Sexual deviancy is just the icing on the cake of state education. State schools have been teaching humanism, the religion of man, for much longer than one hundred years.
A Christian child needs a Christian education, anything else is schooling in syncretism, for apostasy.
Let no one deceive you with empty words. Listen for the truth of words. Seek their substance. Pay attention to those who live to reflect the solidness of their words. Let the words you speak be full of meaning and love.
How current is your testimony? Are you a witness to a miracle that happened years ago, or one that happened yesterday?
You can keep your man of steel, I have a God of wonders...
Many people live under the illusion of perfection. They think they need to have cosmetic surgery because they aren't pretty. They need cars and powerful positions. They crave jewelry and wealth. Why? Because everyone wants to be accepted. We all want to be appreciated and understood. And we can become afraid that people will find out who we really are. But Jesus says forget it. Don't try to patch it up or cover it up.
Grace is far better than law. If the law was sufficient, then God would never have sent His Son to die for the establishment of a new covenant.
Since the law was lacking (regarding justification and sanctification), God's plan included the new covenant of grace.
When I see all the crazy things going on in our world today, I know there are so many Christians who have left their first love, Jesus Christ, for the things of this world. They no longer see sin as sin. They accept sin as a sign of the times, a cultural thing. If Jesus Christ is first in our lives, we are going to live our lives according to God’s Word and we will call sin, sin.
Marriage is sacred. God’s purpose is one wife for one husband. That is the bottom line. Stick it out!
Have you ever been puzzled when reading the Old Testament? Try applying "hermeneutics" and find Jesus. What is your favorite Old Testament story? Can you find an application, prophesy, etc relating to Jesus?
"We need to remind ourselves constantly that effective witnessing begins when we’re on our knees and not when we’re on our feet." —Alistair Begg
"We're not trying to introduce people to an ideology which we've come to embrace but to a person we've come to love." —Alistair Begg
"Ultimately, the evidence for the credibility of the Gospel in the eyes of our friends will be in the quality of our lives, not in the quantity of our words." —Alistair Begg
"Your life is an open book to God, and it's His grace alone that yields in you the realization that you are not in charge, but also that you do not need to be, for He is." —Alistair Begg
"The great impact of the church is not on a Sunday; it's Monday through Saturday, living where you are, radically different, radically involved." —Alistair Begg
The Bible instructs Christians to be in the world but not in the world. How do we do this? Learn how to practice the delicate balance of "holy worldliness" and find out why it's necessary when you study along with us on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg:
"We need wisdom if we are to live our lives in a way that is honoring to God." —Alistair Begg
"Do you regularly resolve to love and obey God but never turn a resolution into reality? If you do, what is the road to recovery? It can only be the road of return." —Alistair Begg
"A child is not the product of time plus matter plus chance. A child is the product of the faithful work of a creator God." —Alistair Begg
"One of the ways in which the Christian worldview impinges on an increasingly confused and dispirited culture is in the realm of child-rearing and child training and nurturing." —Alistair Begg
"By nature, we love our children dearly, but we need the Scriptures to learn how to love them wisely." —Alistair Begg
"Will your faith prove genuine through life's greatest challenges? It is not only possible to hold on by God's grace, but it is also profitable on account of God's grace." —Alistair Begg
"Our effectiveness in evangelism is diminished so long as we continue to regard it as a special activity in which we engage at certain times rather than a spontaneous and constant outflow of our Christian experience." —Alistair Begg
the action involves the whole of Him.” — J. Stephen Yuille
“We rest in Him as the dearest Father, wisest Guide, strongest Shield, greatest Good, closest Friend, richest Grace, highest Honor, kindest Comfort, finest Beauty, deepest Truth, and sweetest Love.” — J. Stephen Yuille “Is not love a glorious grace, that melts one into the likeness of Christ?” — Richard Sibbes “By one pure, simple, eternal act of His infinite understanding, He knows all things perfectly, immediately, and distinctly—at every moment.” — J. Stephen Yuille “There is a change which in the Scripture is called a turning (Matt.18:3). Whereas before, they turned their back upon God and good, now they turn their faces to look toward God and heaven and to a better condition; for this change is nothing else but conversion.” Richard Sibbes
“Insofar as the sight of God's love in Christ breeds conformity to Christ, it is gracious and comforting. No one ever sees the mercy of God in Christ by the eye of faith without being changed.” — Richard Sibbes
“All earthly glories fade when God makes Himself known to us. These stars vanish when the Sun of Righteousness appears.” — George Swinnock “It makes a Christian glorious when he brings every thought and affection, and every corruption that may be, to the subjection of the Spirit of glory, to the Spirit of Christ in him.” —
Richard Sibbes
“Only His being is excellent because there is no other being like His. He is excellent in all, above all, and beyond all.” — George Swinnock “Seeing ourselves in the love of God and Christ will naturally stir us up to be like so sweet, and gracious, and loving a Saviour.” — Richard Sibbes “If we were able to conceive of the idea of anything being less than nothing, then we would understand what all things are in comparison to God.” — George Swinnock “There is no proportion between this boundless God and our bound intellect, between this limitless God and our limited mind, between this infinite God and our finite understanding.” —
J. Stephen Yuille
“… when we come to know God, we desire Him. We know His beauty and bounty and love Him. We know His power and faithfulness and trust Him (Ps. 9:10).” — George Swinnock
“Some of God's greatest mercies are His refusals.” — Elizabeth Elliot “When we see ourselves and our corruptions in the glass of the law, we see ourselves dead. But when we look into the gospel and see the glory of God, the mercy of God, and the gracious promises of the gospel, we are changed into the likeness of Christ.” — Richard Sibbes
Forgiving someone doesn't mean we’ll feel instant joy or relief. But it does mean we're taking the right steps to walk toward healing. So instead of making feeling good my goal, I'm learning to make healing my goal. And forgiveness is always healing in the right direction.
