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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

If you have been fearful to share your story of faith with others. Maybe you've been hesitant to tell your co-workers or some of your family members about what Jesus Christ has done for your life. In just a few short verses, Jesus tells the disciples to "go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15). It's simple; wherever you are, just go and do it. It doesn't take a masters degree to simply share what Jesus did for you. Just go, and go for it.

"This is your life! and it's ending one minute at a time." ~ Tyler Durden

"Buy time, don't sell it. One is an investment, the other is a salary."

The promised Deliverer will be the One on whom the Spirit of God rests. “Anointing” is the term used to describe the Holy Spirit’s “coming upon” a person. Thus, the Deliverer will be The Anointed One—Messiah from the Hebrew language and Christos from the Greek. The completeness of the Holy Spirit will be upon the Promised One.

Nothing Can Satisfy

Ecclesiastes 1:14

Nothing can satisfy the entire man but the Lord's love and the Lord's own self. Some have tried to anchor in other harbors, but they have been driven out of such fatal refuges. Solomon, the wisest of men, was permitted to make experiments for us all, and to do for us what we should not attempt ourselves. Here is his testimony in his own words: "So I became great and surpassed all who were before me in Jerusalem. Also my wisdom remained with me. And whatever my eyes desired I did not keep from them. I kept my heart from no pleasure, for my heart found pleasure in all my toil, and this was my reward for all my toil.

Then I considered all that my hands had done and the toil I had expended in doing it, and behold, all was vanity and a striving after wind, and there was nothing to be gained under the sun."1 "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity."2 What! The whole of it vanity? Is there nothing in all the wealth of kings? Nothing in that vast territory reaching from the river to the sea? Nothing in those glorious palaces? Nothing in the riches of the forests of Lebanon? In all your music and dancing and wine and luxury is there nothing? "Nothing," he says, "but sorrow, and his work is a vexation." This was his verdict when he had experimented on the paths of apparent pleasure. To embrace the Lord Jesus, to rest in His love and be fully assured of union with Him—this is all in all. Alistair Begg

Everything has a purpose in life.... A beginning, A calling, and a new beginning......

The common bond of fellowship between brothers and sisters in Christ can not be matched. You can go away for a year and come back and pick back up right where you left off. This unity is Spirit led and God Ordained....

Speak boldly and speak truly. Shame the devil!

~John Fletcher~

Today, Jesus' story -- the gospel -- has changed millions of lives around the world. To all who believe, it is the gift of eternal life (Romans 6:23)! It's no ordinary story; it's the living, breathing, active hope we have of salvation!

If you know you want something in your life to change, you just need that one moment, that one episode, one realization, one action. Make that magical moment appear with The Day That Turns Your Life Around,

“Better understated than overstated. Let people be surprised that it was more than you promised and easier than you said.” by Jim Rohn *** “You cannot speak that which you do not know. You cannot share that which you do not feel. You cannot translate that which you do not have. And you cannot give that which you do not possess. To give it and to share it, and for it to be effective, you first need to have it. Good communication starts with good preparation.” by Jim Rohn *** “Learn to express, not impress.” by Jim Rohn *** “Effective communication is 20 percent what you know and 80 percent how you feel about what you know.” by Jim Rohn

“For every promise, there is a price to pay.” – Jim Rohn

“The most important question to ask on the job is not ‘What am I getting?’ The most important question to ask on the job is ‘What am I becoming?’” – Jim Rohn

Build your team. Knowledge of different areas (accounting etc.) is important but you need experts to do business and investing right.

Who's your accountant, legal adviser, and subject matter expert? If you are wearing multiple hats, your potential is being limited.

"Without deep reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people." -Albert Einstein

It’s easy to blame our wicked culture for the way we are but the fact of that matter is that it’s our job as followers of Jesus to permeate and affect it.

Wushu ~ With or with out weapons

The first step on the way to victory

is to recognize the enemy.

