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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

it's hard setting emotion aside from the will of God. As Godly as we want to be or are, we will always fall short of being human, but thanks be to God for His love and Grace.

God has not left you adrift on a sea of heredity. You have a choice in the path you take.

Choose well! Max Lucado

There are nine filters through which decisions and actions should be run, executive coach Brad Hays tells leaders. The first is God Himself, and the second is God’s Word. If the action doesn’t glorify God and line up with what Jesus would do, it should be screened out. If there is no biblical support for the intended behavior, then it should be eliminated. That requires that a man or woman have God’s Word stored up inside, and treasured as the most valuable standard for decisions and behaviors.

“Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall, but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.” (Isaiah 40:30-31, NIV) In the NKJV the word hope is wait on So one might think to wait means to sit and do nothing till you get an answer but in this case, it means to hope or have faith, be fervent and persistent...

God expects, empowers, and equips us to serve! We call ourselves servants, but do we?

Christopher Rodriguez

August 23, 2015

Believers who prepare are not lacking in Faith, but Believers who despise instruction are lacking in Wisdom!

Jesus and the apostles varied their approach, led by the Holy Spirit, to keep people from focusing on methods and miracles rather than God. The Lord will never be boring or even predictable in His pursuit of us. He is willing to meet each of us where we need to be met, in whatever circumstances. He will speak to us in creative ways that will surprise, delight, and cause us to realize how much we need Him. So be listening, watching, and anticipating. The Lord is on the move. Ray Bentley

If we are prideful and do not offer the love of Christ in a spirit of meekness, then we too can become susceptible to a fall. Proverbs 16:18: "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall."

Many times we take too much responsibility for completing God's work. It is our responsibility to allow Christ to work in us and thereby do good works, however it God's job to complete that work. So how do we do that?

If we are not careful, fear and logic can be the great killers of the Holy Spirit's influence upon us -- fearfulness because it blocks the Holy Spirit's voice; and logic because sometimes the Spirit's instruction will defy reason. When faced with difficult circumstances faithfully listen for the Spirit's voice?

By Emily Dickinson

“Hope” is the thing with feathers - That perches in the soul - And sings the tune without the words - And never stops - at all -

And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard - And sore must be the storm - That could abash the little Bird That kept so many warm -

I’ve heard it in the chillest land - And on the strangest Sea - Yet - never - in Extremity, It asked a crumb - of me.

Only a Christian has a right to hope, for only he has the power of God to give substance to his hope. The man who hopes in Christ is as safe as the rainbow-circled throne where sits the God who cannot lie.

~A. W. Tozer~

It hurts to feel left out, to be excluded. Exclusion from a community impoverishes both those excluded and the community that chooses to leave people out. In the second half of Ephesians, we learn that Christ breaks down the walls of hostility that promote exclusion. Today, we need the inclusive, reconciling love and peace of Christ—now more than ever.

“We have a responsibility to influence the people in our lives to be the best possible people they can be: ‘Therefore encourage one another and build each other up’"(1 Thessalonians 5: 11). —Henry Cloud, John Townsend

Most Americans assume that we can know God in any way we choose. We don’t like the idea that spirituality is best when shared with others. Yet, biblical revelation shows that we will experience God most deeply and truly when we share this experience with others. Community is essential to mature, vibrant faith. Americans are becoming less religious. That’s what every recent survey of American religious belief and practice concludes. We are less apt to attend worship services or join churches. We claim the right to fashion our own beliefs about God, without receiving these as doctrine from a religious community. Time and again, Americans claim to be “spiritual” but not “religious.”

According to Ephesians 2, apart from Jesus Christ, we are without hope and without God in the world. But through Christ, we can know God intimately. And through God, we can have hope even in times that feel hopeless.

The Gospel is open to all; the most respectable sinner has no more claim on it than the worst.

~Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones~

If we want to be people of pervasive peace, if we desire to know the peace of God that passes understanding, if we want to experience the end of hostile injustice, if we want to be peacemakers in our part of the world, then we need Jesus Christ. He is, indeed, our peace. Not only will he give us the gift of peace, but also he will use us to infuse his peace into our world.

