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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

Updated: Jul 18, 2023

When you are at peace, and there is joy in your heart, you can allow negative emotions to fade into the air. With that done, “If you’re happy and you know it, let your face show it.”

Happiness and joy create a good environment for health, losing weight, and fitness.

Someone once noted that if you lined up all the lost people in the world, side-by-side, the line would circle the globe 30 times, and every day it would grow 20 miles longer. Jesus never told the world to go to church. He told the church, “Go to the world”

What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.

~A.W. Tozer~

We are to live in such a way that deeds of darkness will be seen to be fruitless in comparison to the abundant fruit of light that grows in our lives.

“Some people lose their faith because of a sharp sense of disappointment with God. They expect God to act in a certain way, and God ‘lets them down.’ Others may not lose their faith, but they too experience disappointment. They believe God will intervene, they pray for a miracle, and their prayers come back unanswered.”

Then we feel guilty and wonder, “What would other believers think of me if they knew I was disappointed with God or even angry with Him? Worse yet, what does God think?" Yancey, Philip, Disappointment With God (Zondervan, 1988) p. 26.

You belong not just to God but also to the community of those who have pledged their allegiance to God through Christ.

There is beauty in a God-given rest. It helps you to focus on today as you have moved on from yesterday and are ready for tomorrow. The blessings of the Lord are not missed because your focus is where it should be. Liz and I have learned to rest in the Lord and God's blessings are ever before us. Thank you, Jesus!

I had to realize my children are adults and they will do things their way. As much as I want to give advice to prevent hurt. I have to back off and just pray for them. No parent lets go easily.

Excuses and lies leave no room for growth...

The idea of walking with God is that we are not running and dragging God along, and neither is God running and dragging us along. Rather, we are to get in rhythm with God. The objective is to get in synch with Him, not try to get Him in synch with us.

If you take a walk with someone, you have to keep pace with that person. When I walk with my grandchildren, for example, I can't walk at my normal speed. I slow down.

“The world cares very little about what a man or woman knows; it is what a man or woman is able to do that counts.”

— Booker T. Washington

Reprogram your mind and mood by consciously replacing a bad thought with a good one. (Instead of fixating on being overweight, focus on incorporating healthier habits.)

Faith is not the belief that God will do what you want. Faith is the belief that God will do what is right.

Happiness comes from a heart that is changed by God -- a heart that wants to please Him and do the things that He asks us to do. If we try to make changes to escape the fact that we are sinful and in need of the grace of Jesus, we're going to continue to be lost and miserable.

is not your hold of Christ that saves, but His hold of you.

~C. H. Spurgeon~

*What you do not confront, you cannot conquer.

God’s love sprouts around us like lilacs, but we go on weed hunts! How many flowers do we miss in the process? If you look long enough, you’ll find something to bellyache about. So quit looking!

Negativity is not something you can avoid in life but you don't have to receive it, dwell on it, or let it become greater than it is. Don't confuse it with truth, rebuke, chastising, or admonishment. Most of the time, negativity, ( the small pebble) is turned into a big stone or wall. Step over it, go around it or chop it down.

A sin that is defended becomes two.

~Henry Smith~

A good life is going to bed with zero worry in your head. There's only 1 who can give you this kind of rest.







"God has been pleased to give us this grand old Book, the Bible." — Charles Spurgeon

"If we cannot give God anything else, let us give him our thanks." — Charles Spurgeon

Let a person pray. The more the better." — Charles Spurgeon

What we like in religion is of very little consequence. The only question is, 𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯? 𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘓𝘰𝘳𝘥? —JC Ryle, Old Paths, Pg. 116

converted. Actually, He offers it to us every day as a gift that keeps on giving to us everything we need for life and godliness." –– Milton Vincent, A Gospel Primer, 5

“God looks on Christians not as they are in their imperfections and beginnings, but as that which in time he means them to be.” — Richard Sibbes

“The flesh that he has taken into heaven is a pledge that our flesh and bodies will be where he is before long. “In the meantime, we have the Spirit to comfort us, and never to leave us until we are brought to the place where Christ is.” — Richard Sibbes

"It is only to our shame when we try to present to the world a crossless Christianity, one that esteems success, wealth, comfort, and strength. Such a message is futile, useless, and even dangerous!" —Alistair Begg

"The Gospel is not about what you're supposed to do to try and make yourself a Christian. It is the message of salvation through the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, conveying divine power to save all those who believe." —Alistair Begg

Is church leadership a career choice or a calling? Can anyone choose to be a pastor? Find out how Saul, a Pharisee and fierce persecutor of Christians, became a zealous minister of the Gospel. That's on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg:

