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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

I want to remind you that the devil is real. He is our adversary always scheming to throw us off track in our walk with the Lord.

Spending time with someone does not mean you are spending time with them. For instance if you go on a date to the movies and you are sitting there you both are together but the time is not quality. Many people think by going to church is quality time with Jesus but there can never be more quality time with the Father than when you are one on one with him and He is talking to you. Pray without ceasing!

"The more obstacles you face and overcome, the more times you falter and get back on track, the more difficulties you struggle with and conquer, the more resiliency you will naturally develop. There is nothing that can hold you back, if you are resilient." -- Jim Rohn

When you feel inadequate, God says: You are CHOSEN. "'You are my witnesses,' declares the Lord, 'and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he.'" (Isa. 43:10a NIV)

Morally, a Christian is called to holiness; dynamically, he is

called to service.

~John Blanchard~

God’s love needs no bolstering. And He could not love you more than He does right now.

One thing that gripes my butt is when people talk and they don't know what they are talking about and then refuse to get clarity. If you defame my Lord, my family, my company, my friends, you better know what you are saying.....

As God by creation made two of one, so again by marriage

He made one of two.

~Thomas Adams~

We don't meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason.

This is how I live my life. God is my defender; I do not need anyone else to come to my defense, only God! My faith and trust is in Christ alone!

A clear faith should produce a light heart.

~J. C. Ryle~

when you make a commitment to Jesus Christ, you become an enemy of the Devil. Yes, a lot of your problems go away—most notably, your future in hell. The emptiness in your life is gone, and you have Christ living in you. You have peace and purpose. But as one set of problems leaves, a new set of problems takes their place. It has been said that conversion makes our hearts a battlefield.

Greg Laurie

“You can see God from anywhere if your mind is set to love and obey Him.”

A.W. Tozer

In marriage, you and your spouse will share many unloveable moments. We all make mistakes, we all have weird quirks, bad habits, and unattractive qualities.

But when you love each others' souls, your flaws don't dictate whether or not you act in love.

Love overlooks flaws, deals with sin kindly and directly, and seeks full health and reconciliation according to God's word.

The first question must always be, "What does God say?"

Whereas obedience is righteousness in relation to God, love is righteousness in relation to others.

~A. Plummer~

You can vote the way you want but stop calling yourself a Christian and voting contradictory to the will of God.

In Christo solo, Latin for “In Christ alone” was one of the Reformation’s five central assertions, meaning that salvation is by faith only in Christ. What’s more important than contemplating this Jesus upon whom our lives, both present and eternal, depend?

Randy Alcorn

Oneness among the people of God is a defining characteristic of the church. We don’t have to read far into the New Testament until we find Jesus speaking of the oneness of his bride. The content of his high priestly prayer in John 17 abounds with oneness petitions.

Dustin Benge

Even the most inclusive, loving Christians must insist that some things are right and others wrong. In doing so, we ensure a degree of unpopularity. Even when it stings us or them, we’re to humbly and graciously tell people what God has actually said.

Randy Alcorn

God will shut doors, but never without opening another.

Jason Robinson

As sheep of the Lord, we are to be more than conquerors (Jesus does the conquering): salt that's sprinkled to add flavor and create thirst, and bringers of light to a dark and sin-filled world. However, if we don't clearly understand what this means, then our Christian experience will be full of frustration and disillusionment. You see, from the world's point of view, we never win. We're not conquerors; we're more than conquerors.

Salvation and eternal life are secure for the believer because of the following four works of Jesus Christ:

1. Christ died for our sin. His life was delivered as payment for our transgressions.

2. Christ was raised from death to life. He was raised for our justification.

3. Christ is seated at the right hand of God. In our passage today, Paul tells us Jesus "is at the right hand of God". We also know from Mark 16:19: "After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God." If, by comparison, we look at the temple or the tabernacle we see no seat -- no place to sit. Why? Because the work of the Old Testament priest would never be finished. However, just before He died our Great High Priest Jesus Christ said in John 19:30, "It is finished." So why is Jesus seated? Because the work is finished.

4. Christ is interceding for us. Did you pray this morning? If not, you should have. But not to worry, whether you did or did not -- because Christ is right now making intercessions for us.

These four works of Jesus Christ are the reasons why no one -- before God -- can condemn the acts of His chosen people. We have been forgiven.

God's chosen people are "justified sinners". His sovereignty, authority, and power stand behind us.

If Jesus Christ is God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for him.

~C. T Studd~

We must know the power of the Blood if we are to know the power of God.

~R. A.Torrey~

The church does not prey on the lost; it prays for the perishing.

~Billy Graham~

“Be ready, servant of Christ, for thy Master comes on a sudden, when an ungodly world least expects Him.”

~C.H. Spurgeon~

We can rejoice in the wonderful truth that we are God’s own children, born again into His Kingdom and heirs of all that God possesses. We can trust in God’s love and protection forever.




