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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

Abiding with Christ against the charges of sin is our daily work. It is sometimes more high and pressing, but it is our daily work. —Puritan John Owen, Works 9:3630

For those who confess themselves to be sinners, & therefore deserving of nothing but misery & wrath, to be proud of those peculiar blessings which are derived from the gospel of his grace, is a wickedness which even fallen angels are not capable of. —John Newton, spiritual pride To speak properly, there are not in God many attributes, but one only, which is nothing else but the Divine Essence itself, but what attribute soever you call it. —

Lewis Bayly (1575-1631), The Practice of Piety, Pg. 23 How can people believe this gospel and not be concerned about those who do not? How can they sit down feeling their own pulse, worrying about their own temptations and sins and problems, and have no concern about the lost? —

Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Exposition of Romans 10, Pg. 26

The Bible says that, by nature, we are all ruled by dark and sinister forces and are dead in our trespasses. Outside of Christ, we may as well be living among the tombs. Outside of Christ, we are the living dead." —Alistair Begg

"It is so important that we become increasingly a congregation of the Bible; that we understand the Bible, not on a superficial level but on a level whereby we give ourselves to the truth of God's Word; that we heed it as we read it." —Alistair Begg

"The Gospel is true whether we believe it or not." —Alistair Begg

In many cultures, it's becoming increasingly popular to define truth according to what you think or believe at the moment. But find out what the Bible says is true—whether we believe it or not. That's the focus of Truth For Life with Alistair Begg:

"It's not that if we would lead God's people, we need to be spiritual, and if we would serve, then we can be whatever we choose, but that we are all to be those who are being conformed to the image of the Lord Jesus Christ." —Alistair Begg

"The self-righteous among us need to hear that even our best days are filled with more flaws than we know. The self-deprecating among us need to hear that even our worst days are never beyond the reach of God's grace." —Alistair Begg

“Faith is not some blind belief or irrational commitment to something not true. Rather, faith is believing in the reality of things that we are promised.” — Deepak Reju

“Sin seeks good apart from God.”

Clinging to God's promises. Not irrationally believing, but holding on to the certainty of God's promises because we know the character of him who made these promises.” — Deepak Reju

“The many promises of Scripture are true, and faith knows that the things hoped for are real and solid.” — Deepak Reju “Devotion to God finds its outward expression in loving one another.” —

Jerry Bridges, The Fruitful Life, 47. “He who is never satisfied unless he is engaged in some strife between church and church, chapel and chapel, sect and sect, faction and faction, party and the party knows nothing yet as he ought to know.” — J. C. Ryle, Fighting For Holiness, 29-30. "What or whom we worship determines or regulates our behavior." –– John Murray

"The gospel is all about Christ from beginning to end." – Charles Spurgeon

"On his knees, the believer is invincible." — Charles Spurgeon "Satan delights in anything which can divide saints from one another." — Charles Spurgeon

"He who never seeks for mercy has certainly never found it." — Charles Spurgeon


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