~Corrie ten Boom~

When God Cried

When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who came with her weeping, He groaned in the spirit and was troubled. —John 11:33

At the tomb of Lazarus, Jesus surveyed the scene. Mary, Martha, and the others were all weeping and mourning. And Jesus wept. Tears rolled down His cheeks.

Jesus wept tears of sympathy for Mary and Martha and for all of the sorrow caused by sin and death through all the long centuries of human existence. The Bible says that He was "a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief" (Isaiah 53:3). When you have lost someone you love, He knows and understands the pain and hurt deep inside your soul. Maybe other people never will completely understand, but Jesus has wept with you. Pastor Greg Laurie

God wants us to be victors, not victims; to grow, not grovel; to soar, not sink; to overcome, not to be overwhelmed.

~William A. Ward~

It's comforting for us to know that God will never allow His work to die with the death or failure of a man. If it is God's work, it goes beyond any man.

In the big picture, we don't have to fear for the future when we know God has provided for Himself leaders. In some unlikely place God is raising up leaders for His people. He will keep them obscure and hidden until the right time then He will raise them up. You can count on it. Just as He did in David.

E pluribus unum (/ˈiː ˈplʊərɨbəs ˈuːnəm/; Latin: [ˈeː ˈpluːrɪbʊs ˈuːnʊ̃])—Latin for "Out of many, one" (alternatively translated as "One out of many" or "One from many")—is a phrase on the Seal of the United States. It speaks of unity.

Koinonia is a transliterated form of the Greek word, κοινωνία, which means communion, joint participation; the share which one has in anything, participation, a gift jointly contributed, a collection, a contribution, etc. Oneness, Unity, or Singleness of Heart.



Impossible is not in God's vocabulary

God works two ways

1. In You

2. and Through You

God is the only one who truly knows the heart of a man. When we assume we know what is in another person’s heart, we will often assume the worst and misjudge them. We need to be more concerned with the condition of our own hearts and allow God to handle the hearts of others.

There is far more wickedness in all our hearts than we know.

~J. C. Ryle~

Do you think you have a dysfunctional family, take a look at Jesus' family tree. Some of the most unsavory characters who made it into the most exclusive genealogy in human history include prostitutes, liars, cheats, adulterers, and even a murderer.

What does this say to us? Even before Jesus was born into that family tree, His ancestry pointed to one thing: Christ came into the world to save sinners. Greg Laurie

A husband whose heart has been captured by Christ has a deeper, truer understanding of love and grace. He understands that he is saved and loved only by God's grace in Christ and is therefore compelled to love his wife similarly. He knows a different, heart-changing love and he extends the same to his wife. He is patient, kind, and gentle. He is faithful.

A wife who is a believer will be profoundly impacted by a husband led by Christ. That's how marriage was designed to work. "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her..." ~ Eph 5:25.

There is nothing more relieving to a wife than a husband who loves her well and leads as he himself follows Christ.

Husbands, let's be that brand of men. Let's be men who follow Christ relentlessly and win our wives' hearts consistently.

Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life. The battle begins in the mind.

unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting another person to die.

I think there is no truer saying.

Christmas is the God who was beyond our reach came within our reach.

Sometimes we are so condemned about our past, worried about our future, that we miss the present.

The Word became flesh and blood,

and moved into the neighborhood.

We saw the glory with our own eyes,

the one-of-a-kind glory,

like Father, like Son,

Generous inside and out,

true from start to finish. John the Apostle

When God uses a person, there is a sacrifice to make. It won't be an easy path, but it will be a fruitful one—and you will look back later in life and be glad that you took it.

Pastor Greg Laurie

Because of Bethlehem, God is always near us. Always for us. Always in us. We may forget Him, but God will never forget us. He called Himself “Immanuel”—God with us!

Maybe the reason we don't know God's will is because we haven't said, "I accept it, and I will obey it." Have you said that to God?

Greg Laurie

Today’s problem is not necessarily tomorrow’s problem. Don’t incarcerate yourself by assuming it is. Resist self-labeling. I’m just a worrier. Gossip is my weakness. My dad was a drinker, and I guess I’ll carry on the tradition. Stop that! These words create alliances with the Devil. They grant him access to your spirit. Turn a deaf ear to the old voices and make some new choices.

