We are to be channels of expressing God’s love to each other — not by self-effort but simply by opening our hearts to the Holy Spirit so He can fill them with His love.
The Christian life is to be Christ-centered, not self-centered.
God desires that we would align ourselves with His perfect will––to bring honor and glory to His name. We always need to have a vision and passion for what God has called us to do.
We cannot do any God-given task if we are not submitted and committed to Jesus Christ in our relationship with Him. Obey the call and fulfill your ministry.
...whatever you do, find the God-centered, Christ-exalting, Bible-saturated passion of your life, and find your way to say it and live it and die for it. And you will make a difference that lasts. You will not waste your life. ~John Piper~
On JUNE 18, 1528 arrest warrant was issued for WILLIAM TYNDALE for translating the New Testament into English. The Archbishop of Canterbury and the bishop of London opposed him fiercely and the English cardinal ordered his arrest. It took 8 years to catch up with him and after 18 months in prison, he was strangled and burned as a heretic. Among the accusations: He had maintained that faith alone justifies and that to believe in the forgiveness of sins and to embrace the mercy offered in the gospel (of Christ) was enough for salvation.
Soren Kierkegaard, decrying the spiritual sloth of his era, wrote, "Let others complain that the age is wicked; my complaint is that it is wretched for it lacks passion...their lusts are dull and sluggish, their passions sleepy." If you are lukewarm this may apply to you.
Paul had a purpose, a kingdom purpose -- a kingdom reward and crown -- that was his motivation for everything he did.
Grace is the first and last moving cause of salvation; and faith, essential as it is, is only an important part of the machinery that grace employs. We are saved “through faith,” but salvation is “by grace.” ~Charles H. Spurgeon~
The greatest enemy of human souls is the self-righteous spirit which makes men look to themselves for salvation. ~Charles Spurgeon~
10 Things You Should Never Say to Your Wife: 1. “You should have asked for help.” A woman wants a husband who will care for her and watch over her. She wants a protector and to feel taken care of. Because of this, it’s nice when our husband notices we might need help with something and jumps in for support. That said ladies the word says ASK ASK ASK. 2. “We just don’t agree so let’s not talk about it.” Sometimes the logic is, if I know we won’t agree on the topic or see eye to eye, let’s not talk about it. But not talking about it doesn’t make the difference go away. If anything, it creates a gap that will only grow with time. 3. “Why are you doing it that way?” When a wife is working on something we care about or pour a lot of time into, we look to our husband for encouragement and validation. 4. “Looks the same to me.” Your wife gets a new haircut, works out to lose a few pounds, or tries out a new makeup look. She wants to know you notice and might ask “how do I look” or “can you tell I made a change?” If so, never say anything close to “you look the same to me.” 5. “What did you do all day?” This is a big no, no! Some women stay home to take care of the kiddos while the husband goes to work, or perhaps works from home. I beg you to please never come home and ask your wife what she’s been doing all day. Rather ask how was your day? 6. “What did you say?” Now I understand we don't hear everything that is said to us but If your wife is sharing something with you, please don’t tune her out as you look at your phone or daydream about the upcoming game (or whatever it is we men daydream about!).
7.- 8. “I’ll do it later.” Can you imagine if God said I'll do it later or you go to God in prayer and He said to come back after my nap? She asks for some help with the house, or for you to run to the grocery store. You respond with “I’ll do it later” but forget or do it a few days later. Here’s the deal: if you do say it, be the person who does it within a reasonable time that doesn’t leave your wife stressed. 9. “I don’t remember saying that” or “You’re remembering that wrong.” When remembering some details, both people are going to feel confident in their memory. Be careful how you handle this conversation or it could quickly turn into a discussion. 10. “It’s up to you.” Again when It comes to eating out I tend to do this be careful. You’re trying to come up with a plan or figure out where to eat and your wife asks for your opinion. You then respond, “it’s up to you.” This can be a frustrating remark to hear and make your wife feel alone or bossy. Engage in conversation with her to find a solution that works for both of you!
More than kisses, letters mingle souls.” ~John Donne
Take the time to write or call, texting is for emergencies. make a connection with people.
Jealousy can lead us to attempt to murder someone’s character. The sin of jealousy can destroy us––fully and completely. Jealousy is the raw material of murder.
I beg you, dear friends… pray for the fallen, look lovingly and pitifully upon the fallen, seek to guide the fallen back to Christ; and who knows how many of them you may be helped to restore?
~C. H. Spurgeon
Scripture tells us there is but one man to follow and that is Jesus (Col 1:15-20 clearly defines the "supremacy of Christ"). The Bible warns us repeatedly against deception: false teaching, signs, doctrines, and the like. We need to be constantly on guard against worshipping talent (athletes, film and music stars, etc.), rather than the source of that talent -- God.
Without the anointing of the Lord, we cannot do anything. We cannot get puffed up, because we are nothing without the Lord. With Him, we can do anything. Without Him, we are useless, prideful men and women. Be not proud of race, face, place, or grace. ~C. H. Spurgeon~
When you travel, May we truly love the Lord, worship Him, and give Him all of the glory that He deserves? Enjoy the sights, but worship the Lord!
God is working out His eternal purpose, not only in spite of human and satanic opposition but by means of them. ~A. W. Pink~
"The greatest source of happiness is the ability to be grateful at all times."- Zig Ziglar
It is better to be God’s dog than the devil’s darling. ~C. H. Spurgeon~