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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

When we are looking at the promises of God, it is invaluable to keep His faithfulness in view.

If you belong to God you are filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, deeply loved, with a healthy mind strong enough to resist the enemy and live in victory.

I would rather limp down the path God has prepared for me than strut and sprint down the path I prefer for myself without Him.

Luke Lezon

Scripture does not say, "the Baptists and Independents, nor the Methodists and Presbyterians." No! Jesus Christ divides the whole world into but two classes, sheep and goats.

George Whitefield

Worry, fear, and anxiety insinuate themselves into our minds and hearts and without realizing it, we’ve agreed with the enemy.

Ray Bently

Time is short. Eternity is long. It is only reasonable that this short life be lived in the light of eternity.

~C.H. Spurgeon~

Our problem isn’t God’s failure to heal—it’s our expectation of what that healing should look like.

"If the Bible doesn’t guide us, our emotions inevitably will."

By worship, we alter the atmosphere as we come into agreement with what God has declared, and change the darkness, oppression, and battle fatigue into victory and triumph!

Singing in church, raising your hands, and feeling moved emotionally by the beauty of the music is just the beginning. Sometimes we worship because we are in church and it’s what you do. Maybe we worship out of habit, and that is a worthwhile habit unless that is all it is.

Worship is more than a weekend church activity.

Worshiping the Almighty affects the atmosphere and dramatically changes the environment in which we live. We worship through expressions of praise and with our actions.

“Let a man become enamored of eternal wisdom and set his heart to win her and he takes on himself a full-time, all-engaging pursuit. Thereafter he will have room for little else.”


Sometimes church rules and the bible don't always jive. We need to know the word and love everyone.

“The worship of the church is a matter of divine activity rather than human creativity.”

We Christians owe it to ourselves and to the human race to be above all persons, candid, downright, and completely transparent. We must have no truck with fancy, but see to it that our religious talk hugs the facts as tightly as a glove and that our words always have some reality corresponding to them.

Religion stands at the top as being among all fields of human interest the one most addicted to words. Nowhere else are there so many words and so few deeds to support them?

When you are home, sick and you can't go to church! Thank God for Cyber Space!

Everyone has trouble from time to time. Some problems are huge and horrific, and others are minor in comparison. However, whether big or small, every one of them can seem overwhelming and insurmountable at the time. Especially when we're mired in the middle of the situation. And if we remain stuck there, we will continue to be rendered ineffective. That is unless and until we begin to worship.

in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ," my spirit is ALWAYS lifted.

You have been given gifts, opportunities, and possessions from God so that you might use them well for God’s purposes. You have been created in God’s image so that you might be fruitful and multiply, filling, governing, tilling, and keeping the earth. You have been created anew in Christ so that you might do the good works God has prepared for you. Your success, like that of Joseph, is a matter of stewarding well all that God has entrusted to you.


A God-centered faith will always have actions that conform to the Word of God. However, it is also true that love is what makes faith work.

“The Christian has a deep, silent, hidden peace, which the world sees not, like some well in a retired and shady place…What he is when left to himself and to his God, that is his true life.” —John Henry Newman, 1843

A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God

“Let every man abide in the calling wherein he is called and his work will be as sacred as the work of the ministry. It is not what a man does that determines whether his work is sacred or secular, it is why he does it.”

“Let us practice the fine art of making every work a priestly ministration. Let us believe that God is in all our simple deeds and learn to find Him there.”

― A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God

Don't be a victim... A victim does not try Is naive to the world Has low self-esteem and blames everyone for it

The Bible says to be wise as a serpent but gentle as a dove.

Mutual understanding, not communication, is the key to a healthy marriage relationship. She speaks a PINK love language. He speaks a BLUE respect talk. Once we grasp this and enter into it, our spouse will feel understood, their spirit will relax, and communication will come.

When people come to make an accusation against me, I say, “Hey, go talk to my lawyer, Jesus Christ.” Satan is always accusing. He is always bringing up everything I did in the past, but it is gone. It is no longer there. What great hope we have through the blood of Jesus Christ.

One drop of Christ’s blood is worth more than

heaven and earth.

~Martin Luther~

*Sometimes happiness sneaks in through a door, you didn't even know you left open.

