Christians should never affirm the things that the Bible condemns.
What are you willing to give up now for a better tomorrow.
Don't give me an excuse, give me an answer! No more but's~ Pastor Dennis Davenport
"You can't change how people feel about you so don't try. Just live your life and be happy."
No point in stressing over something you can't change. Move on and grow stronger.
Keep moving forward. Don't look back. Search to the heavens. Follow your dreams. Be who you are. Go for the goal. Keep believing. Hold on tight. Don't let go. Remember, whoever you surround yourself with, is who you become.
I've seen so many people who let social media ruin their lives... Never let anyone have this much power over you.. Trust me, you're so much stronger than Facebook, Twitter or any Instagram bully... Have a very blessed night!!!
Sometimes Rejection is God’s Protection!
Only in obedience can we discover
the great joy of the will of God.
~Sinclair Ferguson~
Are you settlers or pioneer?
A settler is a person who has migrated to an area and established permanent residence there, Pioneer : a person who helps create or develop new ideas, methods, etc. someone who is one of the first people to move to and live in a new area
let us use Jesus as our example.
The Scottish preacher Alexander Maclaren wisely observed:
"Partial obedience is complete disobedience.
Obedience, wrote C.S. Lewis, is the key to all doors. Don’t think for a second you can heed the wrong voice, make the wrong choice, and escape the consequences. At the same time, obedience leads to a waterfall of goodness not just for you but for your children, your children’s children, and great-grandchildren. It is God’s promise in Exodus 20:6 to “show love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.” As we obey God’s commands, we open the door for God’s favor!
If you are a humble person, you will recognize and glorify the hand of God in your life. You will not take credit for what God is doing. You will just praise Him. The way to rise is to fall.
~Thomas Manton~
If an enemy who had opposed you for years was finally dealt with, what would be your first thought? I doubt it would be how to show kindness to that person or to members of his or her family. Generally, we want to give the way that we get. If we get hit, we want to hit back—even harder. That is human nature. That is a good moment to say what would Jesus do! Learn and know Matthew 5-8 The Beatitudes....... Know what love is learn 1 Cor.13, Know what Jesus did for you and the grace He gave you.
It is sad when people say and do what there denomination says and does rather than what the word of God says. We can not serve two masters. Read your word and serve God.
Any chastisement that ever reaches us comes for our profit, that we might be partakers of God's holiness.
~Donald Grey Barnhouse~
When difficult circumstances slam into our lives and leave us feeling completely shaken, it can feel hard to find our feet again. That’s why we must keep choosing to stand on the only solid ground there is – the truth of God’s Word.
His truth won’t shift with feelings.
His truth won’t drown in a sea of tears.
His truth won’t leave us even when our gut-honest cries don’t sound so Christian.
His truth is certain. Even in the midst of circumstances that make everything around us feel uncertain.
What truth are you planting your feet firmly on in this season of your life? We would love to hear from you tonight.
The peace-makers are those who are at peace with God and who show that they are truly children of God by striving to use every opportunity open to them to effect a reconciliation between others who are at variance.
~R. V. G. Tasker~
It is tempting to spend our energy on the flaws of others instead of on our own growth. But the fullness of the work that God calls us to won’t flourish without our own willingness to grow.
Life is a series of choices. Along the way, we can either be people who are trying to get our own way in the world’s way, or we can be people who are trying to work on behalf of God’s way.
In our fallen world, troubles are constant. Happy people look beyond their difficult circumstances to Someone whose grace brings light to the darkness and smiles to our faces in the most unlikely moments. Randy Alcorn
A fellow shouldn't abandon his faith when it weakens, any more than he would throw away a suit because it needs pressing.
~Frank A. Clark~
We all have a God-sized hole in us, one which can never be filled with things (vacations, cars, jewelry, houses, etc). There is only One who can fill this emptiness and yearning we feel: Jesus Christ. Whose comfort do you seek? The comfort of material possessions which once acquired loses value or the priceless gift of God?
In my fears— I need His Faithfulness
In my problems— I need His Promises
In my failings— I need His Forgiveness
In my weariness— I need His Word
In my struggles— I need His Strength
In my pain— I need His Presence
“When you are in the dark, listen, and God will give you a very precious message for someone else when you get into the light.”— Oswald Chambers.
Stop negotiating with things you shouldn’t tolerate.
Jason Robinson
Joy is the natural outcome of the Christian's obedience to the revealed will of God.
~John Blanchard~
the only thing that is improved by breaking is the heart of a sinner. That's a mark of genuine repentance.
It is better to be low as hell with a promise
than in paradise without one.
~John Flavel~
None of us deserve eternity in God's presence. But when we give our lives to the Lord, He forgives us. Ephesians 2:8 says that it is by His grace that we're saved. We don't deserve salvation, but He gives it to you because He loves you. May we never--ever--take our Lord's precious sacrifice for our sins for granted.
The habit of prayer is good, but the spirit of prayer is better.
