Never lose sight of the one~ Jesus said,” If you have a 100 sheep and 1 goes astray leave the 99 and go after the 1”. Matthew 18: 12
You can’t control where you’ve been, but you can change where you’re going.
*Attitudes are important, choose a good one today.
When God’s people lift up the joyful noise of praise and worship, the powers of darkness are silenced.
True peace comes when we trust God and seek rest in Him, not when life is conflict-free. A daily dose of God's presence and promises is the best prescription for peace.
Here is the truth: It doesn't matter what your intelligence is. It doesn't matter what your current resources are. It doesn't matter what you currently earn. It doesn't matter what family you came from.
Nothing in your current circumstances matters in whether or not you can achieve your destiny! Nothing! Now, your current state may make it a longer or harder journey than someone else IN THE PHYSICAL BUT NOT IN THE SPIRITUAL
Don't push people to make them run from you
Lead them and draw them to you
We must never give up just because someone opposes us or rejects us. Remember, it is God’s grace that brought us into the Kingdom, and it must also be God’s grace that will influence our friends, relatives, and acquaintances. When opposition comes, don’t take it personally. It’s God’s battle. He knows what He is doing.
Only fools believe they can come against God’s anointed and succeed. A person who has wisdom stands next to God’s anointed, not against him.
We can’t control our universe, as hard as we may try, but we certainly can pray about it.
Serve God with integrity, and if you achieve no success, at least no sin will lie upon your conscience.
~C. H. Spurgeon~
Remember that God’s power isn’t manifested only in church, Bible studies, and mission trips. God will empower us and use us in every sector of life, including our shops, offices, boardrooms, warehouses, studios, hospitals, courtrooms, and classrooms. The more we become available to God in every moment, the more God will do amazing things through us, for his purposes and glory. I say this because people get churchy and think ministry only happens there or the body of Christ is their church alone. Connect with other believers who are willing and see what God will do.
Fear may overtake you as terror abounds in the world. Anxieties may press hard, but keep your faith strong in the sovereignty of God.
When our heart feels desperate… when we feel alone… when we’re tempted to let the difficulties of life lead us to believe God has forsaken us… we have to keep our mind focused on what the Holy Spirit whispers, not what our flesh screams.
He speaks reassurances. He speaks comfort. He reminds us He is right there with us.
According to Corrie ten Boom, who once suffered terribly in Nazi concentration camps, when Christ “tells us to love our enemies, He gives, along with the command, the love itself.” Christ, alive in us through the Spirit, enables us to do the impossible, to love even our enemies. We can do all things through Christ, who gives us strength.
Difficult trials may make rejoicing seem impossible. There is something you can do to celebrate apart from emotions. You can delight in God by thanking Him for who He is, what He has promised, and the blessings He provides each day. When you do that, feelings of joy will follow.
“To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.”
—C.S. Lewis
When you’re full of the Word There’s no room for the world
No man acts with true wisdom until he fears God and hopes in his mercy.
~William S. Plumer~
Sometimes we Christians can be some of the most judgmental people. How ironic and sad that we who have been saved by God’s grace are unable to be gracious to others.
Jesus told his followers not to judge or condemn. Yes, we should discern truth from falsehood, right from wrong. But our attitude toward others should be like God’s attitude toward us. “Be merciful,” Jesus said, “just as your Father is merciful.”
What a world this would be if God sat on a throne of justice only, and if no mercy were ever to be shown to men!
~Albert Barnes~
Doctrine without duty is a tree without fruits; duty without doctrine is a tree without roots.
~Talbot W. Chambers~
Remember "the Fonz," Henry Winkler's character from the 80's television show "Happy Days"? Fonzie had a problem admitting he was wrong because he was so convinced he was always right. The Fonz would first disappear, but when confronted about his errors he could never finish the sentence or pronounce the words to admit it. He would say, "I was wroooooo..... I'm sorrrrrrrrr...." In most cases, it takes an admission of error before healing can take place. Sometimes we can be so blinded by our own errors that we can't see the Lord's truth. Unfortunately, many of us have a tendency to compound our errors rather than admitting and seeking forgiveness. Understanding or analyzing the myriad of reasons why we may do that is less important than changing our behavior.