In the midst of circumstances that leave us feeling shaken, we must allow the truth of who God is to steady us. Let’s praise God today for who He is … Our God who fulfills His purposes. Our God who saves. Our God whose steadfast love and faithfulness know no end. Leave traces of beauty wherever you go. Remember, it’s yours to give away through your words, your smile, your creativity, and your generous spirit.
In the middle of the pain you didn’t cause, the change you didn’t want, or the reality you didn’t know was coming... your life can still be beautiful. Let’s ask the Father to open our eyes to His goodness, His faithfulness, and His beauty, right where we are today. What better way is there to end our day than with our hearts and minds focused on Truth? Let me know which verse you are personally clinging to tonight! God is not shaken by what He sees in your tomorrow, and neither should you be. He is preparing you today with all that you’ll need to handle . . . both the ups and downs that await you. Learn His lessons well today, and you’ll be fully prepared for tomorrow. God’s promises for you are in process. Right now. Even in circumstances you can’t see any evidence of good yet. Remember, “not yet” doesn’t mean “not ever.” Keep holding on, friend. God isn’t done with your story.
When we get to heaven, I think we will be surprised by what actually mattered the most… Seemingly small moments. Little acts of kindness. Simple words of encouragement. Look for opportunities to remind people of God’s love in even the smallest of moments today. Jesus is weeping with us. He hurts when we hurt. And that’s the exact reason He made a way for us to enter His eternal Kingdom one day, where there will be no more sorrow and no more weeping.
Each day as we take in the truth of God’s Word, we take in Jesus. And the truth we take in is preparing us for every single thing He sees coming our way. He knows. He cares. And He wants us to be fully prepared.
"Depend on it: there is no verse in the Bible that is superfluous or a chapter that is useless." — Charles Spurgeon "What is given to the poor and to the Lord's cause is deposited in the Bank of Eternity." — Charles Spurgeon "Is it not glorious that the Lord of all is the Savior of sinners?" — Charles Spurgeon "You will never know the fullness of Christ until you know the emptiness of everything else." — Charles Spurgeon "He whose life's object is to accumulate money is not a Christian." — Charles Spurgeon
"We must love the Bible and live on it wherever we may be." — Charles Spurgeon "Entrust yourself to those pierced hands, which are now glorified with the signet rings of royal power." — Charles Spurgeon "As your prayers have been many, so also have been God's answers to them." —
Charles Spurgeon
"We shall pray best when all our attention is confined to God." — Charles Spurgeon
"The gospel is all about Christ from beginning to end." – Charles Spurgeon
"Nothing but the Lord’s love could have delivered us." — Charles Spurgeon
The knowledge of a proud man is the throne of Satan in his mind -John Owen - You can do anything after you have prayed but nothing until you have prayed. -John Bunyan -
Get your mind stored with Scripture, by diligently reading, and you will soon discover its value and power. -JCRyle Taking up my cross means a life voluntarily surrendered to God. -A.W. Pink - Christ on the Cross saves us when He becomes us, Christ, in the heart. -C.H. Spurgeon -
In our prayers, we talk to God, in our Bible study, God talks to us, and we had better let God do most of the talking. Dwight L. Moody Zeal for God and his gospel ought to mark every disciple of Jesus Christ. God has saved us out of darkness and made us ambassadors of his kingdom. This mission demands an ardent passion for God and his glory.
