Every generation wants to rebel against cultural norms when they’re young. In today’s world… the greatest rebellion for young people is to be a follower of Jesus and to believe the Bible.
Students don’t need leaders who are adults, but act like teenagers. They need leaders who act like adults, but care about teenagers.
If the New Covenant results in the permanent indwelling of God the Holy Spirit, and we receive that promise now, how can a Christian ‘lose’ salvation? (Not talking about apostasy).
The ultimate experience of God bending down, stooping down to the ground to dwell among us is the incarnation of Jesus. In an act of great love, Jesus bent down from heaven to lay down His life and show us eternal life in human form. He came to redeem us and to join us in the trials of life. "He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap" (Psalm 113: 7). He comes down to our level. And He will be gracious, even unto us. That’s amazing grace. Ray Bentley
Humility and the fear of the Lord result in the same blessings. "By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches and honor and life." The closing trio ("riches and honor and life") are an Old Testament description of a life that is fully blessed by God. The New Testament counterpart would be fullness of spiritual life. "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly" (John 10:10). Humility and the fear of the Lord also result in wisdom. "With the humble is wisdom… The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom."
Three tactics the enemy uses in the body~
1. Negative Thinking
2. Selfishness
3. Conceit
4. Pride
Overcome by encouragement in Christ, dying to self, being others centered, Having gratitude, and Respect, and being willing to give when there is no more to give.
Not feelings but thinking and doing
How can you be successful if you're busy helping yourself out of Success? ~Khamel Brown
Keep your mind, your heart, and your passion focused on your why, let everything else flow, and stay strong and committed because your why is for you as well.
In life as you strive to better yourself and help others people will do whatever and say whatever to knock you down. When this starts to happen you have to reach out to the good Lord and ask for forgiveness, because The Blessings that he provides us are due to how we have blessed others. I am learning once again about giving away fish. I am now ready to help those who want to help themselves get more out of life through there actions. NO ONE HAS EVER GIVEN ME ANYTHING! I BELIEVED IN ME AND THE LORD TO STRIVE AND NEVER QUIT. THAT IS THE TRUE PRINCIPAL TO WINNING. Never feel guilty because you did what others want do, but they want what you have. We all have the opportunity to live and not just exist. You can do it just believe and accept the past is the past and now the future i will own!
"Don't count the things you do, do the things that count."- Zig Ziglar
"It's not love that keeps your marriage alive. It's marriage that keeps your love alive."
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer
When you're sad, cry together. When you're happy, celebrate together. When you're worried, pray together. Whatever life throws your way, face it together!
A word spoken is physically transient but morally permanent.
~Francis Burkett~
One rebellion against God caused so much destruction. That is what you will reap when you sow seeds of rebellion—destruction. All misery calls sin mother.
~George Swinnock~
God looks at the heart. God sees things that we don't see. I read about a Malaysian man who holds the world record for kissing venomous snakes. He has kissed a king cobra 51 times. We can have that attitude toward sin: I can handle this. It will never bite me. It will never get me. Then one day, that little kiss will prove to be your undoing. It will become a kiss of death.
As the prophet Samuel told Saul, "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry" (1 Samuel 15:23).
As Christians, we do walk through storms in life. But we can hold our heads up high—not because of some bird singing but because the Lord is with us.
The next time someone shares with you the heaviness of a particular situation, say, "Let me pray with you right now. Jesus is here with us and He will give you peace."
How can we have that kind of confidence? James 4:8a: "Come near to God and he will come near to you." It's not might or perhaps -- He WILL.
Release! Signed in tears, sealed in blood, written on heavenly parchment, recorded in eternal archives. The black ink of the indictment is written all over with the red ink of the cross: “the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin.”
~T. De Witt Talmage~
God promises that His Word will not return void. Whether a person believes it or they don’t, it won’t return void. It will prosper in the place where God sends it. So use your Bible. Use it until it is falling apart!
To be filled with the Spirit is to have the Spirit fulfilling in us all that God intended him to do when he placed him there.
~Lewis Sperry Chafer~
A person who is walking with God as he or she ought to should always be looking forward to the Lord’s return.
