"The only safe place for sheep is by the side of the shepherd because the devil does not fear sheep; he just fears the shepherd." AW Tozer
We need never shout across the spaces 2 an absent God. He is nearer than our own soul, closer than our most secret thoughts -A.W.Tozer - Every #Christian that goes before us from this world is a ransomed spirit waiting to welcome us in #heaven. -Jonathan Edwards -
All the sciences in the world never smoothed down a dying pillow. No earthly philosophy ever supplied hope in death. -J. C. Ryle - I'll trust in God's unchanging Word Till soul and body sever, 4 though all things shall pass away His Word Shall Stand Forever -Luther
“You cannot be in snared and a homosexual lifestyle and be a Christian. You cannot be involved in the transgender movement and be a Christian. You cannot be pro-abortion in buying into that agenda. God have mercy on your soul.” — Steve Lawson
“We all have a tendency to soft-pedal the biblical portrait of God.” —@RCSproul By affliction, He teaches us many precious lessons, which without it we should never learn. By affliction, He shows us our emptiness and weakness, draws us to the throne of grace, purifies our affections, weans us from the world, and makes us long for heaven. -@JCRyle However strong we may be, we should always be aiming to make further progress. - John Calvin It is not the absence of sin but the grieving over it which distinguishes the child of God from empty professors. -A.W. Pink - “Live in Christ, die in Christ, and the flesh need not fear death.” — John Knox
Love is not the cause of forgiveness. Forgiveness causes #love. The more we are forgiven, the more we love. -William Tyndale - Our God is a consuming fire. He consumes pride, lust, materialism, and other sin. -
Leonard Ravenhill -
He does not merely take away the guilt of a believer's sin, he does more-he breaks its power -J.C. Ryle - Christianity is not being weighed in the balances and found wanting, it's being tried, found difficult, and rejected. -Leonard Ravenhill -
“It is impossible that a heart that is not meek, and sweetened, and brought low, should apprehend a loving and humble Saviour. There must be a suitability between the heart and Christ.” — Richard Sibbes
“The business of Christianity is not to improve the world. No! It is to take men out of the world, to save them from it, and to form this new realm, this new kingdom, and this new humanity.” — Martyn Lloyd-Jones “Let us not attempt to explain things which are above our feeble reason. Let us be content to believe with reverence, and not speculate about matters which we cannot understand. Enough for us to know, that with Him who made the world nothing is impossible.” — J. C. Ryle “The indicatives (who you are in Christ) undergird [the] imperative[s].” — Deepak Reju
"God is giving you grace, give him thanks." — Charles Spurgeon "Your sins are mighty to destroy, but Jesus is more mighty to save." — Charles Spurgeon
"How can we remember Christ's death without sorrowing over the sin which made it necessary?" — Charles Spurgeon