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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo


For those of you who are followers of Jesus Christ, it is my prayer that we never become hardened to the wonder of the gospel message.

"Loyalty, honor and a willing heart… I can ask no more than that."

- Thorin Oakenshield

Then David said to the Philistine, "You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts … - 1 Samuel 17:45

Technology advances but the message never changes......

“No verse of Scripture yields its meaning to lazy people.”

― Arthur W. Pink

"It's not what happens to you that matters. It's how you respond to what happens to you that makes a difference."- Zig Ziglar

The difference between couples with great marriages and those with bad marriages isn’t the absence of conflict. Successful couples rebound quickly and start again.... Satisfying and stable marriages see failure as part of success.

Satisfying and stable marriages see failure as part of success.

Knowing when to walk away is wisdom. Being able to is courage. Doing it with your head held high is dignity. Zig Ziglar

"God calls us not to be successful but significant. When we focus on significance, success is often part of the package."- Tom Ziglar

God never shuts one door without opening another.

Never give up. If you are feeling down for some reason then also compare to the rest who are in worse situation than you. Every struggle serves us with a beautiful lesson. Once we learn that lesson, our life becomes more beautiful and we emerge into a newer level of understanding and knowing. So, embrace everything that you have in your life – even your hardships because they are there for a reason – to help you make a stronger person, to help you find your inner strength and teach you some amazing wisdom’s of life. Stay happy and always stay blessed.

Church is the class and trials is the lab~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!

There is wisdom in a multitude of counselors but let divine counsel be of God

"No man can do me a truer kindness in this world than to pray for me."

- Charles Spurgeon

It's all about having the right perspective

You can set the tone of your household, you're the thermostat.

Is your household's temperature set to warm or cold?

Is Your Mind Stayed on God?

"Remember whose you are and whom you serve. Encourage yourself to remember, and your affection for God will increase tenfold. Your mind will no longer be starved, but will be quick and enthusiastic, and your hope will be inexpressibly bright."—Oswald Chambers

"A continual looking forward to the eternal world is not . . . a form of escapism or wishful thinking, but one of the things a Christian is meant to do." You should think about death, eternity, and the afterlife.

C. S. Lewis

if your life is filled with Jesus Christ, then sharing the gospel will come pretty easily. It is not something you will have to psych yourself into doing. Rather, it is something you will simply find yourself doing because the Lord is so good to you.

Grace is what all need, what none can merit and what

God alone can give.~George Barlow~

“The blacker the night around us grew, the brighter and truer and more beautiful burned the Word of God.”

― Corrie ten Boom, The Hiding Place

Allow His Word to light your way, and the wilderness will not seem so daunting. Let His Word guide your feet, and you will not ever get lost.

Early messages in life might have told you it’s not ok to be found lacking, especially in areas others find important, like sports or beauty. Most people have spent significant time covering up shortcomings and compensating for weaknesses.

No matter what happens, you belong to Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ is not just any old powerless idol. He is the God who suffered for us.

Victory is sure, as sure as you are standing with Christ.

Before you overcome strong temptation, understand Christ’s deep devotion to his mission on Earth. Before you defeat addiction and compulsion, you must lay your efforts before God and ask for His help.

Sometimes we need to clear all the baloney away from an issue and ask, "What is God's position on this?" Unfortunately, we don't always like the answer, and therein lays the problem.

we find ultimate meaning and delight when we seek first God and God’s kingdom.

Some folks will “get it.”

Some folks will “know better.”

Neither opinion truly matters for it is not the critic who counts.

God desires to impart His power to the feeble. "He gives power to the weak." Those who are of the world cannot partake of this power, because they do not know the giver of this heavenly power. Sadly, many of God's own children do not receive this divine enabling, because they are unwilling to admit their weakness. Actually, the privileged place for receiving the Lord's empowerment is to confess that we have no might at all on our own.

A true mark of spiritual maturity is taking our eyes off ourselves and thinking of others.

I am a pilgrim in the world, but at home in my God. In the earth, I wander, but in God, I dwell in a quiet habitation.

~C.H. Spurgeon~

Breathe in God’s truth. Breathe out trust. The truth is that we don’t know what’s best for us. Sometimes what seems horrible and painful to us is what God is using to change us, grow us, and help us. Not everything is good, but we have to have faith that our God is good.