When we read, study and meditate upon the sacrifice of Christ because of His great love for us, we will find ourselves saying, "I want to serve Him." Duty is no longer an obligation, but a joy.
By the Holy Spirit of God, we pass from death to life, no longer bound by this world and its constraints. We will not perish. Our sin, our pain, our misery, the heartaches and failures that torment and taunt us are now subject to a new order, to a new, eternal, life in the Kingdom of God.
What a delight to get an invitation – whether it’s to a movie, a dinner party or a night out on the town. It means someone’s thinking of you and wants to spend time with you. Throughout the Scriptures, God sends you an invitation…to pray. He wants to spend time with you and He wants to give you the desires of your heart. But, of course, there are guidelines such as delighting in the Lord (Psalm 37:4), asking with right motives (James 4:2-3) and according to His will (Matthew 6:10). As you spend time with the Lord in prayer, He changes your desires. As you read the Bible, you begin to want what the Heavenly Father wants.
“Don't settle for less of God! Be open and expectant, because God wants to fill you to overflowing with all that he is.”
We cannot enter into the presence of God while we are
rebelling against God.
~A. W. Tozer~
There’s lots of Christ-centered content on the internet, and it certainly can complement our efforts to grow in our faith. But ultimately we need more than online messages, worship, comments, and articles. We need each other—as part of the body of Christ.
If you love deeply, you’re going to get hurt badly. But it’s still worth it.
~ C.S. Lewis
I’d rather stand with God and have the world, my enemy, than go along with the crowd to destruction.
~A.W. Tozer~
Walking in humility is the pathway to living by the grace of God.
The fear of the Lord is respect and reverence toward our great God.
Don't Get Distracted, Don't Quit, Don't Stop! God's Invested Too Much Purpose Into You! Even if you slipped, don't pitch your tent where you fell, get up and keep moving! Remember, You're Going to the Promised Land After This Wilderness Process is Complete!
If you’re single and desire to get married: Don’t look for someone who will “complete you”, and put you first. Look for someone who is already complete in Christ, and puts Jesus first.
“Just as creation is a trinitarian work, so too re-creation was from the start a triune project.” –– Herman Bavinck, Reformed Dogmatics, 398.
"The book of 1 John is not meant to make us doubt.” –– Kevin DeYoung, Impossible Christianity, 39. "That the triune God committed in eternity past to redeem elect sinners brings believers to a place of astonishment, humility, understanding, and praise." –– Patrick Abendroth
"The impossibility of sinners becoming godly becomes possible through His grace." — Paul Tripp "Salvation in Christ is irreversible as it is wrapped up in the eternal decree of God himself." –– Patrick Abendroth "There are two ways to live – God's way or our way.“ — Alistair Begg
"If you were lying at the bottom of the sea, no eye could see your deformities; so when the infinite ocean of Immanuel's righteousness flows over the soul, you are swallowed up, as it were, in Christ. Your blackness is never seen, only His fairness." - Robert Murray M'Cheyne
“What weight can sink him who hath the everlasting arms to support him? “What want can sadden him who hath infinite bounty and mercy to supply him? “Nothing can make him miserable who hath God for his happiness. “Blessed is the people whose God is the Lord.” — George Swinnock
“Preaching and teaching and witnessing are never neutral activities; they either draw people to Christ or heighten their present condemnation.” — Jeremy Walker, The Brokenhearted Evangelist “The book of 1 John is not meant to make us doubt.” — Kevin DeYoung, Impossible Christianity, 39. “I think you need to fire your almost-Christian feminist therapist and listen to your elders.” — Rosario Butterfield
“Do you want godly men in charge? Or do you want drag queen story hour?” — Rosario Butterfield
“Our great sin is no match for his greater redemption.” — Chad Bird
“Here is rock: all else is sand.” — J. C. Ryle’s description of the Bible.
“Let us not minimize the work of Christ by making him half a Savior- strong enough to save us from our sins but not strong enough to transform our sin-stained lives.” — Kevin DeYoung, Impossible Christianity, 41.
