Fr. James Keenan wrote, “Love often loses its visceral sense. If we take the visceral meaning out of love, we sap it of its energy.”
John Piper has said God hates not only sin — God hates sinners. He refutes the idea that God hates sin but loves us as people, saying, “That’s not accurate, it’s inadequate.” He states, “God hates unrepentant sinners,” and, “I don’t think it’s too much to say God hated John Piper.”
“Change happens ‘between ourselves’ more than within discrete individuals.”
An idle brain is the devil’s workshop.
~John Bunyan~
A life without God is without a doubt, empty.
Anything that hinders your JOY in the Lord needs to be brought to the feet of Jesus to be healed.
"In the darkest ages Christ has always had a church; and if darker times shall come, he will have his church still." —
Charles Spurgeon
Satan loves disunity, divisions, factions, dissensions, uproars, falsehoods, distortions, lies, compromise, cowardice, distraction, slander, and counterfeits.
Satan hates the body of Christ!
Dustin Benge
"The foundation of God stands sure. The Lord knows them that are his" and them that are not.
New covenant servants (followers of Jesus Christ) are "earthen vessels" (ordinary clay pots). Yet, in the container of their redeemed humanity dwells "this treasure" (the Son of God Himself). This arrangement calls for the treasure (Jesus), not the vessels (you and me), to be the object of all trust and the recipient of all glory:
Bob Hoekstra
The treasure who lives within us (Jesus) is to get glory and honor as we trust Him to live in, and be manifested through, the vessels of our humanity. " We are to embrace an attitude of "death to self" that facilitates this plan: " In addition, there is an action carried out toward earthen vessels that also advance this great purpose of God. This matter is also about dying in order to live.
Bob Hoekstra
Christian liberty is freedom from sin, not freedom to sin.
~A.W. Tozer~
Satan is a cruel taskmaster. When the devil dominates a person’s life, he holds them captive through some sinful vice, whether drugs, alcohol or sexual adventures. His aim is to bring about the destruction of that person’s soul. The only way to be free from Satan’s grip is to repent and give your life over to Christ. He alone has the power to save you. He can break the chains of sin that bind you: When He [Christ] died, He died once to break the power of sin... (Romans 6:10 NLT). Christ will set you free!
Raul Ries
"My study was a dark den, but it contained books and this made it a gold mine to me." —
Charles Spurgeon
I do believe we slander Christ when we think that we are to draw people by something else but the preaching of Christ crucified.
Charles Spurgeon
Be half a Christian, and you shall have enough religion to make you miserable; be wholly a Christian and your joy shall be full.
Charles Spurgeon
We shall not grow weary of waiting upon God if we remember how long and how graciously He once waited for us.
Charles Spurgeon
The best interpreter of the Bible is the Bible.
Dustin Benge
"God is both the rewarder and the reward of his people."
Charles Spurgeon
"Self must stand out of the way, that there may be room for God to be exalted." —
Charles Spurgeon
"I may lie tossing on the bed of pain, but I shall never make my bed in hell; I may be brought to poverty, but not to perdition; I may suffer loss, but I shall not myself be lost eternally. What a comfort is this?" -
C.H. Spurgeon
In our legal system, you are —
“innocent until proven guilty”
In God’s legal system you are—
“guilty until you believe”
John 3:36…he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God REMAINS on him.”
Jason Powell
Atheism is a strange thing; even the devil never fell into that vice. —
Charles H. Spurgeon
The Bible is a shining lamp to the weary traveler in this dark world.
Steven Lawson