Jesus, Lamb of God, have mercy on us. Jesus, Bearer of our sins, have mercy on us. lesus, Redeemer of the world, grant us peace. Amen. — Angus Dei What we run to, 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 our trust is in. —Puritan Richard Sibbes, Works 1:145 “Only that which can go down into the very depths of our spiritual being can produce any change that is worthy of the name. The one spell that can really transform us is the cross.” — Horatius Bonar “ If it's not (1) true, (2) necessary to be said, (3) kind, and (4) your business, don't speak it, or listen to it.” — Chris Mueller, Let Men be Men, 177.

“It is the end of our ministry to bring the soul and Christ together; and let no debts, no sins hinder.” — Richard Sibbes “The Lord has given his covenant people his whole heart—infinitely, entirely, and forever, without hesitation—and he orders his gracious providence for their salvation and preservation.” — Stephen Charnock, Divine Providence, 135.

The blood of Jesus, in the virtue of it, in the merit of it, and in the power of it, 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘴 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘢𝘺, as in the day it was shed on the cross. —Puritan Robert Traill, Works 1:92 Law-keeping will keep you out of jail, but it won't get you into heaven. —Warren Wiersbe

"For every look at self take ten looks at Christ." — Robert Murray McCheyne “All our actions must be done with having an eye on and a respect to Christ.” — Richard Sibbes “The only sense in which we may say that we are justified by works is if we understand this to mean that we are justified by the work of Christ.” — R. C. Sproul

“Christ alone makes all other things suddenly vanish. — John Calvin One of the biggest problems in Reformed churches, I believe, is that people come to church to critique the sermon rather than listen to it. — J.V Fesko

“Let us do all things commanded in the second table of the Ten Commandments, as in obedience to the first, to glorify God.” — Richard Sibbes

“The true minister is he who can preach Christ. . . . If Christ crucified is the great delight of his soul, the very marrow of his teaching, the fatness of his ministry, he has proved his calling as an ambassador of Christ...” — Charles Spurgeon "The knowledge of God in Jesus is the most satisfying treasure; by it the poor man who has nothing is exalted." –– Sinclair Ferguson on James 1:9-12.

I want to hate my sins more than I hate the sins of others who sin differently than I do. Burk Parsons I am grateful for all those pastors who don’t feel the need to build a legalistic kingdom-of-self cult following. Burk Parsons Prayer is the daily surrender of our perceived control over lives. Burk Parsons

It’s only when you come to understand what is often generically referred to as Reformed theology that you then understand that you have only come to understand Reformed soteriology and that the full breadth of confessional Reformed theology awaits you. Burk Parsons

Pastors, the difference between making disciples of Christ and making disciples who only follow us is the difference between a church and a cult. Burk Parsons

For some people, worship is something just to get done with and get out of the way so that they can get on with the day and get on with their lives. For Christians, worship is life. Burk Parsons

“You may forget that you are at every moment totally dependent on God.” - C.S. Lewis

“The Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God.” - C.S. Lewis

Thy bed, when thou liest down in it, preacheth to thee thy grave; thy sleep, thy death; and thy rising in the morning, thy resurrection to judgement. —John Bunyan, Works 2:111 Q. Then, sir, you think Adam was saved? A. The Hebrew doctors hold that Adam was a repentant sinner, and say, that he was by wisdom, brought out of his fall; yea, and the Church of God doth hold… that he was saved by the death of Christ. —Marrow of Modern Divinity, Pg. 71 The believer, since he ceases not to be a creature by being made a new creature, is, and must ever be bound to personal obedience to the law of the Ten Commandments, by the authority of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, his Creator —Marrow of Modern Divinity, Query II, Pg. 350 Christ should not be a perfect priest if but one soul of the elect, or those He intercedes for, we’re left unsaved. —Thomas Goodwin, Works 4:69 The expiation of God is greater than the sin of man. —Richard Sibbes, Works 1:369

Well! Remember this, the pleasure and sweetness that follows victory over sin, is a thousand times beyond that seeming sweetness that is in sin. —Thomas Brooks, Works 1:254

The heart is not to be trusted, for it will promise a man peace in the way of death and damnation. —John Bunyan, Works 2:540

The church is like a river. If it gets wider instead of deeper it will lose its power. —Puritan Thomas Manton Love! Love is gone out of the country; love to the doctrine of the first table, love to the doctrine of the second table. —John Bunyan, Works 2:520 Such may talk of assurance, and make a stir and noise about assurance, but it is the close walking Christian that shall be crowned with assurance. —Thomas Brooks, Works 2:415

What would it look like if the disciples valued worship and community like many believers do their church gatherings? Peter - "My mother-in-law came in for the weekend." Andrew - "I was up kinda late last night." James (the son of Zebedee) - "Really needed some 'me' time." John - "I was there last week. Besides, I'm not really being fed." Philip - "Finally had a sunny day to hit the lake." Bartholomew - "Had brunch scheduled with my Uncle Zed." Thomas - "I doubt it would have been any good today." Matthew - "I had to get my taxes done." James (the son of Alphaeus) - "My dad (Alphaeus) wanted to fish today." Thaddaeus - "The kids needed a rest day." Simon - "I didn't hear my alarm. Because I didn't set it. Because I don't have one." Judas - "Getting tired of hearing the same old message." Going to church is not about checking a religious box off your "make God happy" list. It's about being invested in the lives of others. Participating in the mission of the gospel. Loving and being loved. Following Jesus was never meant to be a solo experience. Pull up a seat at the table. It is a level table and there is room for all of us. -

author unknown

“I don’t push my beliefs on my kids.” Same parents: “You need to go to school & have a hobby.” “We only cheer for (insert sports team) in this house.” It’s extremely important to teach the Bible to our kids, because the world is ready and willing to push their beliefs on them.”