“Of Law, there can be no less acknowledged than that her seat is the bosom of God, her voice the harmony of the world.” Two-bit tyrants will force people into compliance with their ever-changing laws. Happiness is the result of setting personal and social behavior in alignment with God’s law.

There is no emotional baggage too big for Jesus to handle.

So often we feel the need to know all the answers before we act. God does not always make sure we "feel comfortable" before He asks us to obey. The Bible is full of stories of faith -- people just like you and me who followed God despite their fear and doubt. What would it take for you to have a "Biblical" quality of faith? What steps do you need to take to follow God in spite of your fears and doubts?

Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers (Luke 22:31-32).

"Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour." (1 John 2:18)

Most people in our modern culture don't know much about the Bible, but most everyone has heard of the "Antichrist." We've seen the movies and such and have been told that the Bible predicts the rise of this frightening person.

This interest in the Antichrist is nothing new. Almost two thousand years ago, the Apostle John wrote about him and expected the Christians of his day would understand him. John lived in the constant expectancy of Jesus' return, regarding his time as "the last hour" - an expectancy that we should also have, knowing that the Lord's return can come at any time. In this context, John warns: "the Antichrist is coming."

When the chips are down it is always best to look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Then when the chips are up don’t stop looking unto our Lord. "The church in its existence causes the angels to rejoice and the demons to shudder, testifying to the fact that Jesus has accomplished in time the purposes of God from all of eternity." —

Alistair Begg

"Behind all the events of world history is the eternal purpose of God." —Alistair Begg

"The church is the sphere in which God makes His wisdom known both on earth and in heaven." —Alistair Begg

"The events of Esther's story were not as tidy as we might perhaps wish. … But it is a reason to be encouraged because the events of God's providence in our lives are not as tidy as we might wish either." —Alistair Begg

"The wisdom of God weaves one glorious pattern through thousands of apparently unrelated threads." —Alistair Begg

"Rebellion against God is wrong, death is the appropriate penalty, God is able to rescue from death, and grace and salvation are capable of offsetting even the most atrocious sins." —

Alistair Begg

"The story of Esther reminds us that God preserves His people within ungodly environments so that they might be witnesses to His name." —Alistair Begg

"Disobedience is only exhilarating for the moment. It only gives you a momentary buzz. It is enervating, not energizing." —Alistair Begg

Watching for the glorious appearance of Jesus our Lord and Savior! 1 Cor 15:52. Time is short, run to Jesus and believe in Him.

Prayer is more powerful against the forces of darkness in the world. The situation is not hopeless.

Prayer is more powerful against the forces of darkness in the world. The situation is not hopeless.

It almost seems as if God has a sense of humor about the kind of person to whom He chooses to entrust (with spiritual leadership). Crawford Loritts

The promises of God remain theoretical until we appropriate them and take those steps of faith to walk the ground He put before us. Ray Bentley

He is bread to the hungry, water to the thirsty, a garment to the naked, healing to the wounded; and whatever a soul can desire is found in Him. John Flavel

If we are the children of God, in the will of God, we can have the assurance of God that nothing comes to us without His permission. McGee

"A preacher who spends the bulk of his time telling stories is guilty of pastoral malpractice." - Peter J. Leithart

“All the simplicity in the world can do no good unless you preach the simple gospel of Jesus Christ so fully and clearly that everybody can understand it.” - J.C. Ryle

"When you think of Christ, think of Him as the very substance, marrow, soul, and scope of all the Scriptures." -Isaac Ambrose.

“I’m all for creativity in preaching but this inordinate preoccupation with being clever is concerning. At some point, we have to believe that flat-footed preaching in a plain and ordinary way has way more power in it than 45 minutes of quotables.” -Jackie Hill Perry

Do not conform to the world in order to please men or to save yourself from their taunt or jest. -Horatius Bonar - Guilt upon the conscience, sin unconfessed, imparts misty, gloomy, distorted views of God. -Octavius Winslow -

"What is there in the earth worth living for but the glory of God and the salvation of souls?" William Carey

What the sun is unto the world as unto things natural, that is the word and the preaching of it unto men as to things spiritual - John Owen

A true saint is like the tribe of Manasseh, half of the tribe was on this side Jordan and half on the other side in the holy land. So it is with a saint; half of him is on earth—and half in heaven! His flesh is on earth—his heart in heaven! Thomas Watson

“You’re not writing a commentary; you’re preaching a sermon.” - Alistair Begg


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