Christian leadership is like farming. There are no guaranteed outcomes. All we can do is create the environment for growth and then pray that God gives the increase.
We Christians spend our days and nights like farmers; we are tending the people whom God has entrusted to our care. But we cannot make people grow. We do not operate an assembly line; there is no guaranteed outcome. We nurture our people by creating an environment conducive to growth, then we hand our people over to God. Only God can give the increase. If we are to innovate our way into the world that just now exists, we will need to think like farmers.
“Mercy and forgiveness must be free and unmerited to the wrongdoer. If the wrongdoer has to do something to merit it, then it isn’t mercy, but forgiveness always comes at a cost to the one granting the forgiveness.”—Tim Keller
If the Church doesn't take the Word of God seriously why would anyone else...?
The best leaders change the way that we see the world. And they change the way we see the world by changing what is called “mental models.” Mental models are the categories we use to make sense of the world. We take them for granted. For example, picture an automobile. Go ahead, conjure up the image in your head. Some of you may picture a Volvo and others a Buick. But no matter what make and model you pick, it’s likely you each of you pictured it having four wheels. Why? Because a car should have four wheels. If I showed you one of those “concept” cars with only one front wheel, you would likely say to yourself, “That’s not how a car should look.” Your mental model of a car includes it having four wheels.
“Forgiveness is the giving, and so the receiving of life.”—
George MacDonald
If you do not desire to be holy, I do not see that you have any right to think that you are a Christian.
~Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones~
God's mind is revealed in Scripture, but we can see nothing without the spectacles of the Holy Ghost.
~Thomas Manton~
Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less.
~C.S. Lewis~
When Bible teachers give expository teaching, whether they expound using exegetical teaching––verse by verse––or they give a topical study, doctrine must always remain the same. It has been said that for any given Scripture passage, there is “one interpretation, many applications.” It is an actual precept of hermeneutics (Bible interpretation). There can be no false doctrine arising from experience. The Word of God has to back it up.
“Forgiveness is the giving, and so the receiving of life.”—George MacDonald
"Nothing perhaps affects man's character more than the company he keeps." -J.C.Ryle.
“All the wrath of God was poured out upon [Jesus], even to the last drop; so that there is 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘥𝘳𝘰𝘱 reserved for the elect to feel.”
—Puritan John Flavel, Works 1:423
“It is powerful pleading when you have Christ praying by your side, and know that you have him there[…]”
- Charles Spurgeon
We are dependent on God's power through every step of our redemption.
Jonathan Edwards
Who on Earth are we that the awesome King of all eternity would spare a thought in our direction? Why would the God of yesterday, today, and forever- the One who was, is, and is to come- choose to bestow His loving attention upon the likes of us? The God of unspeakable glory is speaking to us in unmistakable words of love and grace. - Matt Redman
That Light is a beautiful thing, especially when a good day and a bad day collide. It's a reminder of what to focus on.
Humility is serving others with grace.
Failure is not a person, it's an event. Learn from it, don't wallow in it.
To conquer your fear of rejection, you need to handle the word “no” in a constructive way. When people turn you down after a presentation, you have to interpret the “no” as “no, this is not right for me now.” We also can interpret “no” as meaning, “I need to know more about this opportunity or the products before I can say yes.”
Belief as a positive force is the promise of realizing things hoped for and unseen.
As a negative force, it is the premonition of our deepest fears and unseen darkness. (Many people lead lives of quiet desperation, having most of their 365 nights each year spent in anxiety.
We all know a variety of ways to make a living. What's even more fascinating is figuring out ways to make a fortune!" ~ Jim Rohn
You have to be twice as good to get half as much. Be that good and better.
In order to sustain the integrity of the organization, a business must dedicate time and resources to education, leadership development, and personnel development.
Don't focus on the product. Focus on the team.