Is church leadership a career choice or a calling? Can anyone choose to be a pastor? Find out how Saul, a Pharisee and fierce persecutor of Christians, became a zealous minister of the Gospel. That's on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg:

"In all life's ups and downs, remember that you are not bobbing around on the sea of chance, nor are you held in the grip of blind deterministic forces; you are being trained in the school of God's providence." —Alistair Begg

the reluctance of Jonah to do what he's told but the reluctance of God to leave his servant in dejection and misery." —Alistair Begg

“There is love that’s not acceptable to God. Same-sex love does not bring glory to God and does not come from God.” — Voddie Baucham

"Without God to be our portion, where will the strength come from to accomplish so difficult a duty as the keeping of God’s words?" - Charles Spurgeon

"Without God to be our portion, where will the strength come from to accomplish so difficult a duty as the keeping of God’s words?" - Charles Spurgeon

The more bitter and irksome sin, the more sweet and welcome Jesus Christ will be to the soul. —George Swinnock

Husbands that love their wives will communicate their purposes and intentions to them. Where there is mutual affection there will be mutual confidence. And the prudence of the wife should engage the heart of her husband to trust in her. Matthew Henry

"It is better to have our good God than all the goods in the world: it is better to have God for our all than to have all and be without him." - Charles Spurgeon

The greatest joy in this life is to know that our greatest joy is not in this life. Burk Parsons

The chief means for attaining wisdom, and suitable gifts for the ministry, are the Holy Scriptures, and prayer. -John Newton -

"God's mercy is so great that you may sooner drain the sea of its water, or deprive the sun of its light, or make space too narrow than diminish the great mercy of God."— Charles Spurgeon

In the word of God, the Lord has promised truth which brings spiritual liberation. "The truth shall make you free" (John 8:32). We have considered such truths that set people free from bondage to sin, from bondage to the fear of death, and from bondage to the influence of the evil one. Now, we will look at another category of liberating truth: truth to deliver us from the law.

One of the frequent ponderings of Christians today is, “Why don’t we see things like the early church saw?” Yet, many of those who consider that thought also believe that God is moving today and that He still heals and does miraculous things. So the question is really, why are we not seeing these things in our circle? The answer to the question is actually quite simple. First, the Lord does not change and He is still all-powerful and able to heal the sick and raise the dead and all the other things we read of in the gospels and Acts. Secondly, we would see more of what the early church saw if we did more of what the early church did.

"God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, 'I love you.'"— Billy Graham

As followers of Jesus Christ, it is so important that we abide by His word. We are called to live in the word of the Lord so that we might know His truth. As we embrace God's truth, we are impacted by its liberating power. "The truth shall make you free." One fundamental area where people need spiritual liberation is bondage from the enemy.

Many people ask me about the physical training involved in a mission trip of this nature. Few wonder about the spiritual preparedness to share the Gospel effectively.

"Joy is the serious business of Heaven."— C.S. Lewis

As we have seen, the Holy Spirit is promised as our guide into all the truths of God's word. "When He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all the truth" (John 16:13). A related promise assures us that this truth will have a liberating impact upon our lives. "The truth shall make you free." This promise of spiritual liberation through the truths of God's word is such a vital one for man because various forms of spiritual bondage threaten us all.

Meditate upon His Word every day, without measuring it out or holding it back, and you will enjoy the blessings of spiritual satisfaction.

We are living in a wicked, vicious time. It appears that people have an unhealthy appetite for gossip.

I want to be like Jesus and be slow to anger, especially with my friends and those I love the most.

Let’s pray for our relationships today that in every way they would glorify God and encourage everyone involved. Let’s rely on the Holy Spirit to remain in control of our mouths and hot tempers. Let’s be fully honest and ask for God’s grace in how we relate with those we love!

God responds to your neurological, emotional, relational, and spiritual reality of terror with tenderness, compassion, and provision.

Have you ever wondered what God thinks about your overwhelm, your trauma, your emotional distress, or any other kind of distress? God’s Word tells us that God doesn’t roll His eyes or get angry when we cry and complain. He doesn’t get irritated or thinks we’re big babies when we’re in over our heads. He responds with compassion and care, love and action. Let that comfort you today!

Let the love of God be the compelling force in your life, so that God's Word becomes a delight to your heart and your submission to His will becomes joyful. Let yourself experience the abundant life!

As you grow in God's Word, you will delight in obeying Him. A measuring stick of maturity is when I enjoy doing the will of God and take pleasure in the fruit of obedience.

We may have our defenses up against the big sins, as it were. Yet the so-called little sins we toy with could be eating through the fibers of our lives and eventually will bring them crashing to the ground.

If God has been doing some pruning in your life lately, know that it isn’t to tear you down or make your life miserable. He wants your life to produce even greater spiritual fruit in the days ahead.


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