“When Christ died, he died for you individually just as much as if you had been the only person in the world.” - C.S. Lewis
“God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but shouts in our pains; it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” - C.S. Lewis
“The Past is frozen and no longer flows, and the Present is all lit up with eternal rays.” - C.S. Lewis
“God longs to bring us back into relationship. He reconciles us to himself and to one another.” — Dr. Bruce Lowe
“The law sends us to Christ to be justified, and Christ sends us to the law to be regulated.” — John Flavel
Three indispensable requirements for good preaching
1. Teach God's Word 2. Proclaim Christ Crucified 3. Preach in the Power of the Spirit
"If you are idle in Christ's work, you are active in the devil's work." — Charles Spurgeon
Do the job at hand, God has a job for you now do it well. When God has something different for you to do, He will show it to you.
"To trust God in the light is nothing, but to trust him in the dark—that is faith." — Charles Spurgeon
Refuse to become a “victim”. God has so much more for you, even through the pain!
"You need a Savior strong and mighty, risen from the dead." — Charles Spurgeon
If your eyes are on people, you’ll be disappointed. If your eyes are on circumstances, like Peter when his eyes were on the waves, you’ll go down. But if your eyes are on the Lord, you’ll be stable and He’ll see you through. Jon Courson
"The pulpit is never to be the ladder by which ambition is to climb." — Charles Spurgeon
"May I beg you carefully to judge every preacher, not by his gifts, not by his elocutionary powers, not by his status in society, not by the respectability of his congregation[...]but by this - Does he preach the word of truth, the Gospel of your salvation." - Steven Lawson
If self-denial be the greatest part of godliness, the great letter in the alphabet of religion, then self-love is the great letter in the alphabet of practical atheism. — Stephen Charnock
Let not your 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘴𝘪𝘯 quench your 𝘫𝘰𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘰𝘯. —Puritan William Bridge, Works 5:20
Take heed of comparing yourselves with those that are worse than yourselves. Sirs! Do not delude, and befool your own souls; if you are not as wicked as others, you shall not be as tormented as others, but you shall be as certainly damned as others. —Thomas Brooks, Works 1:233
“Here is no doubt about this; effective speaking involves action; and that is why I stress that the whole person must be involved in preaching.” -D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones "Jesus is the lamb once slain, no more to die." — Charles Spurgeon
My brethren, from our first coming into the world, till our passing out of it... all the Lord's children have found, some more, and others less, that they have had dreadful as well as blessed times, and all has been... to bring them nearer unto God. —George Whitefield Christ pleads the cause of believers by his blood. Unlike other advocates, it is not enough for him to lay out only words, but he pleads for us by the voice of his own blood. Grace finds sinners as low as hell, and advanceth them as high as heaven. —William Bridge, Works 5:390
God reckons the believing man as having done all righteousness, though he has not done any -Horatius Bonar - Words are cheap. It is by costly, self-denying Christian practice that we show the reality of our faith. -Jonathan Edwards -
"Our salvation hinges upon the incarnation, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus." — Charles Spurgeon
"One of the Apostle Paul’s assumptions for pastors is that the man of God would be a man of learning. His pastoral calling would, in fact, also be a calling to deep, ambitious study." - Forrest Strickland It is indeed true, that the person who understands what sort of father God is to us has sufficient cause - even supposing Hell did not exist! - to dread offending Him more than he dreads death itself. John Calvin The root of faith is never wholly torn from the believing heart. It always remains firmly planted there. John Calvin.
