“This all-comprehensive purpose [of God] is not, as a whole nor in any of its constituent elements, conditional…It is an absolutely sovereign purpose, depending only on ‘the wise and holy counsel of his own will.’” — A. A. Hodge, The Confession of Faith, 63.
Faith in the Lord Jesus is the only sure medicine for troubled hearts. —J.C. Ryle
Although our Bibles are inspired, our personal interpretations are not. It is a great display of arrogance to isolate ourselves from two thousand years of church history and interpret the Bible in a personal vacuum." –– Paul Washer, The Preeminent Christ, 28.
"Herein we may observe God's unfathomable love for humanity. The elect, rather than being desirable, were hateful in themselves. God, however, loves them for reasons within Himself, purely because He wills to love them." - Wilhelmus a Brakel.
It is the testimony of the Scriptures and every confession, creed, and catechism of the church that the incarnate Son and His gospel is the greatest revelation of God to men and angels and that the climax of that revelation is the cross of Calvary! — Paul Washer
“On earth, many go about to establish their own righteousness; in heaven, ‘glory to the Lamb.’ On earth, many take Christ as part of their righteousness, and their duties as part; in heaven, all give glory to the Lamb.” - Robert Murray M’Cheyne. Memoir & Remains, 388.
During Christmas here are 7 truths about the incarnation of Christ: 1-The Son of God has always existed 2-He is the only One with a virgin birth 3-He is God with us 4-Jesus never sinned 5-He died & rose again 6-Today Jesus reigns as King 7-Christmas isn’t a day, it’s a lifestyle
As sure as God is happy, his people must be happy." — Charles Spurgeon
There is no thought, no word, no act, and no area of human life that is not affected by sin. Joel Beeke
"Do you want guidance? There is infinite wisdom waiting for your call." — Charles Spurgeon
All mankind which ever were, are, and shall be [will be judged]. No age, no sex, no nation, nor dignity, nor power, nor wealth, nor greatness, can excuse us . —Thomas Manton, Works 13:50
The Son of God stood, as a criminal, before mortal man … that we may stand boldly before God. —John Calvin, Syn. Gosp. III:275
“There can be no conversion without conviction, and there can be no conviction apart from the Spirit of God using the Word of God and the witness of the child of God.” - Warren Wiersbe
"The God who spoke the the world into being now uses our words to shape the world to His will." - John Koessler
"Mark well these three words: ‘Believe and live.’" — Charles Spurgeon
"Cast away your self-righteousness. Trust in the finished work of our exalted Savior." — Charles Spurgeon
“Christianity is not about how to escape from the difficulties of life - it is about how to face the difficulties of life.” —Alistair Begg
The work of Christ is infinitely greater than the greatest depth of our sin.
"Christ did not die on the tree to make men saveable, but to save them." — Charles Spurgeon
#Pray often; for prayer is a shield for the soul, a sacrifice to #God, and a scourge for Satan. -John Bunyan -
#Holiness depends on God's #faithfulness, and not on our feelings or awareness of it. -John Owen
"The three uses of the Law - to restrain sin; to lead to Christ; and to determine the believer's conduct." -Ernest Kevan.
“Those who preach only out of duty produce listeners who listen only out of duty, a miserable exchange of boredom.” - Darius Salter
"Love for Christ breeds hatred of sin." — Charles Spurgeon
Man stumbled according as God had ordained, but he stumbled through his own fault. John Calvin
Hold everything earthly with a loose hand; but grasp eternal things with a death-like grip. Charles Spurgeon
"You can wash the outside, but that does not make you clean, for the filth is all within." — Charles Spurgeon
Christ came 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖 (Gal. 4:4) Christ died 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖 (Rom. 5:8) Christ rose 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖 (2 Cor. 4:14) Christ is coming 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖 (1 Thes. 4:14)
The magistrate’s interposing in religion is to me an unquestionable duty, and yet to be managed with great caution. —Thomas Manton, Works 6:220
“I need Scripture to help shape my understanding of what love is so I might better appreciate the distinctive gift of God’s good love.” — Dr. Michael Allen
"To love holiness is true happiness." — Charles Spurgeon
There is no such thing as an 'ordinary Christian'. - Martyn Lloyd-Jones
"You cannot pray too long in private." — Charles Spurgeon
"God loves to work by the meanest instruments." -George Whitefield.
"Do you want grace? God delights in mercy, and all that mercy is yours." — Charles Spurgeon
Let every man of whatsoever craft or occupation he be of... serve his brethren. -William Tyndale -
I am more afraid of my own heart than of the pope and all his cardinals. -Martin Luther -
“…in the gospel salvation is not offered under that hard, harsh, and impossible condition laid down for us by the law-that only those who have fulfilled all the commandments will finally attain it-but under an easy, ready, and openly accessible condition.” Calvin
People with anger issues are not operating in God's kind of love. When we walk with Him in AGAPE love, we are easy to get along with -- long-tempered and long-suffering.