Do you realize you are a living testimony of God’s love for others? The Gospel of Jesus Christ dwells in you––in your earthen vessel. In prayer, wait on the Lord daily for His empowerment. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, you will become a living witness and testimony of the reality of Christ’s eternal existence. Those who do not know Christ will want what you have and seek to find Christ and receive Him as their Savior.

As the sun can be seen only by its own light, so Christ can be known only by His own Spirit.

~Robert Leighton~

"The providence of God is • infallible because of his infinite wisdom; • indefatigable because of his omnipotence; • and righteous because of his goodness." — Stephen Charnock

“This final account before Christ is not the justification of the Christian on the basis of the life that he has lived… every believer… has already been justified solely on the basis of the righteousness of Christ imputed to him, received through faith alone.” — Guy Waters

“A man can no more diminish God’s glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word ‘darkness’ on the walls of his cell.” - C.S. Lewis

“If God had granted all the silly prayers I’ve made in my life, where should I be now?” - C.S. Lewis

Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian, but being a Christian should make you want to go to church. Worshipping Jesus is not just a weekend event. It’s a lifestyle!

Followers of Jesus aren’t supposed to celebrate what God condemns.

“In the first exodus, God redeems His people from Egyptian bondage and carries them into the promised land. In the second exodus, at the end of history, God will once again redeem His people and plant them in the new creation.” —Benjamin Gladd

“Preach as you will wish you had when you come to die. It is one thing to preach, and another to do it as a dying man.” - John Sutcliff

A lion in God’s cause must be a lamb in his own. Matthew Henry

If we cannot look at the sun because our eyes would be dazzled, how, I ask you, will we look upon the glory of God in its perfection? —John Calvin, Sermons on Job, 1:93

"There is no time for killing weeds in the garden of the soul like today." — Charles Spurgeon

We can enter only into the secret place with boldness and confidence when we look to Jesus and set our gaze firmly on Him. This can be a new way to pray for many of us. We seek God, worship, and come to Him with our petitions and intercessions—all good. Then He asks us to follow Him deeper. Ray Bentley


"There are thousands of men who have all that their hearts can wish for, and yet are miserable." — Charles Spurgeon

Little sins are like little poison, being of killing nature as well as greater ones. —Nicolas Claget, The Abuse of God’s Grace, 270 "The Father loves you as much when he is angry as when he smiles upon you." — Charles Spurgeon

A man pardoned, and justified by faith in Christ, though he may, and sometimes does, fall into foul sins, yet they never prevail so far as to reverse pardon, and reduce him to a state of non-justification. —William Greenhill (1591-1671), A Golden Puritan Treasury, Pg. 111

Anything we have that is good or valuable has been given by God. It is God who has given us strength, talents, and understanding. We must give credit to God for those things that He has done. To God be the glory; great things He has done! Chuck Smith

To obtain the righteousness of Christ we must abandon our own. —Institutes of the Christian Relgion - 1541 Edition, Pg. 353 "The Bible is, to many a man, God's unopened letter." — Charles Spurgeon

Zeal is an extreme heat of all the affections set against sin and working strongly toward God. —Thomas Brooks, Cabinet of Choice Jewels, 230

"Justice may at times leave the courts of man, but it abides upon the tribunal of God." — Charles Spurgeon

If we would have mercy, we must be in Christ. Mercy swims to us through Christ's blood! -Thomas Watson - All that Jesus does for lost sinners--He does freely, out of pure pity, kindness, and love. -James Smith -

"Faith is the forecast of a heavenly destiny." — Charles Spurgeon

Could we hear the blessed souls departed speaking to us from heaven, sure thus they would say, “Were we to leave heaven awhile & dwell on earth again, we would do God a thousand times more service than ever we have done.“ —Thomas Watson, Heaven Taken by Storm, 138-39

"Some talk of truth. It is better to walk in it." — Charles Spurgeon Christ's sufferings show the horrible nature of sin more than it could have been otherwise shown. - John Newton

"A father's holy life is a rich legacy for his sons." — Charles Spurgeon

"His love is greater than your fears, and his merits are more prevalent than your sins." — Charles Spurgeon SELF, in some shape, is still the Deity of the natural man! -Octavius Winslow - He that reads his Bible to find fault with it will soon discover that the Bible finds fault with him -C.H. Spurgeon -


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