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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

We want to do things our way. Forget the easy way and forget the best way. Forget God’s way. Too much stubbornness. Too much independence. Too much self-reliance. All I needed to do was apologize, but I had to argue. All I needed to do was listen, but I had to open my big mouth. All I needed to do was be patient, but I had to take control. All I had to do was give it to God, but I tried to fix it myself.

Scripture says, “Do it God’s way.” Experience says, “Do it God’s way.” And every so often, we do!

Are you a “springer” or a “feeler”? Springers pop out of bed each morning ready to dance into the day. Feelers take it slow. Their eyes open and they lie there awhile, then stretch one leg down to the floor, followed slowly by the other. I know, because I’m a feeler. Springers also go to sleep when their head hits the pillow. But we feelers ease in and ease out. When I ease into the day after waking, I am setting my mind, a necessity for both types. If you’re a springer, it’s important to discipline yourself to wait and set your mind on the Spirit, and if you’re a feeler, you must discipline yourself out of bed once the mind IS set. Dr. Ed Young

Being a Christian doesn't mean you won't have doubts. John the Baptist went straight to the Lord with his doubts... and so must we!

Only God can change our hearts, Let us not wait for an environment or circumstance to build faith in us. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

The more you know of Christ, the less you will be satisfied with this fleeting world. The grace of God enables children of God to obey God. And enjoy obeying God! “The human heart is the storehouse where all the weapons of unrighteousness lie.” —

Thomas Watson

No soul has ever lacked God's supply when he depended upon God's invitation to trust in Him absolutely. -John Owen - If you own a mouse, you will never turn off your computer again. Prayer will make a man cease from sin, or sin will entice a man to cease from prayer. -

John Bunyan -

"To speak of oneself in abasing terms is easy; and such language is often a thin veil, through which the motions of pride may be easily discerned; but though the language of humility may be counterfeited, its real fruits and actings are inimitable." -John Newton

"The Lamb that died & was buried is now risen & exalted & sits at the right hand of God the Father; & when He shall come to judge all the world, then, my brethren, then it will be known who are the true followers of the Lord Jesus, & who are madmen & fools." ~George Whitefield

“When God ordains anything to come to pass, His purpose in doing so is all together and absolutely good.” — RC Sproul

The God of Scripture is no make-believe monarch, no imaginary sovereign, but King of kings, and Lord of lords. -A.W. Pink - The surest mark of true conversion is humility. -J.C. Ryle -

"What were we made for? To know God. What aim should we have in life? To know God." -

James Packer. The church is always to be under the Word; she must be; we must keep her there. —

Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Sin is three-dimensional and has consequences in three directions: toward God, toward self, and toward society. -A.W. Tozer - God is glorified not only by His glory being seen but by its being rejoiced in. -Jonathan Edwards -

There is no such thing as a pro-choice pastor. The proper title is wolf in sheep’s clothing.


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