Not only does God never lose a battle, God never wastes a battle!

"God brings revival not for the enjoyment of His people, but for the glory of His name, and He will not share that glory with men." -Brian Edwards.
The most wicked book you will ever read is your own heart.
Charles Spurgeon
Oh, that I could fill up every moment of time, during my abode here below, in the service of my God and King. David Brainerd "May God grant to us grace to be Daniels, even if the lions' den should threaten us." - Charles Spurgeon It is folly to think the Lord provides grace for every trouble but the one you are in today. Charles Spurgeon Believers may vary in the amount of fruit they produce, but there is no such thing as a fruitless believer. R.C Sproul We live in an age when there is a false glare on the things of time and a great mist over the things of eternity. - JC Ryle Scripture does what psychoanalysis can't do-it pierces the heart, penetrates deep into the soul, and judges the motives. To see yourself in the light of Scripture is to see yourself as you really are. — John MacArthur I have reason to praise him for my trials, for, most probably, I should have been ruined without them. John Newton Because we do not see which way relief should come, we conclude none is to be expected. But all these reasonings of unbelief are defeated by a serious reflection upon our own experiences. God has helped, therefore He can. He has as much power and ability as formerly. John Flavel Holiness is excellent in whatsoever subject it is found. Jonathan Edwards
It costs something to be a true Christian. Let that never be forgotten. To be a mere nominal Christian, and go to church, is cheap and easy work. But to hear Christ’s voice, follow Christ, believe in Christ, and confess to Christ, requires much self-denial. - JC Ryle It always breaks my heart to see how so many Christians can be deceived so easily. False teaching abounds, and sadly some of the first people to gobble it up are professing Christians. "Preachers are not salesmen, for they have nothing to sell. They are bearers of Good News." -Billy Graham "If you think heaven worth nothing, and Christ worth nothing, if you consider worldly gain to be everything, and comfort everything, and honor everything if you could not die a martyr's death for Christ, your love to him is not worth much..." - Charles Spurgeon Sometimes when we get overwhelmed we forget how big God is. Take your stand on God's Word, then you cannot fail! His Word has been tried for six thousand years, and it has not failed. D.L. Moody “Are you doing it for God, or for you in God’s name?” —Paul Washer “Do not waste time bothering whether you ‘love’ your neighbor; act as if you do, and you will presently come to love him.” - C.S. Lewis To be lip-holy and heart-hollow is a brief character [description] of a hypocrite. —Edmund Calamy, Saints’ Memorials, 29 Ask the dying sinner by his bedside whether it proved a comfortable thought that he cared more for the world than his own soul. - JC Ryle
"God grant us grace to live more for the future than we have been accustomed to do." - Charles Spurgeon There isn't anything that will cause the heart to burn with joy and gladness like the Word of the Living God. D.L. Moody
He has the power to forgive sins, but he will not put forth his power toward an impenitent sinner.
Thomas Watson
"Many have heard, but they have not believed; the sound of the gospel has entered into their ears, but its inner sense and sacred power have not been felt in their hearts."
Charles Spurgeon
Do nothing you would not like God to see. Say nothing you would not like God to hear. - JC Ryle The time has come to turn to God and reassert our trust in Him for the healing of America - our country is in need and ready for spiritual renewal. ~Ronald Reagan~
When Holy God draws near in true revival, people come under terrible conviction of sin. The outstanding feature of spiritual awakening has been the profound consciousness of the Presence and holiness of God.
~Henry Blackaby~
Don't allow the devil to prevent you from growing in the Lord. We all have setbacks but don't be discouraged. Don't give up. Keep moving forward. Through the blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit, we are conquerors.
“When you are in the dark, listen, and God will give you a very precious message for someone else when you get into the light.” —Oswald Chambers What we think about is what our life becomes about. Are we on a mission of punishment and persecution like Saul, or on a mission of mercy and salvation like Jesus? “If you’re not balanced on the inside, you’re not going to be balanced on the outside.”
Christ died to demolish the walls that separate us from one another. Shouldn’t this keep us from building new walls of separation today?
No amount of spiritual posturing, religious rituals, or even ministry work—nothing can replace the raw humanity of a believer pouring his or her heart out to God.
Allowing ourselves, to be honest, and real, letting God take all that pain and sorrow—all the messiness of life— and transform them into His blessing, His healing, His life lessons, and His plan of redemption for our lives. Ray Bently
A life rooted in the Spirit will be given the proper nutrition and will bear love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness. However, a life rooted in self is like being planted by a garbage dump. It produces bitterness, anger, envy, strife, immorality, and impurity.
Knowing God's character protects us from analyzing and challenging specific actions He takes.
This is liberty: to know that God alone matters.
~Donald Haukey~
Be careful from whose eyes you see the world through.
With God, it's never about luck but His sovereign will. Even if you're in prison rejoice. If you are as JOB was rejoice. That is the mindset we need to have.
God does not deem you to be lucky or unlucky... your mindset does.
Character is higher than intellect. ...A great soul will be strong to live, as well as strong to think.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Think about the people in your life that you admire. My bet is that one of their key characteristics is that you can count on them. They keep their promises. You can believe what they say. Have you ever thought about how crucial integrity like that is to good relationships? And how God is like that?
Mike Huckabee
When considering promises, the ability of the one making the promises is a vital concern. If we examine God's ability and His promises with an open heart, growth in faith will always be the result. In our present verses, God's promise-keeping ability is assured by His role in creation and by His rule over mankind.
When prayers are strongest, mercies are nearest.
~Edward Reynolds~
If we are ruled by sin we shall inevitably be ruined by it.
~Matthew Henry~
happiness is a byproduct of a state of being called “joy,” the fruit of the Holy Spirit. The “poor in spirit” recognize that self-made happy potions can’t help them, that they are empty and depleted apart from God. Jesus has no good news for “rich in spirit,” only for those so impoverished they know they need Him.
There are times when we must come to the realization that we're not in control and that Jesus Christ is in perfect control of every circumstance. He is not only our perfect Teacher in all things, but He is, indeed, our Master!
A loving parent would be sorely grieved if his child could not trust him; and how ungenerous, how unkind is our conduct when we put so little confidence in our heavenly Father who has never failed us, and who never will.
Charles Spurgeon
We are vulnerable when we do not get enough rest, but we are even more open to attacks when we have not spent time with the Lord, refreshed in the Word and in prayer. When we are not spiritually strong, the old man, the flesh, rises up and can overcome us.
Raul Ries
Sin is a matter of what we are, not what we learn.
~Brian Edwards~
The flesh is always there. You have to know your strengths and your weaknesses. You need to know when it is time to pray and read, when it is time to rest in the Lord and when it is time to meditate and listen to Him fully.