We can always trust the moving and the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives and experiences, but we cannot always trust our human leanings and our fleshly and carnal desires. That calls for another word of balance. We know that the emotional life is a proper and noble part of our total personality. But by its very nature, it is of secondary importance, for religion lies in the will, and so does righteousness. God never intended that such a being as mankind should become the mere plaything of his or her feelings. The only good that God recognizes is the willed good. The only valid holiness is a willed holiness. That is why I am always a little suspicious of the overly bubbly Christian who talks too much about himself or herself-and not enough about Jesus. That is also why I am more than a little concerned about the professing Christian whose experience does not seem to have resulted in a true inner longing to be more like Jesus every day in thought, word and deed! A. W. Tozer Sermon: Guidance Is By the Spirit

As we daily become sanctified, daily undergoing our own personal transformation and offering ourselves to Christ, we will learn that each of us has a calling and that no calling within the body of Christ should be given pride over any other calling.

Calling or obligation! To many serve out of the feeling and emotion of obligation, not a calling.

There is a problem with that.

The obligated serve when it is convenient without conviction.

The called serve out of sacrifice to the Lord, serving Him, man is just the recipient of the blessing.

Jesus Christ alone can be our Advocate …in achieving our pardon in the divine court of justice.

~Henry Gariepy~

In 1987, the American President Ronald Reagan issued a challenge to the leader of the Soviet Union: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” That wall, of course, was the Berlin Wall that divided Germany into East and West. Almost 2,000 years earlier, Jesus tore down a wall. This was the “wall” that divided Jesus and Gentiles, and, by implication all hostile peoples. By tearing down the wall, Jesus made reconciliation possible. God’s peace and justice would prevail.

Believe steadfastly on Him [Christ] and everything that challenges you will strengthen your faith. There is continual testing in the life of faith up to the point of our physical death, which is the last great test. Faith is absolute trust in God––trust that could never imagine that He would forsake us.

~Oswald Chambers~

The gospel is the chariot wherein the Spirit rides victoriously when he makes his entrance into the hearts of men.

~William Gurnall~

Lost! Lost! Lost! Better a whole world on fire than a soul lost! Better every star quenched and the skies a wreck than a single soul to be lost!

~C.H. Spurgeon~

The Son of God became the Son of Man in order that the sons of men might become the sons of God.

~John Blanchard~

Too many people look at a "thing" as the problem with our lives. It can be a bottle of alcohol, prescription medication, an abusive spouse, loss of a job, or an unpleasant experience from their childhood. It's almost as if we say: "If I could just remove this one thing, then all my problems would be over." But the Bible tells us that is not the case. Our problem is not with things or the flesh; rather it is sin living in us. If one problem is removed, then the next will just come rushing in to fill the void. Who or what is in control of your flesh -- Sin or Jesus Christ? All who die in the guilt of sin will definitely be judged someday. It is an absolute certainty. A day of accountability is coming. "So it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come forth, separate the wicked from among the just."

Jesus’ love isn’t about accepting your lifestyle, it’s about transforming your life.

God is in control of every situation.

Do you feel like you are confined? Have walls been dropped all around you?

The struggle. The stress. The anxiety the world puts on us. It feels like no way out.

But I’m here to tell you. Prayer to God. Faith in Jesus. That’s the start. And the finish. Nothing we can do without Him will bring us peace through our situations we get ourselves into. So right now. As you read this. Put that phone down and start that prayer. Bring yourself peace. God will see you through your struggles.

Maybe this message will help you. Maybe this ole wild hog acting up was suppose to get me out of bed just to reach you. And maybe Also remind myself. God is the answer in everything. May peace be with you all.

Our heavenly Father wants us to give our attention to seeking after Him, not after our needs. He wants us to be on a quest to know Him. He desires that we seek after His holy rule and His righteous ways. He will be faithful to "supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."

Many religious and irreligious people alike hate to accept that humility is God's path of the promised blessing. To them, humility is weakness and foolishness. They are convinced that self-confidence and self-assertion will gain whatever is desired. They refuse to accept that humility will lead to blessing. Nevertheless, humility is what pleases the Lord.