If you can't find your purpose find your passion. For your passion will lead you directly to your purpose.
A second chance doesn't mean anything if you haven't learned from your first mistake.
If you're going to have a rule for happiness, make it this: "Nothing has to happen for me to feel good! I feel good because I'm alive! Life is a gift, and I revel in it." Abraham Lincoln once said, "Most people are as happy as they decide to be." The story of his life and the stories of other people who have triumphed over tragedies are important reminders that we are in control.
"No one has ever become poor by giving." ~ Anne Frank
If you’re too busy to be around each other often, perhaps lifestyle change is due.
Busyness is one of the biggest causes for marital struggle. It can come from a job that's too demanding, overcommitment to too many "good" things, or simply being distracted by time-wasting activities (phones, anyone?).
You are the only ones who can guard your time; do so wisely.
We need to be watchful about our behavior in the world and how people might perceive us. Why? So our ministry is not discredited.
whether or not the world is attracted or repelled by the Gospel can be to a large degree based upon how they view us.
Today He knows each tear that falls... He knows each pain that reigns IN your heart... He knows when your soul has been paralyzed by sorrow. He not only knows, but He acts. You are not alone.
You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book. - Psalm 56:8
holiness is only a result of our position “in Christ.”
When you are confronted with that's not the plan, one must wonder how flexible are we to what God's will is for our lives.
Plans change as God does the leading.
The Lord is a loving Father who knows what will give us the abundant life He desires for us. He teaches us valuable lessons in life; gratitude is one of them. He promised His children a land flowing with milk and honey. A full fridge.
Ray Bently
There is no such thing as a self-made spiritual leader. He is able to influence others spiritually only because the Spirit is able to work in and through him to a greater degree than in those he leads.
~Oswald Sanders~
It does not matter what you desire, first start with prayer then wait for an answer from the Lord then move. I confess I don't always do the waiting part. I pray and act. Here is why not saying it is right but just me. I see Matthew 25 where the word tells us to do certain things like feed the hungry, visit people in hospitals, and in prisons. and I look at the Great Commission and think we all have a responsibility to share Jesus with a lost world. so why wait but now even thoughts things could be a closed door. Hearing from the Lord is essential.
It does not matter what you desire, first start with prayer then wait for an answer from the Lord then move. Hearing from the Lord is essential. The Lord will do what He wants to do.
I left church today and went and got some gas in the car, sharing with a man at the Gastation he says after the gospel message of salvation. I like religion it helps me stay clean. Me: have accepted Jesus into your heart? The guy no because when I do I won't be able to do what I do. Me: What if you die today will religion save you? The guy, no but I will be happy. A part of me at that moment was channeling my wife and I had to bite my lip to keep from telling him well you're going to hell but I said. That is not what the Bible teaches.
You can't serve from your sofa. You can't have community of faith on your sofa. You can't experience the power of a room full of believers worshipping together on your sofa.
Christians aren't consumers either. We are contributors. We don't watch. We engage. We give. We sacrifice. We encourage. We do life together.
The church needs you. And you need the church.
May the only thing that grows old in your marriage be the two of you. May every other aspect of your relationship grow newer each day.
Until you hear a voice, louder, stronger than any of the whispering voices pulling you down. This voice says, “Stop! Come to Me! Turn Around!”
When God calls us to repent, it is with the heart of a father who loves His wandering child.
“Forgiveness is the giving, and so the receiving of life.”—
George MacDonald
It is not the man who brings the Word that saves the soul, but the Word which the man brings.
~Thomas Arthur~
If we trust Christ we will obey Him. In John 10:27, Jesus said, "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me." Therefore, obedience is the work and fruit of faith. Or as Paul puts it, "the obedience that comes from faith.
The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish because they did not receive the love of the truth they might be saved. And for this reason, God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Though sin wars, it shall not reign; and though it breaks our peace, it cannot separate from his love.
- John Newton
When he was actually feeling the pains of the cross, those strong pains - though they overcame his nature and killed him - yet did not overcome his love.
