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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

There is no peace, rest, or quietness, in a distance, separation, or alienation from God. He is the rest of our souls. In the light of his countenance is life and peace. - John Owen

"Prayer makes the common pebbles of God's temporal bounties more precious than diamonds[…]" - Charles Spurgeon

"John Bunyan says, "The truths that I know best I have learned on my knees;" and says again, "I never know a thing well till it is burned into my heart by prayer." - Charles Spurgeon

God is a perfectly happy Being, in the most absolute and highest sense possible; in strict propriety of speech, there is no such thing as any pain, grief, or trouble in God. —

Jonathan Edwards, Gerstner’s Theology of Edwards, 2:59

Be humble, talk little, think and pray much. ⏤ George Whitefield

"I have thought that when I have risen from my knees I understood it far better than before[…]" - Charles Spurgeon

God hath a presence of glory in heaven whereby he comforts the saints; a presence of wrath in hell, whereby he torments the damned. —Stephen Charnock, Existence and Attributes, 1:196

Believers in Jesus Christ are "ministers [servants] of the new covenant" (2 Corinthians 3:6). We serve God by His grace, experiencing it and passing it on to others. "For all things are for your sakes, that grace, having spread through the many, may cause thanksgiving to abound to the glory of God" (2 Corinthians 4:15).

"Love is not just an emotion. It's a choice we make every day." — Gary Chapman

None of us are above temptation’s pull. We might think that after we study the Bible for a specific amount of time or walk with God for a certain number of years, we will always be able to identify temptation. But that isn’t true.

We must be careful not to underestimate the pull of temptation in our lives.

The problem with temptation is that we often rationalize it. Maybe you’ve seen the bumper sticker that says, “Lead me not into temptation. I can find it myself.” The Bible warns us about the illusive glamour and trickery of sin.

The King of the universe is with us to help us. He doesn’t turn away during times of confusion, pain, or difficulty. If He feels far off or you’ve lost sight of Him, remind yourself today that He is always right by your side. Pour out your heart to Him today!

Jesus will steady our feet and clear our paths. His timing is perfect.

Let me say that for comfort, there is no thought more full of sweetness than that of an eternal God engaged in Christ Jesus to His people; to love and bless, and save them all....

~C.H. Spurgeon~

No amount of spiritual posturing, religious rituals, or even ministry work can replace the raw humanity of a believer pouring his or her heart out to God. By allowing ourselves, to be honest, and real, we can let God take all the pain, sorrow, and messiness of life, and transform them into blessings, healing, life lessons, and His plan of redemption for our lives. Ray Bently

The highest elevation of a reasonable soul is to enjoy God forever. Thomas Watson

Afflictions come not by casualty, but by counsel. By this counsel of God, they are ordained as means of much spiritual good to saints. John Flavel

The believer delights in giving the praise of all that he has, all that he is, and all that he enjoys, to God. Jonathan Edwards

To be much for God, we must be much with God. — Leonard Ravenhill


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