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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

"Prayer does not win God to our view; it reveals God's view to us."

-Leonard Ravenhill.

Our God is sovereign. Our Savior is alive. Our sins are forgiven. Our hope is secured. Our Lord is returning.

Believers should be the most joyful people on earth! Dustin Benge

Scripture causes us to become aware of God where we would otherwise not see him; through its light, we behold God’s attributes, spread out in all of the works of his hands.

Herman Bavinck

"The worst sort of clever men are those who know better than the Bible."

— Charles Spurgeon

The promise of spiritual freedom in Christ is certainly a magnificent and priceless promise. When people come in humility to the Lord Jesus Christ and trust in Him for freedom, they will be genuinely liberated. This is what the saving grace of God is all about.

With each new experience, another stroke of the Master’s chisel is engraved upon our souls, shaping us into the image of His Son, building the character that will experience God’s love and blessings.

Sin blinds you, sin finds you, and sin grinds you—

Greg Laurie

When you need inspiration and confirmation that there is a God who has created us and loves us, look to the skies and soak in the beauty of His creation. (Psalm 19:1–4)

One of the special marks of the Holy Ghost in the Apostolic Church was the spirit of boldness.

~A.B. Simpson~

God is not defeated by human failure.

~William J. C. White~

Jesus can change your story.

She’s not looking for a knight in shining armor.

She’s looking for a man covered in the full armor of God.

Jason Robinson

Philosophies, entertainment, and clichés will not do anymore!

Preach a REAL gospel!

“The Lord is round about his people on every side. There is no gap in the hedge of protection which he makes round about his people, at which the enemy, who goes about them, seeking to do them a mischief, can find an entrance.”

Matthew Henry

The condition for obtaining God's full blessing is absolute surrender to Him.

~Andrew Murray~

When we study the Bible, many times the Lord reveals to us a thought process or idea of ours that needs to change. The question is -- what do you do with the information?

It is important to keep this same principle as Christians. Every one of us is considered as the Lord’s anointed. When we talk about people, we are in fact, coming against God’s anointed. We need to respect each other. If there is a grievance with someone, let the Lord be Judge. Do not take matters into your own hands––we cannot play the role of God.

In God's ultimate judgement he gives sinners over to their sins.

~R. C. Sproul~

Have I not destroyed my enemy when I have made him my friend?

~Abraham Lincoln~

We have free will to choose rightly to stay in the Lord's will. This may not appear the same to everyone. But it does not matter if they are not your salvation. Be pleasing to God, not man...

Accept—then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it… This will miraculously transform your whole life.

—Eckhart Tolle

"Pray without ceasing" means that you have an upward perspective as you move around throughout your day. You are communicating with the One who promises to always listen. He is the only one capable of responding with power in every situation.

By the promise of God, true spiritual liberation is available in Jesus Christ. "Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed." If this saving work of the Lord is neglected there is no rescue from the devastating consequences of sin and self. "How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation."

What God does, He always purposed to do.

~Augustus H. Strong~

If peace could be bottled and sold, it would be a billion-dollar commodity. But our caring Heavenly Father gives freely that which we cannot buy. God promises to "keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You" (Isaiah 26:3). By memorizing Scripture, you are planting God's peace in your heart and mind. I pray that this week you will turn your attention away from the wars and the worries and toward the Word of God. I pray that you will find the peace of God on the pages of your Bible and experience the peace of God deep in your heart.

Skip Heitzig

"Success is not measured by what you do compared to what others do, it is measured by what you do with the ability God gave you." - Zig Ziglar

I notice when God heals you the first thing people tell you is things to cause you to want to doubt it. I wonder how many people told Lazarus he was not alive when Jesus brought him back? Get thee behind me!

Life is to short If I can not afford Disneyland then go to the park but make Disneyland your goal. Now you have a goal, how are you going to get there?

I’m not where I need to be but, thank God I’m not where I used to be.

•Nehemiah 8:10 Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.



"Don't be so consumed with the OBSTACLES that you OVERLOOK the OPPORTUNITY."

Our real ENEMY is SATAN. Anytime you make your BATTLE with FLESH AND BLOOD, you've LOST your FOCUS.

For student and collegiate ministries: If you’re spending more time planing and prepping for bumper videos and games, than you are praying, sermon prepping, and equipping students to live on mission… it’s time to readjust. Young people are desperate for more discipleship, not more entertainment.