Jonathan Edwards
Whatever the condition or complaint of any Christian is, beholding the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world, may give him strong support, and sweet relief.
—John Flavel, Works 1:164
Until conviction of sin brings us down on both knees, until we are completely humbled, until we have no hope in ourselves left, we cannot find the Savior.
D.L. Moody
Knowledge without repentance will be but a torch to light men to hell.
—Thomas Watson
Following Jesus is a journey and a destination.
What a blessing it is to be loved by God, chosen by God, and forgiven by God. Let's walk together in unity with Him and display His majesty to a world that does not know Him yet. Chuck Smith
It’s hard to follow a man for whom you’ve lost all respect.
Posture yourself for change. The Lord is on the move!
Sometimes, it’s utterly fruitless to attempt to persuade those who ardently defend their heretics. Instead of arguing, pray for them. No human effort to prove why these false teachers are wolves will alter their perspective until the Holy Spirit illuminates their obscured vision.
Not EVERYTHING we do must be documented and posted on social media. Live your life for YOU and for the glory of God. Stop showing ppl every single aspect of your life. We don’t need to see you on the toilet either. It’s a common occurrence. We know what happens there.
Contending for the faith is very different from arguing with strangers online.
We must not adopt the world's view and then tweak it to make it Christian.
We must not adopt the world's view and then tweak it to make it Christian. We must draw a line in the sand and stand firm in the radical teachings of Christ and His gospel. We must preach the truth and be the examples of the truth we preach. Paul Washer
Growing in grace is a deepening realization of our nothingness—it is a heartfelt recognition that we are not worthy of the least of God's mercies. A.W. Pink
The Scriptures should be read with the aim of finding Christ in them. Whoever turns aside from this object, even though he wears himself out all his life in learning, he will never reach the knowledge of the truth. John Calvin
Nothing sets a person so much out of the devil's reach as humility. Jonathan Edwards Our assurance, our glory, and the sole anchor of our salvation are that Christ the Son of God is ours, and we in turn are in Him sons of God and heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven, called to the hope of eternal blessedness by God's grace, not by our worth. John Calvin
Joy is love exalted; peace is love in response; long-suffering is love enduring; gentleness is love in society; goodness is love in action; faith is love on the battlefield; meekness is love in tough situations; and temperance is love in training. Dwight L. Moody God doesn't expect the impossible from us. He wants us to expect the impossible from Him! Dwight L. Moody Press forward. Do not stop, do not linger in your journey, but strive for the mark set before you. George Whitefield
It’s a terrible idolatry to believe God isn’t as good as he’s promised in his word. The capricious god of our unbelief leads us to despair, and makes us angry at the world. The God of Scripture gives hope to the most terrible sinner, and extends his hands to the broken world.
“Christianity is not a religion of moralism, it is a gospel religion of grace. It is a religion established on a relationship. It's not either/or, it's both—a relationship and a religion.” Burk Parsons
Our sins, when laid upon Christ, were yet personally ours, not his; so his righteousness, when put upon us, is yet personally his, not ours. John Bunyan
Prayer is the breath of the new creature. Richard Baxter
Use sin as it will use you; spare it not, for it will not spare you; it is your murderer, and the murderer of the world: use it, therefore, as a murderer should be used. Kill it before it kills you. Richard Baxter
When you hear of a notorious sinner, instead of thinking you do well to be angry, beg of Jesus Christ to convert, and make him a monument of His free grace. George Whitefield
No child of God sins to that degree as to make himself incapable of forgiveness. John Bunyan
Study to know Him more and more, for the more you know, the more you will love Him. George Whitefield If the Holy Spirit guides us, He will do it according to the Scriptures and never contrary to them. George Muller A simple layman armed with Scripture is greater than the mightiest pope without it. Martin Luther By craving to be more, man becomes less; and by aspiring to be self-satisfying, he falls away from Him who truly satisfies. Augustine As long as you are proud you cannot know God. A proud man is always looking down on thing and people: and, of course, as long as you are looking down you cannot see something that is above you. C.S. Lewis
“The more outrageous others are in sin, the more courageous we should be for truth.” — Thomas Watson, The Great Gain of Godliness, 5.