"There is more evil in a drop of sin—than in a sea of affliction!" "There are millions who would rather go sleeping to Hell—than sweating to Heaven!" — Thomas Watson
Sorrow, as sorrow, does not save, that were to make a Christ of our *tears*! The knowledge that we are never alone calms the troubled sea of our lives and speaks peace to our souls. -A.W. Tozer - God's Word is for all of us and each of us; He does not need to give particular messages to particular people. -Jonathan Edwards -
Christ chooses us, not because we were lovely, but in order that He might make us so.
John Flavel
God did not love us because we love Him, but He loved us before we had a particle of love for Him. -A.W. Pink - A trial is an instrument by which our Father in Heaven makes Christians more holy. -J.C. Ryle -
You live in times when this warning is sadly needful: Beware I say, of a religion without the cross of Christ. - JC Ryle
None can believe in Jesus Christ, or yield obedience unto him, or worship God in him, but by the Holy Ghost
" If I cannot behold the excellencies of God as to cause me to rejoice in Him for what He is in Himself, I have no solid foundation for joy." David Brainerd
There is no broader way to apostasy than to reject #God's sovereignty in all things. -John Owen - He that is down needs fear no fall. -John Bunyan -
“The Law and the Gospel are two keys. The Law is the key that shutteth up all men under condemnation, and the Gospel is the key which opens the door and lets them out.” — William Tyndale The Scriptures were not given to increase our knowledge, but to change our lives.
Dwight L. Moody “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. And we are all in his hands.”
"My confidence in the future rests in my confidence in the God who controls history." -R.C.Sproul. Christ has appeared in our stead and has answered God's justice so that there is nothing left for us to do if we will but be reconciled to God. He is ready through Christ to be reconciled to us.
The first step toward a daily following of Christ is the denying of self. -A.W. Pink -
Exposition alone is not preaching. A minister who only presents the grammatical and historical meaning of God’s Word may be lecturing or discoursing, but he isn’t preaching. —Joel Beeke
A man may easier see without eyes, speak without a tongue, than truly mortify one sin without the Spirit. -John Owen - If my life is fruitless, it doesn't matter who praises me, and if my life is fruitful, it doesn't matter who criticizes me. -John Bunyan -
Your justification does not rest on your feelings. R. C. Sproul If you find yourself cold in prayer, then start by first thanking God that you're not already in hell. -A.W. Pink - A humble and prayerful person will find a thousand things in the #Bible, which the proud student will utterly fail to discern. -J.C. Ryle -
[The Lord] has given us a table at which to feast, not an altar on which a victim is to be offered; He has not consecrated priests to make a sacrifice, but servants to distribute the sacred feast. —John Calvin
He who prays as he ought will endeavor to live as he prays. -John Owen - To be saved is to be preserved in the faith to the end. -John Bunyan -
Small num
bers make no difference to God. There is nothing small if God is in it. Dwight L. Moody The Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible. Dwight L. Moody There will be no peace in any soul until it is willing to obey the voice of God. Dwight L. Moody I have never met a man who has given me as much trouble as myself. Dwight L. Moody
He who kneels the most stands the best. Dwight L. Moody
Take courage. We walk in the wilderness today and in the Promised Land tomorrow.
Dwight L. Moody
Whatever you love more than God is your idol. Dwight L. Moody
Be humble, or you'll stumble. Dwight L. Moody The measure of a man is not how many servants he has but how many men he serves.
Dwight L. Moody Spread out your petition before God, and then say, "Thy will, not mine, be done." The sweetest lesson I have learned in God's school is to let the Lord choose for me. Dwight L. Moody Real true faith is man's weakness leaning on God's strength. Dwight L. Moody Some people think God does not like to be troubled by our constant coming and asking. The way to trouble God is not to come at all. Dwight L. Moody
I would rather a thousand times be five minutes at the feet of Christ than listen for a lifetime to all the wise men in the world. Dwight L. Moody Use me then, my Saviour for whatever purpose and whatever way thou mayest require. Here is my poor heart, and empty vessel; fill it with Thy Grace. Dwight L. Moody When a man is not deeply convicted of sin, it is a pretty sure sign that he has not truly repented. Experience has taught me that men who have very slight convictions of sin sooner or later lapse back into their old life. Dwight L. Moody I cannot convert men; I can only proclaim the Gospel. Dwight L. Moody God has two thrones, one in the highest heavens, the other in the lowliest heart. Dwight L. Moody Character is what a man is in the dark. Dwight L. Moody We ought to see the face of God every morning before we see the face of man. Dwight L. Moody I never saw a fruit-bearing Christian who was not a student of the Bible. Dwight L. Moody A man ought to live so that everybody knows he is a Christian... and most of all, his family ought to know. Dwight L. Moody
If you have so much business to attend to that you have no time to pray, depend upon it that you have more business on hand than God ever intended you should have. Dwight L. Moody The Valley of the Shadow of Death holds no darkness for the child of God. There must be light, else there could be no shadow. Jesus is the light. He has overcome death. Dwight L. Moody There is no true prayer without confession. As long as we have unconfessed sin in our souls, we are not going to have power with God in prayer. He says if we regard iniquity in our hearts, He will not hear us, much less answer. Dwight L. Moody
"Illustrations should be interesting but should never steal the show." - Jim Wilson
When the promises of grace are set before us, every one of the pious ought to embrace them equally as though they were designed for himself particularly. —
John Calvin, Commentaries, XXI:209
"Persons are very ready to be suspicious of what they have not felt themselves." -
Jonathan Edwards.
