revelation." - Charles Spurgeon
"The Holy Spirit not only convicts of sin but also convinces men that Jesus is the righteousness of God. He shows sinners that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life." #BillyGraham
“Christmas is a time to celebrate all Jesus has done for us! Whether or not Jesus was actually born on December 25th, we set aside this holiday as a time to come together and give Him praise and worship. I hope that this Christmas, you find the joy of the Lord and a reason to celebrate His love for you!”-
Never set your perverted conscience or opinions against God's Word. "Let God be true." It will be sad, indeed, if you disregard the Bible & follow your misguided conscience or erroneous opinions in the "ways of death" (Prov. 14:12). -Hugh Crossley (1895)
"O soul, if thou art in sadness and sickness to-day ay, let thine arms embrace the man Christ Jesus." - Charles Spurgeon
"The greatness of God rouses fear within us, but His goodness encourages us not to be afraid of Him. To fear and not be afraid-that is the paradox of faith." - A.W. Tozer
"No one can attain any degree of holiness without God working in his life, but just as surely no one will attain it without effort on his own part.” Jerry Bridges
The world will let a man go to hell quietly and never try to stop him. The world will never let a man go heaven quietly; they will do all they can to turn him back. -
Sanctification doesn’t happen by osmosis. We can’t starve ourselves spiritually and still expect to grow in the likeness of Christ. —John MacArthur
"Better is that sin which humbles me, than that duty which makes me proud." (Thomas Watson)