"Everyone has a creed even if it is not written down.” — Patrick Abendroth
Two realities distinguish sharing in the early church from communism. 1) They did not abolish private property. 2) The selling and distribution of their possessions was not by force or coercion but free and voluntary. — Kevin DeYoung
“Faithfulness inevitably brings a cost with it.” — Ian Hamilton
"What is the whole earth compared with the greatness of God?" — Charles Spurgeon "If you belong to Christ, be holy." — Charles Spurgeon
A new day. Time to remember what is true: 1. This day exists for God's glory. 2. Sin's promises are lies. 3. God is trustworthy in everything. 4. Jesus, the friend of sinners, loves me. 5. In Christ I am forgiven, forever. 6. God will strengthen me for today. 7. He holds me fast.
“Adam's sin distorts and mars the goodness of God's created order, but it does not change what it means to be human.” — Rosaria Butterfield, Five Lies of our Anti-Christian Age, 8. “The world is always ebbing and flowing, but the Maker of the world declares, ‘I am the LORD, I change not’ (Mal. 3:6).” — George Swinnock, The Blessed and Boundless God, 20
"We must learn to live our Christian lives not on the basis of how we feel subjectively, but what God has promised." –– Sinclair Ferguson
“Our authenticity comes from God and not from our feelings.” — Rosaria Butterfield, Five Lies of our Anti-Christian Age, 9.
“Homosexual orientation, a nineteenth-century Freudian invention, is an unbiblical category of personhood and an antagonist to the creation ordinance because it redefines sinful desire as something that defines who you are rather than how you feel.” — Rosaria Butterfield
“As the foundation of the believer’s salvation, the covenant of redemption serves as the ultimate source of assurance.” — Patrick Abendroth
“Nothing has been added to God’s duration since the creation of the world.” — George Swinnock, The Blessed and Boundless God, 22. "A Christian is always and everywhere not his own, but belongs to Christ." — Charles Spurgeon "He teaches believers to value his promised gifts by making them wait for those gifts, and compelling them to pray persistently for them, before he bestows them." — J.I. Packer, Knowing God “Don't train yourself to have a guilty conscience. If you are guilty, deal with it and know the joy of forgiveness in Christ. If you aren't guilty, don't wallow in feelings of failure as if that makes you a better Christian.” — Kevin DeYoung, Impossible Christianity, 99. "When we feel ourselves cold in affection and duty, it is the best way to warm ourselves at this fire of His love and mercy in giving Himself for us." - Richard Sibbes. The Bruised Reed, Works 1:79. “When the church sets itself up to follow the world and not to lead it, it necessarily lingers long with discarded trends and affections.” — Rosaria Butterfield, Five Lies of our Anti-Christian Age, 15.
"Our disposition must be changed, we must be new creatures; they seek for heaven in hell who seek for spiritual love in an unchanged heart." - Richard Sibbes. The Bruised Reed, Works 1:80. “During war, borders close. One border that must be closed to actual Christians is using people's preferred pronouns.” — Rosaria Butterfield, Five Lies of our Anti-Christian Age, 18.
“The front lines today are battles over sex, gender, and identity. We must be ready for a fight in precisely these places. Don't underestimate the power of your opponent.” — Kevin DeYoung
“A theologian who ultimately helps us to remember that we are of no lasting earthly importance whatsoever has crucial importance in an era obsessed with numbers Twitter followers and Facebook friends.” — Carl Trueman, Luther on the Christian Life, 29.
Whatever is in Him is His very being. — George Swinnock, The Blessed and Boundless God, 24. “Loving of sin is worse than committing it. A good man may run into a sinful action unawares, but to love sin is desperate.” -Thomas Watson “Sins spin webs of confusion. Repentance breaks those webs and replaces sin with clarity.” — Rosaria Butterfield, Five Lies of our Anti-Christian Age, 20. “In the simplest terms, all Jesus asks is that we trust him enough to walk with him, listen to him, and depend on him for everything.” — Kevin DeYoung, Impossible Christianity, 23.