~C. H. Spurgeon~
“Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day; while failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day. It is the accumulative weight of our disciplines and our judgments that leads us to either fortune or failure.” – Jim Rohn
“Some things you have to do every day. Eating seven apples on Saturday night instead of one a day just isn't going to get the job done.” – Jim Rohn
“You cannot take the mild approach to the weeds in your mental garden. You have got to hate weeds enough to kill them. Weeds are not something you handle; weeds are something you devastate.” Jim Rohn
“Humility is a virtue; timidity is a disease.” Jim Rohn
“We must all wage an intense, lifelong battle against the constant downward pull. If we relax, the bugs and weeds of negativity will move into the garden and take away everything of value.”
Jim Rohn
To start your day off on a good note, here is a bunch of great inspirational quotes from the great Jim Rohn.
It's not just Monday - it's a new day, a new week, and in that lies a new opportunity for to achieve your dreams.
You can either blame everybody else or you can take a look at yourself and determine where you can improve.
"People often say that motivation don't last. Well, neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily."- Zig Ziglar
If you're taking on a new venture and you're scared, good. If you aren't scared, then you're probably not stretching yourself enough.
When you delete the unnecessary people from your life, good things will start happening for you and it won't be a coincidence.
We’re only as strong as our obedience.
Security comes as we put God’s precepts into practice.
Man is at his greatest and highest when, upon his knees, he comes face to face with God.
~D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones~
I do not know if you understand what a shepherd is; he is gentle and watchful, concerned and always watching over his flock. He has such a love for the sheep—a love of the people—that he is their defender. He is willing to give up his life for them; because he is serving the Lord.
A shepherd has to lead and feed the flock. A pastor or shepherd has to feed the flock the Word of God, but first the shepherd has to hear from God; they are connected with God. If they are preaching and teaching the people but they are not connected to God, they are wasting your time. As Christians, what is truly amazing is that we have the privilege of standing before God; we are able to pray and communicate with Him. Think about it. God has anointed each one of us individually. David was just a common person like you and I; he was a shepherd boy. Look at your own life. Look at the grace of God in your own life. God does not make mistakes.
Sometimes we think that certain things in life are good, while other things are bad. But as we live a little longer, we have the advantage of being able to look back and see life in a different way. We begin to realize that certain things we thought were good were actually bad, and certain things we thought were bad were actually good
Disagreements left unsettled will erode your unity and crack your foundation.
But disagreements that you work through will strengthen your covenant and bring you closer.
It's also vital not to say hurtful things to each other in the heat of an argument.
You may disagree with each other, but NEVER degrade one another. Let love motivate the words you say, especially during arguments.
Arguments will inevitably happen, it's how you handle them that matters.
Do we cause others to reject Jesus because we have attached political views, social agendas, and personal opinions? Connect Jesus to the Father and the Holy Spirit! Nothing ells matters. He has taken care of all the rest...
Storms in marriage are inevitable, but destruction is optional. Having the right foundation and the right boundaries is what makes all the difference.
Things will happen in life where you find yourself saying, “I don’t get this. Everything was tracking along just fine until now. I don’t get this at all.” You might even say, “God, why?”
It’s okay to ask God why. Just don’t expect an answer. It is not because there is no answer. The reason is that even if God gave you an answer, you wouldn’t get it.
Earth can't deliver on its promises . . . but Heaven can.
The preaching that this world needs most is the sermons in shoes that are walking with Jesus Christ.
~D. L. Moody~
The moments I truly live are the moments when I act with my entire will.
The heavenly Father has no spoiled children. He loves them
too much to allow that.
~Fred Mitchell~
We must acknowledge that God, who is in heaven, sits in the place of preeminence.
Life changes from day to day and turmoil and tempests come with no warning, but Jesus Christ never changes. You can count on him to hold you steady no matter what the storms of life throw at your boat. He will hold you secure until the billows have calmed and the skies have cleared.
The Cross has always been the anchor of hope for those who believe. When tempests in life shake your boat, put your hope in the eternal life offered through our anchor, Jesus Christ.
We as Believers must transform our thinking... IT is NOT about what we feel, but what glorifies the LORD. Do we live as examples of HIM? or Do we live self rightous lives proclaiming to be followers of JESUS? Be careful what you are living out daily.. HE knows, He sees and just as important NON BELIEVERS should see CHRIST in you..
You can be the only Jesus they see.. Live right..
We all have a tendency to think: "God, you certainly made a wise choice when you chose me. Everyone knows I am a wonderful person. You are so wise!" (Our self-righteous thoughts and attitudes must be comical from God's perspective.) However, the Bible teaches just the opposite: We are not chosen for the glory of God's wisdom, but to be the glory of His grace. The Lord chose Israel for the same reason He chose you and me: To be a trophy of His grace.
We who trust in the shed blood of Christ are forgiven, delivered from the eternal wages of sin by God's abounding grace. "In Him, we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace…For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Ephesians 1:7 and Romans 6:23).