God's saving work is completed within our lives: "He who has begun a good work in you will complete it." The Lord has established an eternal position for us with Him in heavenly places: "and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus" (Ephesians 2:6). Yet, He wants to effect a godly walk for us here on earth.

For a born-again Christian who has a personal relationship with the One who fulfilled the law, to seek to go back under the law is like taking a picture of your spouse with you to dinner instead of your actual spouse.

God's word reveals His will for us to grow in godliness. "For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age" (Titus 2:11-12). If we seek the Lord and trust in Him for ongoing growth in godliness, He "will perfect that which concerns [us]" in this area as well.


We live in a war every day: A war between two natures, between the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light; a hard-fought battle wages over our souls and eternal destinies.

Turn your mind to the Lord and fix your thoughts on His love, faithfulness, righteousness, justice, abundance, delight, life, and light (Psalm 36:5-9) instead. Ask for His help. Ask Him into the hurt places and let Him do the work that only He can do.

The enemy doesn’t have the power to think your thoughts for you; he only has the power to toss seeds at you. What are you going to do with them? What do you think is important? Victory can be yours in Christ Jesus!

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is a cardinal doctrine of the Christian faith ... In fact, in some ways the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is the most important of events because it’s the end of the story because the Second Coming consummates everything, everything.

~John MacArthur~

Those who mockingly say, “Where is the promise of His coming?” believe everything has remained the same in this world. They are living in a delusion.

The servants of the Lord are to sing his praises in this life to the world's end, and in the next life world without end.

~John Boys~

As Christians, we are warned against worshiping demons (Leviticus 17:7), and even their names should be forgotten (Zechariah 13:2). Some people study demons thinking that will help them carry on spiritual warfare. All we really need to know about the enemy is this: “Every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God” (1 John 4:3, NKJV). Our focus should be on learning more about the One who “has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins” (Colossians 1:13-14, NKJV). When we hide God’s Word in our hearts, it keeps us from sinning against Him (Psalm 119:11) and gives us the weaponry to fight off any attack of Satan or his demons (Ephesians 6:17).

If we’re going to accept the parts of the Bible that talk about God’s love and grace, then we also have to accept the parts that call for our repentance and holiness.

“There is an exclusiveness about the cross, which means that to the Christian this is the chiefest thing in history, the most important event that has ever taken place.” — Martyn Lloyd-Jones “It is unfailing mercy. It will never leave thee. If mercy be thy friend, mercy will be with thee in temptation to keep thee from yielding; with thee in trouble to prevent thee from sinking…” — Charles Spurgeon

“Keep to the cross; keep to the cross! Always preach up Jesus Christ! Always preach up Jesus Christ! I think no sermon should be without the doctrine of salvation by faith in it.” — Charles Spurgeon

“Let us be stirred up to have communion with Christ. Let us labour to be such as Christ may delight in and where he tastes sweetness, he will bring more with him.” — Richard Sibbes

“Nothing great or small escapes the ordaining hand of him who numbers the hairs of our head.” — Charles Spurgeon

“Christ's dying love we should keep ever in mind; we should have it always warm upon our hearts, and always upon our tongues.” — William Romaine

“We do not set forth Christ as an end in itself; it looks to a further purpose—that we might see Him and be forever captured by Him.” — Paul Washer

“Every child of God is beloved and accepted of him.” — Richard Sibbes

“This is the oldest temptation. It's the root of every sin: our seeking satisfaction in something other than God.”

“The terrible thing, the almost impossible thing, is to hand over your whole self — all your wishes and precautions — to Christ.” - C.S. Lewis

God's love seeks only your best. His love is pure enough to overcome your failures and strong enough to endure your weaknesses. God's love is everlasting. Chuck Smith

What can you do to avoid someone slandering you? Nothing! You live for Jesus and there will be those who choose to slander and spread rumors about you. Abide!

Compromise and man’s efforts have sapped life and power out of the Church. Choose to abide and remain in Him!