“Loving of sin is worse than committing it. A good man may run into a sinful action unawares, but to love sin is desperate. ... To love sin shows that the will is in sin, and the more of the will there is in a sin, the greater the sin.” — Thomas Watson “Godly confrontation does not include mocking derision. Godly confrontation allows Christians to seek the truth, to pray to the God of truth, and to teach the truth.” — Rosaria Butterfield, Five Lies of our Anti-Christian Age, 22.
"Egalitarianism is the highway to LGBTQ+ church leadership, as a faulty interpretation that endorses sin in one context is imported wholesale to another." -Rosaria Butterfield, Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age “When the Bible wants to tell us what Christians are like, it gives us character traits, not a to-do-list.” — Kevin DeYoung, Impossible Christianity, 107.
“When the evangelical church embraced LGBTQ+ vocabulary, the true gospel was exchanged for a false one.” — Rosaria Butterfield, Five Lies of our Anti-Christian Age, 27. God is all being and nothing else. — George Swinnock, The Blessed and Boundless God, 24.
“Are people who live apart from God's creation ordinance victims in need of civil rights or sinners in need of a Savior? Do we love our neighbor enough to tell the truth?” — Rosaria Butterfield, Five Lies of our Anti-Christian Age, 29 “God has left us a long line of faithfulness in these creeds and confessions, and we would do well to learn from them.” — Beau Bekendam
Nothing more sure than death, nothing more uncertain than life. —Thomas Brooks, Works 1:190 "Thy misery can never exceed His mercy." - Thomas Goodwin. The Heart of Christ, Works 4:129. Without doubt, those ministers shall be high in heaven who make it their heaven to hold forth Christ, and to win souls to Christ. —Puritan Thomas Brooks, Works 3:210 Sin is worse than the devil; for the devil is a creature that God made, but sin is none of God’s creatures. And it is worse than hell; for hell is of God’s making too, but sin is not. —Puritan William Bridge, Works 5:7 Now had Christ only suffered the penalty, and not fulfilled the precept part of the same (perfect obedience to the Law), we might thereby have been freed from hell, but could not from thence had any right and title to the eternal kingdom. —William Bridge, Works 5:379
People who mistreat children are monstrous and inhumane. —Godefridus Udemans (1581-1649), The Practice of Faith, Hope and Love, Pg. 345 A father does not obey God if he observes the Sabbath but does not care what his family does. —Godefridus Udemans (1581-1649), The Practice of Faith, Hope and Love, Pg. 285 The Lord’s Day is the highest thanksgiving-day. —George Swinnock, Works 1:239-40
[Justification] has no degrees and is completed at one moment and in only one act. Yet in manifestation, consciousness, and effects, it has many degrees. —William Ames, Marrow of Theology, 161 Again, Christ requires no worthiness in man before he believes; and he that won’t believe before he is worthy will never believe. —Puritan Thomas Brooks, Works 3:204 Though true repentance be never too late, yet late repentance is seldom true. —Thomas Brooks, Works 1:190 It is wrong to make fun of people who are deaf by laughing at their attempts to communicate. It is wrong to offend anyone with a disability, that mocks God in his judgments, and mocks the handicaps of one’s neighbor. —Godefridus Udemans (1581-1649), Faith, Hope and Love, P.345 We will not be damned on judgement day, even though here in this lifetime we will have to fight many weaknesses. The person who will judge us is our Savior, who has already saved us from the curse of the law. —Godefridus Udemans (1581-1649, Faith, Hope, and Love, 87-88
It was a good saying of Chrysostom, speaking of hell, let us not seek where it is, but how we shall escape it. —Thomas Brooks
The church is like a river. If it gets wider instead of deeper it will lose its power. —Puritan Thomas Manton Though God be merciful, if thou live in these sins, be not deceived, thou shalt never enter into heaven. —Richard Sibbes, Works 3:34-35 Life is a sweet thing, the sweetest thing in the world; but the grace and favor of God is 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 than that. —Puritan Richard Sibbes, Works 3:20 If we have no other benefit by the multitude of books that are written, we shall have this benefit: an opportunity to observe the various workings of the same Spirit about the same truths, & indeed the speculation is neither idol nor unfruitful. —Thomas Manton, Sibbes’ Works 3:3 All designs and attempts to extinguish the everlasting gospel have turned to the advancement, flourishing, and spreading of the gospel. —Thomas Brooks
Often, when you feel distant from God, it’s because you’ve distanced yourself from the Bible.
