The precious blood of Christ has a REDEEMING POWER ... Christ has paid the ransom price, and the law is no longer our tyrant master. ~C. H Spurgeon~
As ministers of reconciliation, our shared goal must be to use these gifts for the common good. After all, this is why God gave you these gifts and the permission to function where you do.
As we seek to live out the biblical vision of a forgiving community, you and I have the opportunity to shape, not only our churches but also our other communities. In our marriages and families, in our neighborhoods and friendships, in our workplaces and cities, we can choose to forgive as God has forgiven us in Christ, thus creating in the relationships of our lives what God intends for all of his people.
Life can sometimes be rough. On the contrary, it can also be less challenging if we allow ourselves to see with God’s eyes of faith. ~D.L. Moody~
The next time you have the urge to "Return to Egypt," Egypt is the world, ask Jesus to deliver you from yourself. Not from your heart, because when Jesus died He bought your heart, but from your head and poor choices. Sin and temptation no longer have the power to control us.
“When Christ said: ‘I was hungry and you fed me,’ He didn't mean only the hunger for bread and for food; He also meant the hunger to be loved. Jesus Himself experienced this loneliness. He came amongst His own and His own received Him not; it hurt Him then and has kept on hurting Him. The same hunger, the same loneliness, the same having no one to be accepted by and to be loved and wanted by. Every human being, in that case, resembles Christ in His loneliness, and that is the hardest part, that's real hunger.” —Mother Teresa
When faithfulness is most difficult it is most necessary. ~Anon~
Have you ever considered that the vast majority of issues causing division within the body of Christ are ones that are not explicitly spelled out in the Bible? Therefore they are in the domain of personal opinions and perspectives. Some are solid, yet we must be careful to always give our brothers and sisters in Christ enough room (freedom) to become persuaded in their own minds. Just be aware they may not come to agree with our personal convictions.
Make your money on the buy, not the sell; this is true in any investment whether it's real estate, business, or the stock market.
“Treat your body like a temple, not a woodshed. The mind and body work together. Your body needs to be a good support system for the mind and spirit. If you take good care of it, your body can take you wherever you want to go, with the power and strength and energy and vitality you will need to get there.” — Jim Rohn
“Laughter is the most healthful exertion.” - — Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland
“Good friends are good for your health.” —Irwin Sarason
“You can only do good if you feel good.” — Denis Waitley
“There are times when we may fool ourselves. There are times when we can fool others. But we can never fool our bodies. It is the most sensitive barometer of our inner world.” — Sherril Sellman
Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, and be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13
If we want to have victory against the enemy, we must keep our bodies strong, keep our minds strong and keep our spirits strong. Remember, the enemy looks for any weakness to defeat us. Do not leave yourself defenseless. Be brave and be strong in the Lord, our strong tower.
In the day of prosperity we have many refuges to resort to; in the day of adversity only One.
Our entire hope rests in the mercy of God, and if we forfeit His mercy because we are unwilling to show mercy ourselves, we spit in the face of Jesus. We make His sacrifice of no consequence to us and render His love powerless in our lives.
Your ministry will change lives only if you crucify your own agenda and invite Jesus to resurrect His plans for your work.
We're not only saved by grace, we're sustained by it.
"O let my trembling soul be still, And wait Thy wise, Thy holy will! I cannot, Lord, Thy purpose see, Yet all is well since ruled by Thee."
Charles Spurgeon
One cannot complain that the “gate is narrow” who stands amazed that the gate is 𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘯.