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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

Updated: Nov 9, 2023

Whatever Satan is using to bind you, Jesus came to free you. Free from...and free to. I can't say that enough. For far too long we've looked at freedom only in terms of what we are free from. But freedom encompasses so much more than a shedding of chains. Jesus set us free to live abundant life by being all He has created us to be and accomplishing all that He has planned for us to do.

Friend, you cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. And what one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government can't give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody. And when half of the people get the idea they don't have to work because the other half's going to take care of them, and when the other half get the idea it does no good to work because somebody's going to get what I work for. That, dear friend, is about the end of any nation.

Adrian Rogers

Complete obedience is a choice to follow God regardless of the consequences. This means that we obey the Lord even if our friends choose a different path or when suffering or embarrassment is guaranteed.

Seeing His will done is more important than our own comfort or personal ambition.

The more I focus on trying to figure out how to please people, the more of a magnified force people-pleasing will become in my life. The more I focus on trying to figure out how to please God, the more of a magnified force He will become in my life.

It is not how long but how well we love that matters.

"Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.” - Cesar Chavez

Love God, love one another.

It is not marriage that fails, it is people that fail.

~Harry Emerson Fosdick~

Do your acts reflect your lineage? Who is your father? Is Christ in you? Who governs what you do?

Aren't you glad that Jesus never tires of granting His mercy? We deserve nothing but judgment and fair payment for our sins, and for the sins that we've caused in others. Yet God, who is rich in mercy, is willing to give us His mercy.

"I find the best way to love someone is not to change them, but instead, help them reveal the greatest version of themselves."- Steve Maraboli

David: Gladiators in helmets, right?

Harrison: Suits.

"Everything you've been through is preparing you for where you're going to."- Billy Cox

Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.

more at Tom Ziglar

Don't wander through life. Make things happen.

Wives, you have access to your husband's heart like nobody else. You see his flaws, his strengths, his fears, and his courage.

Sometimes prodigal children have to live in the wretchedness of a far country before they can recognize the blessings, comfort, and love of home.

We need to recognize that it is God who has anointed us for the work of the ministry. Apart from Him, we can do nothing. He opens the doors and shuts the doors. It is not about us, it is about Him––Jesus Christ.

We must live in the present, teaching, leading and discipling people with the same common vision that was given to us. But we cannot take the credit.

If you want to live your Christian life to the fullest, then love Jesus more than anything else.

True humility is a kind of self-annihilation;

and this is the centre of all virtues.

~John Wesley~

Author Glen Allport writes that love and freedom intertwine in human life…that each are connected parts of a whole, requiring one another. A lack of love, he says, harms freedom, and without freedom, love withers and dies.

before any decision Pray before taking action

What to do when we don’t know what to do… Trust God. Breathe. Trust God. Believe.

Weddings are amazing celebrations of love and devotion in front of God and those you love most. Many couples, however, don't anticipate what comes after the wedding...after the honeymoon...and after the first year they're married.

George Washington knew the importance of being grateful to God for His blessings. He once said, “All nations must acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor.”

The grace of God will do very little for us if we resolve to do nothing for ourselves. God calls us to co-operate with him

in the perfecting of character.

~W. Graham Scroggie~

ALL Christians are to live out the good news of God’s grace in Jesus Christ. All of us are to embody this good news in our work, no matter the context.

You are a minister of Christ, called into his service, called to live for the praise of his glory in everything you do.

I find it hard to love everyone the same. I wrestle with this, sometimes it is easier to love the least and worst more than others. Lord make me like You, You are a servant, make me one too!

Whether poor or rich, whatever God has given you in this life, be satisfied and give Him the glory.

It is better being rich in grace than rich in the purse. ~James Janeway~

One of the greatest problems with our society today is the lack of involvement by godly men. It seems oftentimes men tend to come along in silent support rather than in full participation from the beginning.

Sometimes you have to stop and ask yourself if it is the Lord's desire for us to argue about these finer points of the faith. What do you think? I think healthy discussion and even disagreement is indeed the Lord's will, otherwise, He would have left no doubt about His meaning regarding a variety of debatable topics.

God is faithful as proven by the fulfillment of His promises for centuries to the nation of Israel. Don't you think we can trust in His promises to us as well?

Sermons are not for our entertainment but to make us more like Jesus.

Dustin Benge

You can't expect God to fix what you won't hand over to Him.

Jason Robinson

Spurgeon said, “If I did not believe my disease came from the hand of God, I would be in despair.” We’ll find little comfort in a powerless god! Our comfort comes from God, who permits suffering and can use it for our good, to fulfill a sovereign purpose.

“Much of our prayer is just asking God to bless some folks that are ill and to keep us plugging along. But prayer is not merely prattle: it is warfare.”—

Alan Redpath

He, who gives what he would as readily throw away, gives without generosity; for the essence of generosity is in self-sacrifice.

~Jeremy Taylor~

Laying up treasures in heaven will draw the heart heavenward.

~George Muller~

Os Guinness writes, “Calling is the truth that God calls us to Himself so decisively that everything we are, everything we do, and everything we have is invested with a special devotion, dynamism, and direction lived out as a response to His summons and service.”

IF you do not pass the torch it will not continue!

“Ever since the days of Adam, man has been hiding from God and saying, ‘God is hard to find.’” (Fulton J. Sheen)

“The parts of me I usually like to hide are the very parts where God is working through my life and my story.” (Bonnie Gray)

“There are too many over-fed, under-motivated Christians hiding behind the excuse that God has not spoken to them. They are waiting to hear voices or see dreams – all the while living to make money, to provide for their future, to dress well and have fun.” (Floyd McClung)

“Religion is one of the safest places to hide from God.” (Richard Rohr)

“A Christian who withdraws into himself, hiding all that the Lord has given him, is not a Christian! I would ask the many young people present to be generous with their God-given talents for the good of others, the Church, and our world.” (Pope Francis)

“You needn’t wear a mask; God sees you as you are.”

(Sheila Walsh)

“Our huffing and puffing to impress God, our scrambling for brownie points, our thrashing about trying to fix ourselves while hiding our pettiness and wallowing in guilt are nauseating to God and are a flat denial of the Gospel of Grace.” (Brennan Manning)

“The person who surrenders absolutely to God, with no reservations, is safe. From this safe hiding place he can see the devil, but the devil cannot see him.” (Soren Kierkegaard)

“Where does your security lie? Is God your refuge, your hiding place, your stronghold, your shepherd, your counselor, your friend, your redeemer, your Savior, your guide? If He is, you don’t need to search any further for security.” (Elisabeth Elliot)

“I think at times we find ourselves brokenhearted and disappointed because we live in a world where we are taught to find safety and security in people and not God.”

(Lauren Baton)

“Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.”

(Zora Neale Hurston)

"God does not give us overcoming life—He gives us life as we overcome."— Oswald Chambers

"God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile." — Max Lucado

In Gideon, God called an unlikely leader as His instrument to deliver His people. His humble reply was, "O my Lord, how can I save Israel?… I am the least in my father's house" (Judges 6:15). The Lord's promise was, "Surely I will be with you, and you shall defeat the Midianites" (Judges 6:16). When 32,000 Israelites rallied for battle (Judges 7:3), God diminished Gideon's army to an unimpressive, outnumbered 300. "Then the LORD said to Gideon, 'By the three hundred men who lapped I will save you'" (Judges 7:7). Gideon went forth by faith, and the Lord was faithful to His word. "When the three hundred blew the trumpets, the LORD set every man's sword against his companion… and the army fled" (Judges 7:22).

in Barak, another unlikely leader was selected by the Lord. Lacking courage, he would not go forth to battle unless the prophetess Deborah accompanied him. "And Barak said to her, 'If you will go with me, then I will go; but if you will not go with me, I will not go'" (Judges 4:8). Also, his godless opponent was actually defeated by another woman. "Sisera had fled away on foot to the tent of Jael, the wife of Heber…Then Jael…took a tent peg and took a hammer in her hand…and drove the peg into his temple…for he was fast asleep and weary. So he died" (Judges 4:17, 21). In Samson, we have another unexpected example of faith. Although he did many mighty exploits, he often proved to be a vain and foolish man (especially, concerning women). Yet, in his death, he won his greatest victory of all. "'O Lord God, remember me, I pray! Strengthen me, I pray, just this once, O God' …So the dead that he killed at his death were more than he had killed in his life" (Judges 16:28, 30).

In Jephthah, we have one more unlikely example of faith. He was the "son of a harlot" (Judges 11:1). He made what appears to be a foolish vow (Judges 11:30-31[1]). Still, on occasion, his trust in the Lord was evident. "Then the Spirit of the LORD came upon Jephthah…and the LORD delivered them into his hands" (Judges 11:29, 32).

David was such a notable man of faith. He faced the giant Goliath by faith. "Then David said to the Philistine, 'You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts'" (1 Samuel 17:45). When Saul wanted to destroy him, David entrusted the King into the hands of the Lord. "Let the LORD judge between you and me, and let the LORD avenge me on you. But my hand shall not be against you" (1 Samuel 24:12). He confidently confessed the Lord as his strength, his joy, and his comprehensive salvation. "The LORD is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation" (Psalm 118:14). He also turned to the Lord at the lowest spiritual point in his life (after he sinned tragically in adultery and murder). In humble dependence he cried, "Have mercy upon me, O God, according to Your lovingkindness; according to the multitude of Your tender mercies, blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin" (Psalm 51:1-2).

Samuel was another notable man of faith. He began to trust in the Lord as a young boy. "Then the LORD came and stood and called as at other times, 'Samuel! Samuel!' And Samuel answered, 'Speak, for Your servant hears'" (1 Samuel 3:10). Then, he grew spiritually and faithfully served the Lord throughout the nation of Israel. "So Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground. And all Israel from Dan to Beersheba knew that Samuel had been established as a prophet of the LORD" (1 Samuel 3:19-20). Also, he courageously rebuked King Saul for not fully carrying out God's instructions to destroy the Amalekites. "Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, He also has rejected you from being king" (1 Samuel 15:23).

David and Samuel were outstanding servants of the Lord. However, the noteworthy distinctive in their lives was the same spiritual distinctive that caused some men of lesser renown to be listed here as well…faith. "For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon and Barak and Samson and Jephthah" (Hebrews 11:32a).

Move on from old history. Most of us have past experiences that are hard to put behind us. Divorce, bankruptcy, health issues, abuse, rebellion, bad choices, destructive behavior—don’t let the past define you. If you need to forgive or be forgiven, take care of that. If you need a godly counselor to help, seek help—then claim the promise of Jesus: “Behold, I make all things new” (Revelation 21:5) and move on. Everything has become new—including the wineskins of your heart, ready to be filled with a fresh, healing anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Ray Bently

"For, ‘looking at him’ in his sincerity and earnestness, ‘He loved him’—as He loves those that are His Own... And, although we hear no more of him, who that day went back to his rich home very poor, because 'very sorrowful,' we cannot but believe that he, whom Jesus loved, yet found in the poverty of earth the treasure of heaven."

Biblical scholar Alfred Edersheim

Our lives can please God. We start by finding out what God specifically says pleases Him. And the Bible gives us some very clear truths that it identifies as things that please God.

Some people have the mistaken notion that God is very difficult to please. He is not. He loves us. He knows all about us. Our failures do not come as a surprise to Him. He wants the very best for us. He is patient with us. His resources are at our disposal.

The reason Jesus hasn’t yet returned is that God is waiting for more people to believe. He wants you to know Him, have faith in Him, and be ready for His return.

walk with God means to get into harmony with Him.

As followers of Christ, we need to get into harmony with God. It doesn’t mean that God needs to get into harmony with us. But often we think that is the case. We want God to bless the plans that we’ve made apart from Him.

“Walk together” means walking in tandem or harmony. Think of a bicycle for two, a tandem cycle. If the rider in front is pedaling away while the rider in back is hitting the brakes, that is going to slow things down. The same is true of two people in a canoe. They both have to work together in perfect rhythm. If one person digs in the paddle like a brake, it will hinder both of them from going where they want to go. The idea is that both need to get into harmony. Both need to move together. And that is what it means to walk with God.

Grit and perseverance help us to develop more than the ability to wait. They help shape the way we behave while we’re waiting.

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Are you stuck in a waiting period? What you do during that time matters! Grit and perseverance help shape the way we behave while we’re waiting.

Send me. Anywhere. Anytime. I will sign my name to a blank contract of availability. God, you just fill in the details.






"Don't you dare carry Dead people, places or things into your Abundant Life!"

If You Can't Embrace a Little Pruning, Don't Expect Bigger Fruit!

"God will Deliberately Choose Underqualified You, Over Someone Else’s Overqualified Ego!"

We all have wounds, but you can't let that be an excuse to sit on the sidelines. Sometimes in life, you have to play in pain!

Don't Break Down Your Spouse Spirit While Building Up Someone Else.







In a relationship… You don’t want someone that will worship you. You want someone that will worship Jesus. Being someone’s idol will set both you and them up for failure.

Our nation needs revival. But, our nation won’t see revival, until our churches see revival. And, our churches won’t see revival, until we see revival in our individual lives. Revival comes from God, but starts with His people.

What’s the best resource on navigating cultural issues like sexuality, gender confusion, forced tolerance, & polytheism? The Bible. These beliefs were front and center in the Greco Roman world. Progressive is just a new name for old sin. The Bible is always relevant.

Human history is the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy. C. S. Lewis What you see and what you hear depends a great deal on where you are standing. It also depends on what sort of person you are. C. S. Lewis There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind. C. S. Lewis Christ is offered to us in the gospel with all the wealth of his heavenly gifts, with all his merits, righteousness, wisdom and grace John Calvin How could Christ’s blood be more wickedly defiled and dishonoured than by denying that is sufficient for remission of sins, for reconciliation and atonement, unless the deficit is supplied by something else? John Calvin

Don’t let your happiness depend on something you may lose. C. S. Lewis God has infinite attention to spare for each one of us. You are as much alone with Him as if you were the only being He had ever created. C. S. Lewis It is a good rule after reading a new book, never to allow yourself another new one till you have read an old one in between. C. S. Lewis Christianity, if false, is of no importance and, if true, is of infinite importance. The one thing it cannot be is moderately important. C. S. Lewis Enough of such nonsense! Let us understand the apostle’s meaning, which is simple and clear. John Calvin That is the key to history. Terrific energy is expended - civilisations are built up - excellent institutions devised; but each time something goes wrong. Some fatal flaw always brings selfish and cruel people to the top and it all slides back into misery and ruin. C. S. Lewis It is not your business to succeed, but to do right; when you have done so, the rest lies with God. C. S. Lewis Everyone says forgiveness is a lovely idea, until they have something to forgive. C. S. Lewis

Prosperity knits a man to the world. He feels that he is finding his place in it, while really it is finding its place in him. C. S. Lewis

The covenant which our Lord made with Christ and all his members is, and always will be, unbreakable John Calvin The Lord has called his people to everlasting salvation. They should therefore know that his grace is always ready to pardon the wrongs they have done. John Calvin It is safe to tell the pure in heart that they shall see God, for only the pure in heart want to. C. S. Lewis

An infinite goodness ought to be infinitely loved. Stephen Charnock

If God be good it is our happiness to adhere to him; if we depart from him, we depart from goodness. Stephen Charnock If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair. C. S. Lewis The enemy will not see you vanish into God's company without an effort to reclaim you. C. S. Lewis

“Great grace and small gifts are better than great gifts and no grace.” — John Bunyan

“God allows us to experience the low points of life in order to teach us lessons that we could learn in no other way.” - C.S. Lewis

“Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither.” - C.S. Lewis

“We face this temptation either to be a cruel tyrant who has to turn everything into a fight until we get our way, or to be a weak-willed, passive wimp who runs from conflict because we don't have the stomach for it.” — Mike Riccardi

"Our affections are the things which declare who we are." –– Richard Sibbes

Search the Scriptures daily, as mines of gold wherein the heart of Christ is laid. - Thomas Wilcox, Choice Drop of Honey, 25

“A Christian husband displays what he thinks of Christ by the way he treats his wife.” — John MacArthur

"Lead family worship with a firm, fatherly hand and a soft, penitent heart. Speak with hopeful solemnity. Expect great things from a great, covenant-keeping God."—Dr. Joel Beeke

“Where religion is, it carries the soul upwards to heaven and heavenly things; but where the love of the world is, it brings the soul downward to the earth and things below.” — Richard Sibbes “The justified man can accordingly be sure that nothing will ever separate him from the love of his Saviour and his God (Rom. 8:35-39).” –– J.I. Packer

"Justification takes place once for all. It is not repeated, neither is it a process; it is complete at once and for all time. There is no more or less in justification; man is either fully justified, or he is not justified at all." –– Louis Berkhof, Systematic Theology

“Never, never let us forget that we may make spiritual shipwreck on lawful things, as really and as truly as on open vices.” — J.C. Ryle “In virtue of Christ’s righteousness, wrought out by him as man’s God-appointed representative, ‘the righteousness of God’ (i.e. righteousness from God: see Phil. 3:9) is bestowed on believers as a free gift (Rom. 1:17; 3:21-22; 5:17; cf. 9:30; 10:3-11).” –– J.I. Packer

"... the justifying sentence is the judgment of the last day brought forward into the present; it is a final verdict, which will never be reversed." –– J.I. Packer on Romans 8:30.

There is no sin so great, but a great saint may fall into it. There is no saint so great, but he may fall into great sin.” –– J.C. Ryle

"Christ is to be sought and bought at any hand and rate." - Thomas Manton. Works, 20:4.

"In Christ" believers have died to: 1. Sin (Rom 6:2, 11) 2. The Law (Rom 7:4; Gal 2:19) 3. The World (Gal 6:14) 4. The Flesh (Gal 5:24) We have a brand new life in Christ!

“I am not what I ought to be. I am not what I wish to be. I am not even what I hope to be. But by the cross of Christ, I am not what I was.” — John Newton

“In his wise providence, then, the Lord orders even our distress to bring us closer to him in humility.

No [church member] who is free and able has a shadow of an excuse for not attending regularly. —William Still (1911-1997), Letters of William Still, Pg. 25

He will lead none to heaven but whom he sanctifies on the earth. The holy God will not receive unholy persons; this living head will not admit of dead members, nor bring men into the possession of a glory which they neither love nor like. — John Owen As love is the special fruit of the Spirit, it is also a sure symbol of regeneration. — John Calvin Pastors, being bold doesn’t mean being loud or harsh.

"Christ came both as Lawgiver and a Law-keeper, and we must receive Him as both." - Beeke & Smalley. Reformed Systematic Theology, 2:317.

“It is in our distress and despair that we most sincerely and devotedly seek God's face, for we know the Lord never forsakes his promises.” — Stephen Charnock “God cuts down the things of this world that we use as our props, so that we might trust him and make him our stay, our buttress.” — Stephen Charnock

The church is like a river. If it gets wider instead of deeper it will lose its power. —Puritan Thomas Manton "...for it is weak beneath consideration to suppose that the requiring of the baptism of believers is inconsistent with that of [baptizing] their seed." —John Owen, Works 16:258 Sin is no gainer, but a 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘳, by every fall of the saints. God does and will, by the over-ruling hand of His grace, make the very falls of His people to be glorious inlets to more eminent degrees of grace and holiness. —Puritan Thomas Brooks, Works 3:320 It is no heavy burden to live chastely, humbly, soberly, and to maintain communion and correspondence with God; and whosoever doth hath so much the sweeter life of him that liveth sinfully. —Thomas Manton, Works 6:39 It is God alone that makes heaven to be heaven. —Puritan Thomas Brooks, Works 2:25

Allowed affection to small sins is deadly and damnable: he that is unfaithful in little will be unfaithful in much. —Thomas Manton, Works 6:33 Your sins may provoke Christ to frown upon you, they may provoke Him to greatly correct you, but they shall never provoke Christ to give you a bill of divorce. —Puritan Thomas Brooks, Works 3:70 None can seek [God] rightly but those that seek him in Christ. —Thomas Manton, Works 6:26

Though we do not feel the love of God, nor have the comfort of a pardon, have no sensible communion with him; yet the choice and bent of the heart is towards him, and you have the character of God’s people upon you. —Thomas Manton, Works 6:25 Think not because Christ hath done so much for you, you may sit still; much less indulge yourselves in sin because Christ hath offered up such an excellent expiation of it. —John Flavel, Works 1:536

The secret is Christ in me, not me in a different set of circumstances. Elisabeth Elliot

God’s word is clear. Even if your husband is an unbeliever, your purpose is not to make him submit to you, but rather to win him to submission to the Lord through the example of your own humble conduct so that he is won “without a word.” Rosaria Butterfield

"Sin necessitates death. Jesus died." — Charles Spurgeon

"Go on, dear teachers, and believe that God will save your children. Expect fruit." — Charles Spurgeon

"If you are not very prayerful, you are much to be pitied." — Charles Spurgeon

"The more we study the Bible, the more we realize that there are timeless principles contained in it which are relevant to every age and to every generation." —Alistair Begg

"If our salvation depended upon our feelings, we should be lost one day and saved another." — Charles Spurgeon

How good is God, that he has created man for this very end, to make him happy in the enjoyment of Himself. -Jonathan Edwards - Till men have faith in Christ, their best services are but glorious sins. -Thomas Brooks -

"Evangelism without scriptural theology has lost its moorings." -John Murray. "Beware, my dear Christian friends of living by feeling." — Charles Spurgeon

We live by faith, and if that faith be weak, praise God that weak faith is faith." — Charles Spurgeon

"God's love does not depend upon what we are; it flows from his own heart." — Charles Spurgeon

I have no money or price in my hand, no worthiness to recommend me: and I need none, for he saves freely for his own name's sake. - John Newton

"Understanding the love of Jesus lifts the mind above all fear." — Charles Spurgeon

"Pressure can produce diamonds!" -Sinclair Ferguson.

"God’s love is not from something good in us; it is love of us because of everything good in him." — Charles Spurgeon

Jesus Christ did not say go into the world and tell the world that it is quite right. -C.S. Lewis - When I cannot read, when I cannot think, when I cannot even pray, I can trust. -Hudson Taylor -

"Thank God that you know you are a sinner and Christ is your savior." — Charles Spurgeon

Surrender and leave behind what is holding you back from a deeper walk with Jesus. “I have a conviction that no sermon is ready for preaching, not ready for writing out, until we can express its theme in a short, pregnant sentence as clear as a crystal.” — J.H. Jowett

Our lives are in the Bible, and we do not understand them until we find them there. - James Packer

It should be the husband’s pleasure to please his wife." — Charles Spurgeon

"Christ's eyes never slumber, his hands never rest, and his shoulders are never weary of carrying his people's burdens." — Charles Spurgeon

Eternal life is not possible apart from Jesus, and He will challenge you on whatever is in your life that keeps you from following Him. For the rich young ruler, his wealth was his god. Ray Bentley

"No Sunday-school teacher has done his duty unless he constantly stresses that there is a God who sees everything." — Charles Spurgeon

"To repent is to turn with sorrow & shame from every sin, and with cheerfulness & resolution to every duty." -Matthew Henry. If you only want to be saved, sanctified, and satisfied, then the LORD'S battle hath no need of thee. -Leonard Ravenhill - Exhort all men, without exception, to repentance and faith. -John Calvin -

There is not a leaf that trembles from the tree in autumn unless it is piloted by the plan and purpose of the Lord." — Charles Spurgeon

"Let everything else go, that you might be filled with God." — Charles Spurgeon

"In God, my heart shall be exceedingly glad, even if all things should fail me here below." — Charles Spurgeon

Weak as I am in myself, the Lord is my strength. - George Whitefield

One of our weaknesses is that we don't like to admit our weaknesses." -Elisabeth Elliot.

Sometimes candid people say to me, ‘Mr. Still, if you were not here, this whole fellowship would collapse.’ And they mean it as a compliment! Those of you who say this kind of thing to me, will therefore understand that I would sooner you slapped me in the face. —William Still

"When the believer eats the bread of heaven, all the feasts of earth seem very flat, stale, and unprofitable." — Charles Spurgeon

Though true repentance is never too late, yet late repentance is seldom true. -Thomas Brooks - The rest of scriptures are but a commentary on the ten commandments -A.W. Pink -

"May our communications be such that if Jesus himself were near we might not be ashamed for him to hear our voices." - Charles Spurgeon

The devil knows that a saint without a knowledge of the gospel is as vulnerable as an army without ammunition. —William Gurnall (1616-1679), The Christian in Complete Armour, 1:65

Our weakness should be prized as making room for divine strength. We might never have known the power of grace if we had not felt the weakness of nature. Spurgeon

The problem with us is not to get sinners to stand up & be counted into the visible Church; but it is to get them to realize the guilt & ruin of sin, to repent & forsake sin & to be saved from sin. -Wilbur Tillett (1902)

"Oh, what a comfort it is to drop in upon a cheerful person when you yourself are heavy!" - Charles Spurgeon

The material object of our faith is the things revealed in the Scripture, declared unto us in propositions of truth

"Arguments and syllogisms will take us only so far, targeting just one aspect of the soul. We need to find creative ways to engage the whole person, to show not just the truth of Christianity, but also its goodness and beauty." ―Timothy Fox

Islam is not the way Buddhism is not the way Hinduism is not the way Catholicism is not the way New Age is not the way Witchcraft is not the way Wealth is not the way Religion is not the way Political affiliation is not the way JESUS CHRIST said, “I AM the WAY.”

Our world has collapsed under the weight of fear and pain. No one seems to care. In fact, a lot of people have written us off as a lost cause. People are too busy to recognize or understand our hopelessness. Darkness prevails and rescue seems impossible. We are wounded, sick and tired. Civil war rages in our soul as we struggle to obey God instead of giving in to sin. I truly believe that every day is filled with divine appointments - opportunities to rescue people who are trapped in some kind of pit.

God's plan for each one of us has our best interest in mind. His way leads to fullness of life. Yet He did not create us to be robots that blindly and lifelessly live their godly life. No, the Lord grants us the choice of whether or not to obey Him. Our human nature tends to choose a self-centered path that turns away from God's authority. But in doing so, we miss His best for us.

Dr. Charles Stanley

Beware of no man more than thyself.

~Thomas Fuller~

Life's struggles can either make you or break you...let them make you.

God watches and weeds us, and continues His labor upon us, till He brings us to the end of His promise.

~Richard Sibbes~

Nothing is ever wasted when it is done from a right motive for the glory of God.

The only thing necessary for triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

~Edmund Burke~

We need to come and say, "Lord, I am not satisfied with the way my life is going. I am tired of doing it my way. I want to do it Your way." If you will come to God like that, He will extend His forgiveness to you. Then He will take your life and transform it in ways you couldn't imagine.

Be attractive and winsome, but do not compromise your convictions for the sake of popularity.

~ Billy Graham

In His sovereignty, God arranges unique opportunities—divine appointments we could never orchestrate—for each of us to be generous and point others toward Jesus.

Randy Alcorn

The Bible is the Word of God, justification by faith alone, Jesus is the only way of salvation, evangelism, the local church, and discipleship.

Chastisement is designed for our good, to promote our highest interests. Look beyond the rod to the All-wise hand that wields it!

~Arthur W. Pink~


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