Standing before Jesus one day, saying, “the reason I didn’t follow You was because of all the hypocrites in the church”... will not be an acceptable excuse. Don’t let the actions of others keep you from what God has called you to do.
God’s love is not a license to live however we want to. His love is the power to live how He commands us to.
When sin is the problem, Jesus is always the solution.
As a follower of Jesus, wherever you are - that is your mission field.
“The Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God.” - C.S. Lewis
"No Christ in your sermon, sir? Then go home, and never preach again until you have something worth preaching." — Charles Spurgeon
"If you wait for a perfect church, you must wait until you get to heaven." — Charles Spurgeon
"Know that while you're asking God to open new doors for you, some of those doors will be UNCOMMON, UNFAMILIAR and UNCOMFORTABLE. Make sure you're PREPARED for what you're PETITIONING Him for!
"The preaching of the Word is central, irreducible, and non-negotiable to authentic worship that pleases God." - Al Mohler
Labor to get the sight of your sin, but never think on sin without Christ; but look on your sin in the wounds of Christ, and read your sins written out in Christ’s blood. —Puritan William Bridge, Works 5:19-20 “I have a conviction that no sermon is ready for preaching, not ready for writing out, until we can express its theme in a short, pregnant sentence as clear as a crystal.” — Haddon W. Robinson “When you are arguing against God you are arguing against the very power that makes you able to argue at all.” - C.S. Lewis
The new coventant does not destroy the old in substance, but only in form. —John Calvin, Four Last Books of Moses, I:463
"While God is sovereign in the affairs of men, His sovereignty does not relieve men of responsibility." -Duncan Campbell.
"We have God's sacrifice and God's Word to create in us a sense of perfect security." — Charles Spurgeon
The Christian church is not a man-made institution. It is not the consequence of the interplay of sociological, economic or other human factors... The church comes from God. Joel R. Beeke Commentary on Revelation [21:2]
"Along with being spiritually alive, we must also be dependent upon God Himself as we turn to the Bible to read and study it. It is vital that we pray for light from heaven to understand its teachings, and also for God’s grace to apply what we learn (Ps. 119:18)." - Conrad Mbewe
"He who went so far as to die on the cross for us, can and will give us all things needed for our eternal safety." — Charles Spurgeon
Upon a life I did not live, upon a death I did not die--another's life, another's death, I stake my whole eternity. -Horatius Bonar - The mind of man is naturally full of prejudices against divine truth. -Jonathan Edwards -
"If you will not believe until you can understand all mysteries, you will never be saved at all." — Charles Spurgeon
"I believe nothing merely because John Calvin taught it, but because I have found his teaching in the Word of God." — Charles Spurgeon
“It is not our job to choose any books for the Bible. The church’s task is simply to receive what God has given.” — Dr. Charles Hill
"Our power is given from day to day by him in whose hand our breath is." — Charles Spurgeon 'To withhold forgiveness is to take poison and expect the unforgiven to die." -Augustine.