Max Lucado

"Tears are never a sign of weakness. Tears are a sign of an open heart."-Voskamp

We must walk both in purity of heart and purpose before God, and also above reproach in the eyes of the people we serve.

If we are going to continue in grace as the Lord desires, we must continue in the word of His grace. We will want to read it prayerfully day by day. We will want to study it regularly for increased understanding. We will want to meditate upon it often for implications and applications. Above all, we will want to be in the word consistently that we might get to know the Christ of the word. In knowing Him more, His mighty grace will properly impact our lives.

Bob Hoekstra

God never sends you where he hasn’t already been.

God uses the person who's eyes and ears are open and one who listens. This means our mouth must be shut...

God can use you where you are.

“God will see to it that the man who finds him in his earthly happiness and thanks to him for it does not lack reminder that earthly things are transient…and that sooner or later there will be times when he can say in all sincerity, ‘I wish I were home.’” —Dietrich Bonhoeffer

If you want to harden the world to the true gospel, go ahead and tell them the lie that Jesus will fix their problems. Jesus came to solve our sin problem, not the problems of this life.

Ray Comfort

We don’t see the whole picture as God sees it. Not only does He see all the participants and problems, but He’s also planned how to work it all out for our good. His omniscience means that He knows all about it, and His omnipotence means that He has all power to carry out His intentions.

The anchor of every steadfast marriage is present and eternal hope in Christ. Wherever you are, rest in him. Rest in God's endless goodness and grace. Rest in his finished work... and remember.

• With Christ, you know you are loved according to God's mercy, not your own merit (Titus 3:5). • With Christ, you know you have been made clean (Ps 103:12). • With Christ, you know you are adopted in as children (Ephesians 1:5). • With Christ, you know your eternal hope is beyond this light and momentary affliction (2 Corinthians 4:17). • With Christ, you have all you need for life and godliness (1 Peter 1:3). • With Christ, you know love without fear (1 John 4:18). • With Christ, you know your eternal hope is beyond this light and momentary affliction (2 Corinthians 4:17).

Of course this is just a small sample of how knowing Christ transforms how you know everything else. May you love one another in marriage as you are loved in Christ.

It's easy to take each other for granted in marriage. Time, familiarity, and human nature are all contributors. It's vital to never forget that your spouse is perhaps God's most obvious blessing in your life!

It's easy to take each other for granted in marriage. Time, familiarity, and human nature are all contributors. It's vital to never forget that your spouse is perhaps God's most obvious blessing in your life! Maybe you agree, maybe you don't. Consider the following.

If we REALLY believe in the gospel, our greatest treasure must be Christ. As his followers, we are called to be molded, refined, and remade into Christ-like people. This truth remains whether your marriage is great or going through a rough patch.

In times of joy and hardship, your marriage is a reminder of the selfless love and grace needed by you and supplied by Christ on the cross. In marriage, you GIVE grace and love, then you RECEIVE grace and love—both in portions and ways only available in covenantal marriage.

Whatever season you're going through, your spouse is one of God's most obvious blessings. The beauty of a lifelong covenant is that it gives love enough time and room to mature into something truly lasting.

Your marriage is a gift and a blessing from God himself. Hold tight to that truth! Always remember what a blessing your spouse is—and tell him/her that you appreciate them regularly.

In fact, start by tagging him/her in the comments with a kind word or two!

The Lord desires for us to continue in a growing relationship with Him, continuing to draw more and more upon His grace: "continue with the Lord…continue in the grace of God". One vital aspect of this process is to be continuing in the word of His grace.

"If any man ascribes anything of salvation, even the least thing, to the free will of man, he knows nothing of grace."

-Martin Luther.

The manger is empty.

The cross is empty.

The tomb is empty.

The throne is occupied for eternity!

Sometimes we are so condemned about our past, and worried about our future, that we miss the present. Jesus entered our world so we can enter His.


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