In Times Of Rapid Change, Experience Could Be Your Worst Enemy..-Robert Hollis
There are people that you care about who at some point will betray you. Friends will become associates, and EX-girlfriends and boyfriends will socialize with your enemies, to spite you. The single biggest threat against you today is not an enemy with a gun but a fake friend who you've grown to trust!
Never look down on anyone, unless you’re helping them up.
The most willing service to men is rendered by those who
are bent on pleasing Christ!
~Geoffrey B. Wilson~
When we read God’s Word, we learn the beginning and the end. We walk by faith during our lives, but we know how it all ends. We know God is on the throne, and we know our eternal destination. If we choose to accept Christ, we have eternity in heaven. If we choose to reject Christ, we have eternity in the Lake of Fire. When we choose Christ, our names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life and our sins are blotted out by the blood He shed on the Cross. On our own actions, we cannot make it into the Book of Life. We need to choose Christ and choose life for eternity with God. The believer is not redeemed by obedience to the law but he
is redeemed unto it.
~John Murray~
"Don't get so busy making a living that you don't know what you're living for" ~
God's heart is one of responding to our prayers and caring for us. He is deeply pained when His kids sin. The Bible says in the book of Genesis, right before the flood, that the Lord was "grieved in His heart" for all the sin He saw in the world (Genesis 6:6). He's grieved when you sin, and He wants to forgive you if you'll just let Him. We need to make sure that we have spiritual wisdom and discernment to know when we're at that bad place in our lives. And when we do, we need to cry out to Him with the same simple words that the people of Israel did: "I have sinned," and "deliver me today, I pray." We know that God is listening to our prayers and desires to answer us. God's heart is to forgive, but He'll only forgive those hearts that are truly repentant.
"Nobody raises his reputation by lowering others"
Men do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because they quit playing." ~ Oliver Holmes
The believer is not redeemed by obedience to the law but he
is redeemed unto it.
~John Murray~
God doesn't love us anymore when we do good and He doesn't love us any less when we do bad, He loves us period. Our response shows THAT we love Him in return.
"When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal, you do not change your decision to get there." -Zig Ziglar
God has come with a message of freedom: two thousand years ago, His Son died on the cross to take away punishment, to open up the doors of heaven, and to give us everlasting life. That's not just good news, that's great news! I pray that the Lord would help us boldly engage in intelligent conversation and, by Spirit-led persuasion, reason with those in the world about these truths that are so precious.
In His strong love,
Skip Heitzig
God always has the last word.
~James Philip~
The more we focus on ourselves -- the more defeated and discouraged we will become. Pick up the Cross of Christ, and you will experience a fullness only found in our Lord and Savior.
Follow the man in whom you see God’s anointing on
When a Christian is suffering and can still glorify God, that is a powerful testimony to the world.
Nothing succeeds like encouragement.
O believer, if you take your business into your own hands, you will soon be in trouble. The old puritan said, “He that carves for himself will soon cut his finger.” If we leave all our matters temporal as well as spiritual, in the hand of God we shall lack no good thing…
~C. H. Spurgeon~
A reputation… it can convey truth or falsehood. Either way, the popularity of a place or the success of a person is affected by people’s perception. In today’s world, the political climate requires each citizen to be discerning. The ability to recognize truth from fiction, reality from story-telling.
I once heard a story that went like this: A boy had gone down to the seashore following a great storm. There, lying on the beach, washed up by the giant surf were hundreds and thousands of starfish, all of which were dying. The boy ran down to the shore and began picking them up one at a time and throwing them back into the water. A man came along and asked, "Boy, what are you doing?" The boy answered simply, "Saving starfish!" The man was shocked and responded, "You’ve got to be kidding, there are far too many, you can't hope to make a difference." The boy held a starfish in his hand and threw it back into the ocean as he said, "I made a difference for that one!"
Such is the case for each of us. Sometimes we don't do anything because we are paralyzed by the enormity of a problem. But God doesn't call on us to fix everything, only do what we can "each according to his ability."
God used Parables, an earthly story with a heavenly meaning to get the message across.
in this case, I love this one.
Joy is not just a feeling. Joy is a choice.
Joy is a deeply felt contentment that transcends difficult circumstances and derives maximum enjoyment from every good experience.
// Charles R. Swindoll
Sin has turned the world upside down; the earth has become quite a different thing to man from what it was when God made it to be his habitation.
~Matthew Henry~
Do whatever it takes to keep your gaze on Jesus.
“A man without passion is only a latent force, only a possibility, like a stone waiting for the blow from the iron to give forth sparks,” wrote Swiss philosopher Henri Frederic Amiel.