Satan cannot touch the child of God without the heavenly Father’s permission. This is a great encouragement to us, for we know that whatever suffering may come to our lives, God has ordained it and is in complete control. The one thing God will not control is how we respond to this suffering, and it is here that Satan can gain his purpose. Wiersbe

The longer I live the more I am convinced that the world needs no new Gospel, as some profess to think. I am thoroughly persuaded that the world needs nothing but bold, full, unflinching teaching of the “old paths.” J.C. Ryle

'Surely I can never enough praise God for his goodness.' - William Wilberforce, born 24 August 1759 'I am going to Him whom my soul has loved, or rather who has loved me with an everlasting love, — which is the whole ground of all my consolation.' - John Owen died 24 August 1683

None know freedom from sin but those who trust the atoning blood. - Charles Spurgeon If we would be *like* our King, we must *live* with Him. - John Newton

The privileges we enjoy by Christ are great and innumerable; to insist on them in particular were work for a man's whole life, not a design to be wrapped up in a few sheets. - John Owen

This is my comfort, the Lord is a never-failing friend; his truth will make its way in spite of all my carnal reasoning. - George Whitefield

Oh, what unspeakable comfort is this, that I am not in my own keeping! 'The Lord is my Shepherd.' - John Newton was born 4 August 1725 In the righteousness of Jesus my Lord, is my only refuge. - George Whitefield

If it be the work of souls to receive Christ, as made sin for us, we must receive him as one that takes our sins upon him. - John Owen Jesus is love; Jesus wills my perfection; Jesus has died for me; Jesus can deny me nothing. He has given me himself; will he not then freely give me all things besides? - George Whitefield

A sign that the oil of *grace* has been poured into the heart, is when the oil of *gladness* shines in the countenance. - Thomas Watson

I can only fly for mercy and pity to him, who is not only the propitiation for our sins, but the kind and gracious sympathiser with our infirmities. - William Wilberforce

O the sovereign, free, unmerited, distinguishing love of my and your Jesus! - George Whitefield True faith will trust God's heart - where it cannot trace his hand; and will venture upon God's promise though it has nothing in view. - Thomas Watson Blessed be the name of the Lord, none were ever rejected who dared to trust Jesus! - Charles Spurgeon Let thy strength be magnified in my weakness. - William Wilberforce True grace fixes the affections on spiritual things. - John Owen Jesus is love, and never corrects us but for our own good. - George Whitefield He cannot deceive, because he is truth, nor be deceived, because he is wisdom. - Thomas Watson True faith in God may express itself with leaping and with shouting; and it is a happy thing when it does: but it can also sit still before the Lord, and that perhaps is a happier thing still. - Charles Spurgeon To thee O Saviour of sinners I flee for refuge. - William Wilberforce God was more pleased with the obedience of Christ than he was displeased with the sin and disobedience of Adam - John Owen May the Lord Jesus bless you, and bring you out of darkness into his marvellous light, for his infinite mercy's sake. - George Whitefield What need he complain of the *world's* emptiness - who has *God's* fullness! - Thomas Watson

I wish not to spend time in writing, but, oh let me record the lovingkindness of the Lord. - William Wilberforce

If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were just those who thought most of the next. - C S Lewis Mere Christianity - published 7 July 1952

I say to a believer, 'never complain of your troubles - as long as Christ is your friend!' He is an enriching pearl, a sparkling diamond; the infinite lustre of his merits makes us shine in God's eyes. - Thomas Watson Only sanctified souls are satisfied souls. - Charles Spurgeon

Wind and tempest, and drought and weariness, - nothing now troubles the soul that is in Christ; he hath a hiding-place, and a covert, and rivers of water, and the shadow of a great rock, for his security. - John Owen God gives the church to Christ as his bride, as Edwards says, 'so that the mutual joys between this bride and bridegroom are the end of the creation.' - Dustin Benge