The creature's despair lies in saying that his sin is infinite but that God is not. —
William Gurnall, Christian in Complete Armour, 3:137
"Look to the cross, think of the cross, meditate on the cross, and then go and set your affections on the world if you can." -J.C.Ryle.
"If you feel quite weak and ordinary – if you feel like a mess but have the Spirit – you have the right credentials. You are one of the ordinary people God uses to help others." - Ed Welch
As we, who have so frequently and so grievously offended [God], have nevertheless been received into favor, should manifest the same kindness towards our neighbors, by forgiving whatever offenses they have committed against us. —John Calvin, Commentaries, XXI:213
Repentance is a characteristic of the whole life, not the action of a single moment. —
Sinclair Ferguson
Some say they believe in God’s infinite mercy. But if they are still carriers of a hell flaming in their despairing hearts, they have not seen God in the greatness of His mercy. —
William Gurnall, Christian in Complete Armour, 3:137
"As it is the business of tailors to make clothes & of cobblers to mend shoes, so it is the business of Christians to pray." -Martin Luther. Just as the mercy seat fully covered God’s holy law inside the ark, Christ’s propitiation covers all the laws which otherwise would accuse the believer. —
William Gurnall, The Christian in Complete Armour, 3:140 The chief of Satan’s strengths is the greatness and the multitude of a person’s sins, which he can use to bring a soul into such despair that he sees no way of escaping from God’s verdict against him. —William Gurnall, Christian in Complete Armour, 3:136
“Let us, then, not think that we are anything the better for our conviction of the truths of the great doctrines of the gospel ... unless we find the power of the truths abiding in our own hearts." John Owen, 12:52
As long as we do not lose sight of God’s merciful heart, our heads will be kept above water, even though we cannot see any evidence of our own grace. —
William Gurnall, The Christian in Complete Armour, 3:45
“To say the Father and the Son are one substance means that whatever is true of the Father is true of the Son, except the Father is not the Son, nor the Son the Father.” - Athanasius
"The church's teaching must be expository; disciples must go over and over Jesus' words in order to cure an inveterate and all-too-human successism." - Frederick Dale Bruner
The consideration that we are forgiven by Christ 𝘴𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘴 is a good reason why we should forgive others. —Puritan Matthew Henry, Commentary on the Whole Bible, 6:615
"Christ Himself deliberately staked His whole claim to the credit of men upon His resurrection. When asked for a sign, He pointed to this sign as His single and sufficient credential." -B.B.Warfield.
"If you feel quite weak and ordinary – if you feel like a mess but have the Spirit – you have the right credentials. You are one of the ordinary people God uses to help others." - Ed Welch
"We must never think that God's approval & acceptance of us is earned by our progress. God is obviously pleased when we seek to please Him, but His acceptance of us is based entirely on the work of Christ alone in His sinless life and sin-bearing death." -Jerry Bridges.
The spirit of a depressed Christian cannot be raised to a solid consolation, but by being able so to distinguish between the law and the gospel as to rely only upon, and with a settled confidence, on the spotless righteousness of the Second Adam. —John Colquhoun, Treatise on LG, 143
"All my life I have struggled with discouragement. But I stand on the promises of God. I have determined to never let the sun go down on my discouragement." -George Verwer.
No doctrine deserves to be called gospel but that which makes the adorable Redeemer “all in all”, the “Alpha and Omega” in the redemption of a sinner. —
John Colquhoun, A Treatise on the Law and the Gospel, Pg. 103
"The sermon is the text repeated more fully." - G. Campbell Morgan