"Jesus stood in our place. God will not exact payment both from us and from our Substitute." — Charles Spurgeon
"Christian psychology" is an attempt to harmonize two inherently contradictory systems of thought. - John MacArthur
"The rising of Christ from the dead proved that he was innocent of every sin." — Charles Spurgeon
I go, I go to a rest prepared; my sun has arisen, and, by aid from heaven, has given light to many. It is now about to set for — No! it is about to rise to the zenith of immortal glory. - George Whitefield died 30 Sept 1770
"You have a living Christ, and in him you have all things." — Charles Spurgeon As you would honor him, and win upon others, make him more and more known to the world. —Puritan Thomas Brooks, Works 3:208
"We have to live and die, and we must have the gospel." — Charles Spurgeon Today's church wants to be raptured from responsibility. -Leonard Ravenhill - The saints have distinct communion with the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. -John Owen
Lord be merciful to them [who preach anything rather than Christ]! Where do we find in all the Scripture, that Christ, his prophets, or apostles, did ever in their preaching meddle with the businesses of state or things of mere civil concernment? —Thomas Brooks, Works 3:220
"Hearing the Word lifts us up towards heaven." — Charles Spurgeon
Time is short. Eternity is long. Charles Spurgeon
Adding Your Works to Christ's Work Is Blasphemy - Jeremy Walker
Do not, poor souls, entertain any hard thoughts concerning Jesus Christ, as if he was less mindful, less pitiful, and less merciful to souls now as he is in heaven, than he was when his abode was in the world. —Puritan Thomas Brooks, Works 1:246
"The Westminster Confession of Faith helps you personally because it enumerates all the ways which God is faithful to you." — Dr. Chad Van Dixhoorn
"In prayer, we stand before the throne of the Infinite." — Charles Spurgeon
"Jesus Christ deserves the best men to preach his cross, not the empty-headed." — Charles Spurgeon
I think that oftentimes men charge that upon the devil that is to be charged upon their own hearts. —Thomas Brooks, Works 1:153 Well! Remember this, the pleasure and sweetness that follows victory over sin, is a thousand times beyond that seeming sweetness that is in sin. —Puritan Thomas Brooks, Works 1:254
"If there is any glory from the work we do, let us lay it all at the Redeemer’s feet." — Charles Spurgeon
“It is the vain man who lives more to others’ opinion of them than to conscience.” — Richard Sibbes Every soul won to Christ is a glorious pearl added to a preacher’s crown. —Thomas Brooks, Works 3:210
"If Christ has been raised from the dead then all his people must be raised also." — Charles Spurgeon
We’re not ‘broken’—as if we simply needed to be repaired. We’re dead and need to be regenerated. Broken people need a fixer, not a Savior; they need self-applied glue, not vicariously-applied blood. —D.B. Harrison
"In our foolishness, we have all run from the one who made us—yet He has pursued us, made known to us our condition, and chosen to reveal His Son to us." —Alistair Begg
When Jesus Christ comes to be lifted up in a nation, in a city, in a town, in a family, yea, in any heart, then all idols without and within will fall before the power, presence, and glory of Jesus. —Puritan Thomas Brooks, Works 3:209
What we most value, we shall think no pains too great to gain. Richard Baxter
We worry about tomorrow because our focus is on tomorrow and not on God who is sovereign over tomorrow.
The way to preserve the peace of the church is to preserve the purity of it. -Matthew Henry - Sometimes we get overwhelmed and we forget how big God is. -A.W. Tozer
I've read in Plato sayings that are wise, but I've never read in one of them: Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden. Augustine
"Jesus' dead body was quickened. The silent heart began again to beat." — Charles Spurgeon
As soon as the smallest drop of faith imaginable lodges in our soul, at once we begin to behold God’s face, kindly and well disposed toward us. John Calvin "Our salvation hinges upon the incarnation, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus." — Charles Spurgeon “God intends to give us what we need, not what we now think we want.” - C.S. Lewis
"Jesus stood in our place. God will not exact payment both from us and from our Substitute." — Charles Spurgeon
Do we delight to talk about 'free grace' and 'free gift'? Pharisees never do so because they realise that these terms make them out to be paupers as all others. - Martyn Lloyd-Jones
"The rising of Christ from the dead proved that he was innocent of every sin." — Charles Spurgeon
Screw the truth into men's minds. Richard Baxter
"You have a living Christ, and in him you have all things." — Charles Spurgeon
To cover up the sun would be easy work compared with the covering up of sin. -C.H. Spurgeon - You are called to be in life what you already are in principle by grace. -J.C. Ryle -
Do not say, O young man, that thou art young and hereafter will be time enough to provide for eternity, for eternity may be at the door, ready to carry thee away for ever. —Thomas Brooks, Works 1:184
The heart of prayer isn't about getting something but becoming someone who trusts, hopes, believes, and glorifies the Lord no matter the circumstance.” — Michael Stanton