A Christian has life inwardly, when his outward comforts do not blossom. - Thomas Watson 'Look unto me, and be ye saved' (Isaiah 45,22) Only a look! Will we not look at once? We are to bring nothing in ourselves, but to look outward and upward to our Lord on his throne, whither he has gone up from the cross. - Charles Spurgeon O Lord, direct me to some new line of usefulness, for Thy glory, and for the good of my fellow creatures. - William Wilberforce Sanctification is not an experience, it is a condition. - Martyn Lloyd-Jones He is God, and not man, or else he would have been weary of me, and left me to my own management long ago. - John Newton Holiness makes a man a good man, useful to all; and others eat of the fruits of the Spirit that he brings forth continually. - John Owen

Does our doctrine allow for an outpouring of the Spirit - 'the gale' of the Spirit coming upon us individually and collectively? - Martyn Lloyd-Jones I stood in need of an almighty Saviour, and such a one I found described in the New Testament. - John Newton Being discharged from the guilt of our disobedience by the death of Christ, and having the righteousness of the life of Christ imputed to us, we have friendship and peace with God. - John Owen The work is large, but we have omnipotence for our support. - George Whitefield I see no reason why a Christian should be discontented unless for his discontent. - Thomas Watson He that believes in Jesus has all the blessing which Jesus can give to him; forgiveness for the past; grace for the present; and glory for the future. - Charles Spurgeon Surely I can never enough praise God for his goodness. - William Wilberforce Nothing builds up but the unadulterated Word of God. - Martyn Lloyd-Jones Your experiences will vary; but his love and promises are always unchangeable. - John Newton What he suffered, he suffered not for himself, but for us. - John Owen

“There are many important and wonderful themes to which readers may devote their time, intellect, and strength, but above them all is the theme of Calvary!” — Paul Washer

The wrath of man is more feared than God’s. When God threatens eternal punishment, you neglect it; when an earthly judge threatens temporal punishment, you tremble at it. —Nicolas Claget (1610-1663), The Abuse of God’s Grace, 107

Of all spiritual food, the Bible is the most sustaining." — Charles Spurgeon

“Wicked company is infectious and dangerous. Ah, how many have lost their names, estates, strength, God, heaven, and souls by society with wicked men! Shun them as a seaman shuns the sands and rocks. Shun wicked society like you shun the plague.” Thomas Brooks How little do these abusers of the law and gospel consider Christ’s intention, which was not only to save sinners from hell, but [to save] His law from willful, constant dis-reputation and violation in the world. —Puritan Nicolas Claget, The Abuse of God’s Grace, Pg. 97 "When God pardons a man's sins, he pardons them all." — Charles Spurgeon

"If every worry makes you lean more on the Beloved, it will be a benefit." — Charles Spurgeon

Satan does not care how much we have the notions of the gospel in our minds and mouths, so [long as] he still bind us fast in the chains of our own sins. —Nicolas Claget, The Abuse of God’s Grace, Pg. 100

"An ounce of obedience is better than a ton of learning." — Charles Spurgeon

Prayer is the cure for worry." — Charles Spurgeon Tomorrow may be our dying day; let this be our repenting day -Thomas Watson - The true church lives and moves and has its being in prayer. -Leonard Ravenhill - "We have broken a great many idols. We must keep the hammer going until they are all broken!" — Charles Spurgeon

"Prayer will make you leave off sinning, or sinning will make you leave off praying." — Charles Spurgeon

"All delight in God dies out where sin reigns." — Charles Spurgeo

"When the believer eats the bread of heaven, all the feasts of earth seem very flat, stale, and unprofitable." — Charles Spurgeon

If we never have headaches through rebuking our children, we shall have plenty of heartaches when they grow up. —CH Spurgeon "Though you have changed a thousand times, God has not changed once." — Charles Spurgeon The sinner's will is enslaved because it is in bondage to a depraved heart -A.W. Pink - A little faith will bring your soul to heaven - a great faith will bring heaven to your soul. -C.H. Spurgeon -

"As long as you reject his sacrifice, and despise his love, you give evidence in your hearts that you would have crucified the Lord of glory had you been there." - Charles Spurgeon

Our flesh fights against prayer because prayer humiliates, tortures, and kills our flesh.

"His blood crieth and is heard, His wounds plead and prevail." - Charles Spurgeon


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