His plan is not contingent upon man's ability to perform acceptably before His holy law. To put it another way, the law of God (given hundreds of years after the promises to Abraham) does not replace those promises.
If God's law did not cancel or rearrange His promises to Abraham, then why was it added? "It was added because of transgressions." God wanted people to know that they had a major problem: sin. Man's sin needed to be clearly defined. "For by the law is the knowledge of sin" (Romans 3:20). The extent of sin would never be fully known apart from the law.
“God's commands are designed to guide you to life's very best. You will not obey Him if you do not believe Him and trust Him. You cannot believe Him if you do not love Him. You cannot love Him unless you know Him.” —Henry Blackaby
Praying for our children is a powerful act of love.
Let’s pray for our kids! God loves them more than we ever could and more than we can possibly imagine. Prayer changes things. Let’s bring all our concerns, joys, worries, celebrations, and requests before Him and trust God for our children’s futures! ~
No prayer is more powerful than the one prayed by a parent for their child
Do you need a spiritual reboot? Spend time in God’s presence. Study the Word of God. Put the needs of others above your own. Then you will find spiritual refreshment.
You also will be spiritually refreshed when you think of others more than yourself. This may seem counterintuitive in today’s selfie culture. But when we stop thinking about ourselves so much and instead think about others, it will refresh us. As we give to others, we’ll find that we’re spiritually replenished (see Proverbs 11:25).
We don’t always have an emotional experience when we open God’s Word and read it. But this isn’t about emotions. It’s about replenishment, restoration, and gaining perspective on life. It’s about getting direction from the Lord. And as you open the Bible, the Word of God, it will refresh your soul.
The Lord has given mankind an instruction manual for eternal life. Is it really necessary to prove by negative or positive experience each of its statutes? I don't need to.
Despite our failings, weaknesses, disobedience, and acts of rebellion, He treasures us enough to send His Son to sacrifice Himself for us.
Those who do not know Christ have a natural mind, and they do not understand the Bible or the things of God: ...the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned (1 Corinthians 2:14). Nor do they have any conviction for the sinful things they do. They feel no shame.
It is the Holy Spirit's job to convict, God's job to judge, and my job to love.
~Billy Graham
Jesus repeatedly admonished His followers to be ready for His return. Paul encouraged the church countless times to live soberly and righteous as we await and hope for the Lord’s appearing.
You can’t fool God.
You may be able to fool others into thinking you’re walking with the Lord because you put on a facade and/or go through the motions, but God sees right through you.
And the day is coming when Jesus will make it clear to all those who’ve claimed to know Him, who really did.
A heart changed by the mercies of God hates the things that are opposed to God.
Our faith is always strengthened when we see God powerfully at work. In Matthew 11:11a, Jesus said: "Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist." Despite Jesus' words of praise, few people realize that John never performed a single miracle (John 10:41): "And many people came to him. They said, 'Though John never performed a sign, all that John said about this man was true.'" Who was "this man"? That's right, Jesus Christ. So even if I never see another miracle, it wouldn't be such a bad thing to walk in the footsteps of John the Baptist. How? By pointing others to the Lamb of God. Talking about Jesus is something I can do.
The promises of God become the means by which man deals with his unholiness and accesses God's holiness. This is what true spiritual life is about forgiveness of sin and a life of righteousness in Christ. This cannot come by law performance. "For if there had been a law given which could have given life, truly righteousness would have been by the law." Rather, the promise of life is entered into only by faith. "But the Scripture has confined all under sin, that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe."
• Jesus will return in the clouds. • He will raise the dead in Christ. • He will transform the bodies of living believers into glorified, resurrection bodies.
We will all join Him in Heaven while the earth endures one final seven-year campaign of severe evangelism.
Are you ready for the rapture? If not, Get ready; Stay ready; Keep looking up. Ready or not, Jesus is coming!
When asked, "What is more important: Praying or reading the bible?" I ask, “What is more important: Breathing in or breathing out?” - Charles H. Spurgeon
*Faith isn't just believing God can; it's expecting that He will do something.
Have you held back Christian service because you felt you needed some great mission before you got started? Have you looked at Jesus' example lately? He did not come to be served but to serve. If you want your life to be significant you must first strive for what might seem to be insignificant, unrecognized, and humble service. Have you been asked to serve recently and declined because you thought it was beneath your ability? Does your humility need a checkup?
Don’t be discouraged by difficult people today or disheartened by leaders caught up in an endless game of power politics. Remember God’s love towards mankind is not of human origin. His patience is not fickle or conditional. He is steadfast and fiercely faithful to those He loves.
From the gospels of Matthew and Luke, we know more about what happened during Jesus’ temptation. Mark’s account is brief. Yet, he clearly implies that the Spirit of God sent Jesus out into the wilderness in order to be tempted by Satan. This temptation was not some accident or a surprise that God did not anticipate. Rather, God’s hand was upon Jesus even as he faced the dangers and temptations of the wilderness. God’s own Spirit sent Jesus to experience this very thing. I don’t mean to suggest that every time our new job takes a sharp turn for the worse God is the driving force behind what’s happening. The mess in our workplace may very well be of human origin. But, Mark 1:12-13 offers the reassuring news that God is present in the midst of our mess. Just because things are hard, it doesn’t mean God has disappeared or removed his blessing from us.
You can see God from anywhere if your mind is set to love and obey Him.
~A.W. Tozer~
You cannot be all things to all people. Don’t be afraid to make people mad; your honesty will inspire your true followers.
If you have Jesus Christ dwelling in your heart, you have value and you have worth because you're His kid and you're filled with the Holy Spirit.
Devotion to God is the only acceptable motive for actions
that are pleasing to God.
~Jerry Bridges~
Three things about a child that could have drawn the Lord’s focus: First, children know the limits of the load they can carry. Second, a child understands he or she doesn’t understand everything. Third, a little one is willing to rest in the load-bearer and source of answers. Asking is one of a child’s most notable features. They especially love inquiring, “Why?” But neither are they timid about crying, “Help me, Daddy!” Greatness in the Kingdom of God is recognizing human limitations, coming to the Father for help and understanding, and resting in His arms and answers.
"Life is all about taking risks, if you're afraid of taking risks then your afraid to live." Be open to eating what is on the table.
"Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong." ~ P. McIntyre
NO Hope no Lord, Know Hope Know Jesus! There is always hope in Christ...
Everyone goes through difficult things. Just make sure you go through them with Jesus, and not by yourself.
Difficult seasons and suffering is a good reason to run to the Lord, not run away from Him.
What happens when the Bible isn’t convenient for social media theology: Bible: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength.” Social media theology: That is archaic, exclusive, oppressive, inconsiderate of other religions, patriarchal, nationalistic, hateful, and definitely phobic! Bible: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Social Media theology: That is liberal, woke, unpatriotic, comprising, headed towards communism and socialism, and definitely on a slippery slope. The Bible doesn’t accommodate our agendas. It calls us to God’s mission. Stick to the Bible.
It’s not unloving to say, “Jesus is the only way to Heaven.” It’s unloving to pretend there are other ways.
Often, your most effective ministry will be birthed out of your deepest suffering.
One of the worst things God could do is say, “YES” to all of our prayers. Sometimes, He displays His goodness by saying, “NO” or “WAIT”. Although, we tend to want to be in control, it’s not our job to be God. It’s God’s job & He’s really good at His job. Our job is to trust Him.