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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

"Deacons are to be Gospel men. They're to be men who understand the Bible, who are committed to the deep things of the faith, and who are able to hold true to that and to do so with a clear conscience." —Alistair Begg

"When we think in terms of service, we realize that the distinction between elders and deacons becomes immediately a distinction of function and not a distinction of value." —Alistair Begg

One cannot complain that the “gate is narrow” who stands amazed that the gate is 𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘯. How can people believe this gospel and not be concerned about those who do not? How can they sit down feeling their own pulse, worrying about their own temptations and sins and problems, and have no concern about the loss? —

Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Exposition of Romans 10, Pg. 26

"God's love is not dependent on your performance, your obedience, your thought life... It's not dependent on you at all." –– Deepak Reju "Every time I deliberately disobey a command of God, it is because I am in that moment doubtful as to God's true intentions in giving me that command." –– Milton Vincent, A Gospel Primer, 17.

“But indeed it must be confessed, that in this dark state of our minds, there are many things of which even the most illuminated are ignorant.” —

Herman Witsius, A Treatise on the Christian Faith, Sect. VI

“Our standard of godliness is to be taken from the Word of God.”

John Calvin's Commentary on the Psalms

With whom is the Christian soldier meant to fight? Not with other Christians. Wretched indeed is that man's idea of religion who fancies that it consists of perpetual controversy! —

J. C. Ryle, Fighting For Holiness, 29-30.

“… everyone has a personal relationship with God already: either as a condemned criminal standing before a righteous judge or a justified coheir with Christ and adopted child of the Father.” — Michael Horton

Take the world, but give me Jesus; In His cross, my trust shall be, Till, with clearer, brighter vision Face to face my Lord I see. Fanny Crosby

Instead of "hoping for" certain circumstances, I'm "hoping for" the redemption of Jesus for my life. He will lead me. I don't have to figure it all out. If I walk out today in ways that honor God, He will lead me to beautiful tomorrow.

"We do not make Jesus Lord, God already has. We simply submit to His lordship over our lives." -Steven Lawson. "We do not make Jesus Lord, God already has. We simply submit to His lordship over our lives." -Steven Lawson. "I speak in plain language, you know my way of preaching: I do not want to play the orator, I do not want to be counted a scholar; I want to speak so as I may reach poor people's hearts." ~ George Whitefield "Winners of souls are first weepers for souls." — Charles Spurgeon

Oh what a happy soul am I although I cannot see, I am resolved that in this world contented I shall be. How many blessings do I enjoy that other people don’t? To weep and sigh, because I’m blind? I cannot and I won’t. Fanny Crosby

Let nothing be said about anyone unless it passes through the three sieves: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? Amy Carmichael

“The greatest menace to the Christian Church today comes not from the enemies outside, but from the enemies within; it comes from the presence within the Church of a type of faith and practice that is anti-Christian to the core.” -J. Gresham Machen

"A Christless sermon is a worthless sermon." — Charles Spurgeon


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