Passion is a learned response. Just as we learn to think and communicate from our earthly parents, we also learn about spiritual love from our Heavenly Father. Each of us is born with unique passions. Sometimes we’re afraid of them, believing they can lead us to ruin. But couldn’t they also be God-given gifts designed to make our lives richer?
We must remember that if we’re going to be true disciples, it may bring temporary division. It may even cause temporary pain. But ultimately it could bring the greatest harmony of all.
God does not change — and neither does His love. He loved you before you were born... He loves you now... and He will love you forever."— Billy Graham
Lovingkindness is one of the terms in the Old Testament that has profound spiritual kinship with the New Testament term, grace. Lovingkindness speaks of God's zealous love for His people. This love includes His mercy to hold back the judgment we deserve, as well as His goodness to pour out all that we need. David's heart for God's grace can be seen in the way he cherished the Lord's lovingkindness. "How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God!" In a series of verses over a few more days, we will see why David greatly valued God's lovingkindness. It involved the far-reaching implications of the Lord's dealing with us according to His lovingkindness.
“Each day we are becoming a creature of splendid glory or one of unthinkable horror.” - C.S. Lewis
“Human history is the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy.” - C.S. Lewis
“In our worst condition—we have cause to praise God.” — Richard Sibbes
Progressive Christianity is usually code language for compromising on old sin. Stick to Biblical Christianity.
When you ridicule, mock, or belittle the Church… Just remember that you’re not doing it to an organization, club, or idea. You’re doing it to the Bride of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. And, He tends to take that very seriously.
That sea of sin, that sea of wrath, that sea of trouble, that sea of blood that Jesus Christ waded through, that sinners might be pardoned, justified, reconciled, and saved, doth strongly evidence his 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 to save sinners… —Puritan Thomas Brooks, Works 1:148 Theistic evolution is a contradiction in terms. —Louis Berkhoff, Systematic Theology, Pg. 131
Shall we consider him hanging there [on the cross] to deliver us from hell, and yet retain any spirit to walk in the way which leads thereto? —Puritan Stephen Charnock, Works 4:504
Every man obeys Christ as he prizes Christ, and no otherwise. The higher price any soul sets upon Christ, the more noble will that soul be in his obedience to Christ.. —Thomas Brooks
.You are blessed to be alive and today is a gift. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Don't hesitate to forgive, hug, and love those dear to you!"
"It is a marvel of mercy that the sun should rise on the rebellious sons of men." — Charles Spurgeon
"You Can't Desire MORE and Settle for LESS at the Same Time!"
Don't Involve Me In Your CONSEQUENCES When You Excluded Me From Your CHOICES.
"A theologian who is acquainted with all the latest issues of his science but who stands speechless at a sickbed and knows no answer to the questions of the lost sinner's heart isn't worthy of his title and office." - Herman Bavinck
After trying too many times to muster up passion on my own, I learned that the source of true passion is God Himself, the “lover of my soul.” Like life breathed into us, His passion for us begets all that is good. His wisdom flows out of His love, guiding us and teaching us how to live as a “beloved one.” Ray Bentley
"God has sent us comforts to relieve us of the sorrow which we foolishly brought upon ourselves." — Charles Spurgeon
“When a man sees that he owes perfect obedience to the law, but has nothing to pay, it makes him flee to Christ to be his friend, and answer for him all the demands of the law, and set him free in the court of justice.” Thomas Watson
The dishonors offered to grace by professors of Christianity carry higher guilt than the most infamous idolatries, murders, or adulteries committed by heathen men who never heard of or pretended to embrace the grace of God in Christ. —Nicolas Claget, Abuse of God’s Grace, 210 "Those who are angry with God show the littleness of their minds." — Charles Spurgeon
A hasty man never is a wise man." — Charles Spurgeon How far are they from salvation, who never had any change! -Thomas Watson - There are 2...classes of slaves in the world...slaves 2 sin-which leads 2 death, or 2 obedience-which leads 2 righteousness -James Smith
"You must love every truth so long as you know it to be the truth of God's own Word." — Charles Spurgeon
"Many people will do almost anything except think." — Charles Spurgeon
Beloved, *we* can never escape from the bondage of sin by our own power. - Charles Spurgeon The Scripture is to be its own interpreter, or rather the Spirit speaking in it; nothing can cut the diamond; nothing can interpret Scripture but Scripture. —Thomas Watson, Golden Treasury, Pg. 37 The sentence of the judge will be terrible when he shall say, “Depart ye cursed,” to all them who have discredited the blessed gospel, and made the grace of God, a patron of sin, and who, in high reproach to the grace of God, continued in sin because grace abounded. —N. Claget
"Does God care for children? Yes, he does. And so should we." — Charles Spurgeon