Our faith is our coming to Christ. - John Owen
"Sin necessitates death. Jesus died." — Charles Spurgeon
"The true religion of Jesus is a good thing for you." — Charles Spurgeon
The Knowledge of Christ deserves the severest of our thoughts, the best of our meditations, and our utmost diligence in them -John Owen - Sin is more than an act or a series of acts--it is a man's make-up. -A.W. Pink -
Doth not this doctrine of the constant continuance of the saints’ justification, tend to looseness, and open a gap to licentiousness? This is an old objection…those persons that make this objection, no doubt, are great strangers to the grace of God themselves. —William Bridge
"True believers are not of the world, and the world does not understand them." — Charles Spurgeon
Some will not pray in their families; except a little on sabbath nights, when they have nothing else to do: as though all time were not God’s, week-days as well as Lord’s-days. —Oliver Heywood, Family Worship a Commanded Duty, Banner of Truth Magazine, 5th Issue, 1957, 39
"You are saved by what Christ felt for you, not by what you feel." — Charles Spurgeon
"A Christless sermon is a worthless sermon." — Charles Spurgeon
A statement like “I just can’t worship in a church that doesn’t…” should finish with either "preach the Word," "administer the sacraments," or "exercise church discipline." Anything less risks breaking the 2nd commandment. —Justin Poythress
“There are only two kinds of people: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, ‘All right, then, have it your way.’” - C.S. Lewis
"My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus' blood & righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus' name. On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand- All other ground is sinking sand." -Edward Mote.
"There can be no falsehood in Christ Jesus, nor failure in him." — Charles Spurgeon
A whole new generation of Christians has come up believing that it is possible to accept Christ without forsaking the world. -A.W. Tozer - To many, the width of the preacher's head matters more than the depth of his heart. -Leonard Ravenhill -
"You can truly serve God behind the counter, in the workroom, by digging a ditch, or clipping a hedge." — Charles Spurgeon
"It is a poor sermon that gives no offense, that neither makes the hearer displeased with himself nor with the preacher." -George Whitefield.
When you fast, and spend time in prayer and reading God's Word, your spirit becomes stronger and stronger, and the hold of the flesh is weakened. We then find ourselves having victories in our spiritual battles. Chuck Smith
“How easy it is to read the Scriptures and give a kind of nominal assent to the truth and yet never to appropriate what it tells us!” — D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones "Grace is free. Christ is free. Come, poor sinner, there is none to push you back." — Charles Spurgeon
Lord, what I do I trust is pleasing to you - accept and bless my service. - William Wilberforce "You are justified by faith, not by feelings." — Charles Spurgeon
"Men are not saved by our word, but by God's word." — Charles Spurgeon
Prayer and praise are the oars by which a man may row his boat into the deep waters of the knowledge of Christ. -C.H. Spurgeon - Let us be real, honest, and sincere in our Christianity. We cannot deceive an all seeing God. -J.C. Ryle -
All that Christ doth for us is but the expression of that love which was taken up originally in God’s own heart. —Puritan Thomas Goodwin, Works 4:86
Sense of sin is a good work; but it is not for itself, but in order to going to Christ. Therefore now go to Christ, and say, Lord, now I see the sinfulness of sin, let me also see the graciousness of grace, and the fullness of Christ. —Puritan William Bridge, Works 5:20
"Do not think you have done your children any good unless you have taught them the Word of the Lord." — Charles Spurgeon
"God has been pleased to give us this grand old Book, the Bible." — Charles Spurgeon
"We don't need something new so much as to reaffirm things so old they would be new if we preached them." -Vance Havner.
"The sermon which does not lead to Christ will make the devils in hell laugh, but make the angels of God weep." - Charles Spurgeon
"God has so made man's heart that nothing can ever fill it but God himself." — Charles Spurgeon
"One of my happiest thoughts is that, when I die, I shall enter into rest with Christ." — Charles Spurgeon
Holiness is not austerity or gloom--these are as alien to it as levity and flippancy -Horatius Bonar - Our bad things turn out for good. Our good things can never be lost. And the best things are yet to come. -Jonathan Edwards
"Books about the Bible are read, I fear, more than the Book itself." — Charles Spurgeon
“The biblical testimony resists a conception of God’s mercy that is narrowly focused. Rather, it is a ubiquitous force that shapes all of reality, a pervasive impetus for hope.” — Dr. Miles Van Pelt