Without God, what am I to myself but a guide to my own self-destruction? Augustine Salvation is entirely of God. Martyn Lloyd-Jones I shake, but my Rock moves not. Charles Spurgeon


So it is not possible for a human being to calculate the date of the rapture or to get a revelation about the date

"God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day. Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he lifts his voice, the earth melts. The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress." -Psalm 46:5-7

God will give us all the strength we need in times of distress, but He never gives it in advance lest we rely on ourselves. -D. Bonhoeffer - Because you cannot please everybody, I compromise by trying to please nobody. -A.W. Tozer -

I sought neither preeminence, glory, nor riches-my honor was that Jesus Christ should reign. -John Knox - Satan will accuse me-my answer shall be, the Lord Jesus is my righteousness..... -George Whitefield -

"God is 100-percent reliable all of the time, for all of eternity—including for all that you are facing today." —Alistair Begg

The doctrine of divine goodness justifies every stone laid in the foundation of Hell, and every spark in that burning furnace, since it is for the abuse of divine goodness that it was kindled. Stephen Charnock

The more pride we have, the more other people's pride irritates us. -C.S. Lewis - If you profess to be a child of God, leave it to the Lord Jesus to sanctify you in His own way. -J.C. Ryle -

Death reveals that the world is not as it should be but stands in need of redemption. Christ alone is the conquering of death. -Bonhoeffer - The deceitfulness of sin is seen in that it is modest in its first proposals, but when it prevails, it hardens mens' hearts... -John Owen

Indifferentism about doctrine makes no heroes of the faith. —J. Gresham Machen

If we are not worshiping God in the beauty of holiness, we have missed our reason for being born. -A.W. Tozer - God can send a nation or people no greater blessing than to give them faithful, sincere, and upright ministers. -George Whitefield -

“Our Lord himself was justified by the law…” —John Owen

If God forgives us we must forgive ourselves otherwise its like setting up ourselves as a higher tribunal than him. C. S. Lewis

"The world could not satisfy us. We wanted something more." — Charles Spurgeon

What Christ finished on earth, He continually presents in heaven. By shedding His blood, He makes expiation. By presenting His blood He makes intercession. In the one He prepares the remedy, and in the other He applies it. —Puritan Stephen Charnock, Works 5:102

"Jesus, the Redeemer, is altogether ours and ours forever." — Charles Spurgeon

Jesus is the key to understanding the Scriptures. Chuck Smith

Crato, one of our engravers, lately returned from Wittenberg, who brought a letter from Luther to [Martin] Bucer, in which there was written: “Salute for me reverently Sturm and Calvin, whose books I have read with special delight.” —John Calvin, Letter to Farel, Nov. 20th, 1539

"If you always enjoy sermons, the minister is not a good steward. He is not acting wisely who deals out nothing but sweets." — Charles Spurgeon

"If you always enjoy sermons, the minister is not a good steward. He is not acting wisely who deals out nothing but sweets." — Charles Spurgeon

We are none of us infallible. C. S. Lewis "Within the Scripture there is a balm for every wound, a salve for every sore." — Charles Spurgeon

"God’s address to His servants is always for the purpose of eliciting a faith-filled and faithful response to His sovereign, saving initiative." - Dennis E. Johnson

"Think not of the sinner or of the greatness of his sin, but think of the greatness of the Savior." — Charles Spurgeon One of the biggest problems in Reformed churches, I believe, is that people come to church to critique the sermon rather than listen to it. — J.V Fesko

If there is any brother here, into whose mind God has put something fresh, something good, I pray him to translate it into action at once. - Charles Spurgeon

"All our infirmities, whatever they are, are just opportunities for God to display his gracious work in us." — Charles Spurgeon "The way to most permanently influence a country is through its chief cities, and the way to most permanently influence a city is to plant churches in it." -Timothy Keller.

"When the believer gets near to God and eats the bread of heaven, all the feasts of earth, its amusements and glories, seem very flat, stale, and unprofitable." — Charles Spurgeon

We serve an almighty God that created the world in six literal twenty-four-hour days. We serve a God that performs miracles. We serve a God that can take a man dead in sin and make him alive in Christ.

"You are no saint,' says the devil. Well, if I am not, I am a sinner, and Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners." — Charles Spurgeon


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