One of the most cowardly things ordinary people do is to shut their eyes to facts. C.S. Lewis

We know nothing of humility by nature—for we are all born proud! J.C. Ryle

Humility is not a mere ornament of a Christian, but an essential part of the new creature. It is a contradiction in terms, to be a Christian, and not humble. Richard Baxter Whenever you get one inch above the ground in your own esteem, you are that inch too high. Charles Spurgeon

"God did not give us His gospel just so we could embrace it and be converted. Actaully, He offers it to us every day as a gift that keeps on giving to us everything we need for life and godliness." –– Milton Vincent, A Gospel Primer, 5. “True faith is faith even in the least degree of it.” — Richard Sibbes

“Some melancholy Christians, though every man may see the work of God in them, yet yield so slavishly to the misgivings of their hearts that they conclude they have no faith… This is a great bondage which Satan brings the soul into.” — Richard Sibbes “A heart of flesh is known by its tenderness concerning sin…The heart of stone calls a great iniquity nothing, but not so the heart of flesh.” — C.H. Spurgeon on Ezekiel 36:26

Death is a change which puts us into an unchangeable condition!” –– Thomas Watson

“Faith is to bring us to Christ; and then to look to him for all perfections and for your title to heaven, and not to faith.” — Richard Sibbes

“Free will, though it makes evil possible, is also the only thing that makes possible any love or goodness or joy worth having.” - C.S. Lewis

-Mary Wont Save You -Buddha Wont Save You - Mohammed Wont Save You - Dead Saints Wont Save You -Religion Wont Save You - Your Works ( Good Things We Do) Wont Save You There is only one name that saves you and one way to Heaven! That name is Jesus Christ!!!

“God is mysterious, but God works every day.”-Tom Hanks

"Preaching is not an end in and of itself, rather, it is a means to the greater end of knowing, loving, worshipping and serving God. Biblical preaching is God’s Word, spoken by God’s servants, through God’s Spirit, in God’s power." - Brian Brodersen

I believe that one reason why the church of God at this present moment has so little influence over the world is because the world has so much influence over the church. —Charles Spurgeon

"Ministers knock at the door of men's hearts, the Spirit comes with a key and opens the door." -Thomas Watson

God takes away the world, that the heart may cleave more to Him in sincerity. -Thomas Watson - A popular evangelist reaches your emotions. A true prophet reaches your conscience. -Leonard Ravenhill -

These three things we must chiefly know: God’s mercy, on which the salvation of us all depends; his judgement, which he daily visits on the wicked and awaits them to their eternal shame, and his righteousness, by which his faithful people are generously preserved. John Calvin

God has every age demonstrated, how unfailing is goodness, how ready he is to do good to them, how mightily he aids them, how fervently he loves them, how patiently he bears with their faults, and how he forever keeps his promises to them. John Calvin A dark hour makes Jesus bright. Robert Murray M'Cheyne For what is idolatry if not this: to worship the gifts in place of the Giver himself? John Calvin

The gospel excludes none that do not by their own unbelief and unrepentance exclude themselves. —Matthew Henry (1662-1714), Unpublished Sermons on the Covenant of Grace, Pg. 42

Good expository preaching does not remove the need for pastoral counseling. "Never get out of a text what was never in it." -A.T.Robertson.

It is by faith in Christ only that the Christian is to be justified in the sight of God - William Wilberforce

What a mercy it is that God does not answer all our prayers! FBMeyer

Prayer is the opposite of telling God what to do, because prayer is ASKING so that the will of God may be done. -A.W. Pink - If you hear a real Gospel sermon, it directs you to look to Christ. -C.H. Spurgeon -

It is therefore faith alone which justifies, and yet the faith which justifies is not alone. John Calvin

There is no greater sin than to feel that as you are you are fit to stand in the presence of God — it means that you have no conception of the glory, majesty & holiness of God. It means that you have a little god of your own which you have conjured up in your mind. —Lloyd-Jones

"Jesus made no desperate attempts to reach leadership, he relied upon the power of his Spirit, and the force of love." - Charles Spurgeon We turn the grace of God into wantonness and abuse his mercy if we become unconcerned about our sins because there’s pardon ready. —Matthew Henry, Unpublished Sermons on the Covenant of Grace 4

"No demand has been made by [Jesus] upon human governments to patronise or enforce Christianity." - Charles Spurgeon

The Spirit is the author of conviction, not immediately, without the proposing of any object, but in and by the Word. —Stephen Charnock, Works 4:211

"Never, never, in the church of God has a true conversion been wrought by the use of carnal means, the Lord will not so far approve of the power of the flesh." - Charles Spurgeon

"Dwelling on the faithfulness, the love and the mercy of God is always safe, because He is the same yesterday, today and forever." ~ Elisabeth Elliot

God spares the sinner, and this is the unworthy and ungrateful return: he (the sinner) spares his sin, but does not forsake it. —Nicolas Claget, The Abuse of God’s Grace, 8 "Conversion is the mysterious work of the Spirit upon the soul. That great change could not be produced by the fear of imprisonment, the authority of law, the charms of bribery, the clamour of excitement, or the glitter of eloquence." - Charles Spurgeon Wasters of the time of grace outsin the very devils of hell. They (devils) never had a year, day, or minute’s time of repentance and pardon. —Nicolas Claget, The Abuse of God’s Grace, Pg. 15

A covenant of works was made with our first parents in innocence wherein life was promised upon condition of perfect, personal, and perpetual obedience. —Matthew Henry, Unpublished Sermons on the Covenant of Grace, Pg. 39 The law, rightly preached, does not simply bring sin into focus by the proclamation of broken commandments, it places man before the divine holiness of which those commandments are an expression. — Iain Murray

Peace is not the absence of trials, but the presence of Jesus, who holds you fast during the trials.

Your Master gives you the summons. He calleth for you. There is your work. Like Him, go about doing good, by your missionaries; like Him, go & open the eyes of the blind, unstop the ears of the deaf & proclaim the Gospel jubilee to the slaves of sin. -Richard Watson

There is need of diligence to get assurance (2 Pet. 1:10). We lose it by our slothfulness. —Matthew Henry, Unpublished Sermons on the Covenant of Grace, 50

The activity of the believer is the evidence of the Spirit's activity and the activity of the Spirit is the cause of the believer's activity. — John Murray, Romans 8:14

"All I have done is put forth, preach and write the Word of God, and apart from this I have done nothing... It is the Word that has done great things... I have done nothing; the Word has done and achieved everything.” – Martin Luther

“High theology ignites high doxology. The word of God fuels the worship of God.” -Steve Lawson

The state that can 𝙨𝙪𝙥𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩 the church is also the state that can 𝙨𝙪𝙥𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙨 the church. — Kevin DeYoung

If your Bible reading brings you feelings of guilt, you’re being convicted.

Does Bible reading feel boring and obligatory? Do you feel guilty if you don’t have a devotional time just a certain way? Why not change it up? Jesus wants the real you to know the real Him. He wants to spend time with you and speak to you. It doesn’t have to follow any particular pattern or stay the same all the time! ~

When you’ve been in a pit for a long time and occasionally start to see the sun again, you might find yourself singing a God-song. You might be surprised to hear your own voice humming a joyful tune to God. That’s His gift to you! Let yourself rejoice in it.

I hope that when I’m gone, you’ll still see God’s goodness. Still see His love for you. Still find joy in each day. ~ Amy Nappa

Hey, kids, are you building your life on the Rock of Jesus? There’s no safer place! There’s nothing more secure than doing life with God, keeping connected to His Word, and letting Him determine your worth. He loves you and He won’t ever leave you alone!

Do not let your heart be troubled. God is with you no matter what is going on in your life today. He’s here to calm your nerves and settle your heart. He’s here if you’re afraid. He’s with you.

With each new experience, another stroke of the Master’s chisel is engraved upon our souls, shaping us into the image of His Son and building the character that will experience God’s love and blessings.

The detour of unbelief always leads us in circles – back to the same lessons, doubts, and fears again and again.

Christians will face trials in life—for their own good.

It has been said that character is not made in crisis; it is only revealed. Some people give up on God when hardship, even tragedy, comes into their lives.

Don’t build your Christian life on experience. Don’t build it on fickle emotions. Rather, build your life on Jesus Christ and God’s Word.

Every life will be tested. Every one of us will face storms as followers of Jesus. So, let’s make sure that we build on the right foundation, which is a relationship with Jesus Christ.

In His commandments, God has given us the blueprint for a fulfilled life. He has given us the blueprint for happiness.

Vance Havner wrote, “You can’t break the law of God. Nobody ever broke the law of God. You break yourself against the law of God.”

"To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you."— C.S. Lewis

"Joy is the simplest form of gratitude."— Karl Barth

"God's goodness is a major headline in the Bible."— Max Lucado

"To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible."— St. Thomas Aquinas

"Faith does not eliminate questions. But faith knows where to take them."— Elisabeth Elliot

"The anchors of hope are cast upward into the heavenlies, not backward into history or downward into circumstance."— Eli Stanley Jones

When we cross from temptation into transgression it is no one's fault but our own. But there is a way back to grace. 1 John 1:9: "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

Paul tells us to, "flee from idolatry". Yet, in James 4:7, we are told, "resist the Devil and he will flee from you." So are we to flee or resist? As long as we are in this life we will be forced to deal with Satan and his devises. We are simply to resist him and eventually he will leave us alone.


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